Marine Patents (Class 74/480B)
  • Patent number: 3945201
    Abstract: A marine jet drive unit includes a continuously running pump. A reversing gate is positioned partially or wholly within the forward jet to establish a corresponding reverse jet. For neutral drive, the gate is positioned such that the reverse jet just balances the forward jet. A remote shift control unit includes a detent means for locating and holding a rotatable shift lever in neutral. The detent means includes a pair of detent pins carried by a plate which is connected to a support wall by a slot and bolt lost motion connection. The pins are located to opposite sides of the lever and the connection permits angular adjustment about the pivot axis of the lever. The plate supports the detent pin in alignment with a circular outer periphery of the lever plate having oppositely located radial detent grooves. The lever is connected by a push-pull cable to the gate. The precise neutral position of the lever may vary for different drive units.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 27, 1975
    Date of Patent: March 23, 1976
    Assignee: Brunswick Corporation
    Inventor: David C. Entringer