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Horology Patents
Indicating The Time Optically By Electric Means (subclass 577 Takes Precedence; By Mechanical Means Subclasses 139 And 162) [g04c 17/00] Precedence; By Mechanical Means Subclasses 139 And 162) [g04c 17/00] Patents
By Flaps [g04c 17/00f] Patents (Class 968/567)
By Flaps [g04c 17/00f] Patents (Class 968/567)
Cross-Reference Art Collections
With date indication [g04c 17/00f2] (Class 968/568)
By a combination of different types of indicating devices, e.g., flaps and drums, etc. [g04c 17/00k] (Class 968/569)
There are no patents to show for this class.