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Musical Instruments Patents
Electronic Musical Instruments {structural Combinations Of Microphones, Pick-ups, Or Amplifiers With Musical Instruments Subclasses 1+, 50+, And 100+; Instruments In Which Each Note Is Generated By A Different Individually-actuated Mechanical Resonating Structure And Is Amplified Electrically Subclasses 50+; Instruments In Which Each Note Is Produced By A Different Electrically-vibrated Sounding Element Subclasses 100+; Electronic Circuits In General H03. {g10h} Patents
Instruments In Which The Tones Are Generated By Electromechanical Means {g10h 3/00} Patents
Using Mechanical Resonant Generators, E.g., Strings Or Percussive Instruments, The Tones Of Which Are Picked Up By Electromechanical Transducers, The Electrical Signals Being Further Manipulated Or Amplified And Subsequently Converted To Sound By A Loudspeaker Or Equivalent Instrument {g10h 3/12} Patents
Incorporating Feed-back Means, E.g., Acoustic, Etc. {g10h 3/24} Patents (Class 984/374)
Incorporating Feed-back Means, E.g., Acoustic, Etc. {g10h 3/24} Patents (Class 984/374)
Cross-Reference Art Collections
Using electric feed-back {g10h 3/26} (Class 984/375)
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