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Gas Separation: Apparatus Patents
With Liquid Contacting Means (e.g., Gas Or Media Cleaning) (55/220) Patents
Gas Flow Contacts Liquid Bath (55/244) Patents
Separator Positioned Above Liquid Bath (55/248) Patents
Superposed Filter (55/250) Patents (Class 96/FOR140)
Superposed Filter (55/250) Patents (Class 96/FOR140)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
With flow guide preventing entire leading surface contact (55/251) (Class 96/FOR141)
Surrounding gas flow path (55/252) (Class 96/FOR142)
With separable liquid sump (55/253) (Class 96/FOR143)
With anticreep means (55/254) (Class 96/FOR144)
Submerged inlet for subsurface contact of liquid (55/255) (Class 96/FOR145)
There are no patents to show for this class.