Abstract: A sound reproduction system (10) is disclosed in which a sound barrier (14) defines a horn passageway having an upstream (22) and a downstream section (24). A driver (12) is mounted at the throat (16) of the upstream section (22) so that its rearward directed output communicates with the downstream section (24). Output from the upstream section and the rearward directed output of the driver are merged at a tap point located at the beginning of the downstream section. By altering the respective areas and lengths of the upstream and downstream sections a variety of different frequency dependent responses are obtained. In one example, low-frequency response systems of heretofore unobtainable compact size are realized.
Abstract: The invention provides an actuator for actuating a pallet of a pipe organ under the command of a key of an organ. The actuator comprises a movable member, adapted to be connected to the pallet of the organ pipe and a magnetic plunger, mounted on the movable member. It also comprises an electromagnet having a gap within which the magnetic plunger can be inserted and moved, wherein the electromagnet when energized moves the member to thereby actuate the pallet. A controller roller unit controls a current in the electromagnet to provide a controlled actuation of the pallet that is proportional to a key dip of the key. It also provide for a system based on a digital serial link for controlling an assembly of organ pallets that are actuated by electromagnets.
March 30, 2007
Date of Patent:
July 13, 2010
Novelorg Inc.
Mathieu Bouchard, Stéphan Boivin, André Chénier, Pierre Pelletier
Abstract: A hybrid wind musical instrument is a combination of an alto saxophone and an electronic system, and a player has an option between acoustic tones and electronic tones to be produced during performance; the electronic system includes sensors monitoring selected component parts of the key mechanism so as to determine the electronic tones intended to be produced by the player, and plural combinations of pieces of magnet and Hall-effect elements serve as the sensors: However, the component parts of key mechanism are arranged in a narrow space over the surface of tubular instrument body; driven parts are attached to the selected component parts so as to bridge gap between the selected component parts and the Hall-effect elements remote from the selected component parts.
Abstract: A pipe organ in which information relevant to actuation of keys and stops at a console of the organ is stored in random access memory, and the specifications for stops are held in pre-programmed read only memory, the requirements for each pipe being examined in turn by scanning means.
Abstract: A solid state electronic relay system for a pipe organ having at least one input register connected to one or more organ manuals, respectively, to receive parallel input signals therefrom, and respectively convert same into a time based serial digital signal wherein each note of the keyboard occupies a particular interval of time in the digital signal. The serialized signal of an input register propagates through a digital delay line at a predetermined clock frequency. Selected ones of the delayed digital signals provided thereby are tapped to derive octave and mutation pitch signals. Accessory circuits receive the serialized digital signals and using combinational and sequential digital techniques modify the digital signals to provide reiteration, pizzicato, sostenuto and the like effects. The tapped signals and modified signals are selectively combined with logical gates under the control of the organ "stops" to provide the unification and accessory functions.