Abstract: A dynamic balancer includes a support frame with a frame plate that has a spindle opening through which a spindle assembly with a rotatable spindle shaft is received. A sensor plate is coupled to at least the support frame, and at least one force sensor is coupled between the sensor plate and the spindle assembly to detect force variations therebetween as the rotatable spindle shaft rotates. A related method for detecting a balance condition of a tire includes providing a plurality of force sensors maintained in a substantially horizontal plane with respect to the tire's rotation, chucking and inflating the tire, spinning the tire to a predetermined speed, generating force data from the plurality of force sensors, calculating an imbalance condition from the force data, and marking the tire at a location of imbalance if the imbalance condition exceeds a predetermined threshold.
November 8, 2016
Date of Patent:
August 6, 2019
Joseph A. Farelli, Byron R. Stanoszek, Troy L. Anenson, Daniel P. Furst
Abstract: The present invention is based on imparting of oscillatory motion to a rotor and to a coaxial balanced body relative to a fixed point selected at the common axis of the rotor. To eliminate an interference of imbalance datum planes on the parameters to be measured, at one stage of measurements the fixed point is used as the crossing point of the rotor axis with one of the imbalance datum planes, whereas at the next stage the rotor is along its axis by a fixed distance to a second position. The measured parameters are used to determine imbalance parameters in two imbalance datum planes.
October 5, 2005
Date of Patent:
December 28, 2010
Alexandr Nikolaevich Nikolaev, Boris Avraamovich Malev, Leonid Alekseevich Bryakin, Mikhail Aleksandrovich Scherbakov, Sergey Vyacheslavovich Kochkin