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Horology Patents
Indicating By Visual Means (by Electric Lamps Subclass 576; Indicating By Acoustical Means Mechanically Subclass 217, Electrically Subclass 580; Acoustic Signals At Preselected Times Mechanically Subclass 229, Electrically Subclass 580; Optical Time Signals At Preselected Times Mechanically Subclass 244, Electrically Subclass 577; Continuous Time Indication By Electric Means Subclass 564; Visible Signalling Arrangements G08b 5/00) [g04b 19/00] Patents
Dials (for Time-pieces Without Clockwork Subclass 416; Moving Discs Subclass 162; Illuminated Dials Or Hands Subclass 213) [g04b 19/06] Patents
Geometrical Arrangement Of The Graduations [g04b 19/08] Patents (Class 968/149)
Geometrical Arrangement Of The Graduations [g04b 19/08] Patents (Class 968/149)
Cross-Reference Art Collections
Varying from the normal closed scale [g04b 19/08b] (Class 968/150)
Varying from the normal 12 hour arrangement [g04b 19/08d] (Class 968/151)
With several separate scales (for indicating the same or different times of the clockwork; indicating devices making several simultaneous indications possible subclass 146) [g04b 19/08f] (Class 968/152)
There are no patents to show for this class.