Movably Mounted Patents (Class 99/427)
  • Patent number: 6711991
    Abstract: A flattening roller (38) is supported on horizontal guides (32, 34) and rolls alternately in opposite directions along the guides. A tray (30) is arranged horizontally between the guides, and is progressively lifted to approach to the cylindrical surface of the roller. The tray turns by a quarter turn around a vertical axis at the end of each stroke of the roller along the guides. A lump of dough placed on the tray is progressively flattened to a thin, round shape.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 6, 2003
    Date of Patent: March 30, 2004
    Assignee: CMT Costruzioni Meccaniche e Tecnologia S.p.A.
    Inventor: Stefano Tomatis
  • Patent number: 6672203
    Abstract: A substantially horizontal, flat shovel (30), made of thin, perforated metal plate, is integral with a slide (28) which is slidable on a guide (26), itself integral with a mounting (18). The shovel is driven by an actuator (20, 22, 24, 32, 34, 36) for moving forward and backward, while staying tangent to a facing rest shelf, at either of two speeds, a slow speed and a fast speed. The mounting (18) can move to different positions facing respective processing stations (42, 44).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 28, 2003
    Date of Patent: January 6, 2004
    Assignee: CMT Costruzioni Meccaniche e Technologia S.p.A.
    Inventor: Stefano Tomatis
  • Patent number: 6662710
    Abstract: The invention relates to a charging apparatus for transferring bakery products into and from an oven. The charging apparatus comprises a charging table, which is transferable to a first position at the bakery line so that the bakery products to be baked are transferable to the charging table, transferable at the oven so that those bakery products to be baked that were transferred to the charging table in the first position are transferable from the charging table to the oven, transferable at the oven so that the bakery products baked in the oven are transferable to the charging table, and transferable to a second position at the bakery line so that the bakery products baked and transferred to the charging table are transferable from the charging table in the second position.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 30, 2002
    Date of Patent: December 16, 2003
    Assignees: Teknokym Oy, Jokilink Oy
    Inventors: Esa Kemppainen, Jukka Joukainen
  • Patent number: 6658992
    Abstract: The invention relates to a device for removing baked products (2) from a conveyor (1), for example so-called tubs, which bear against a mold part (13) which is preferably adapted to the shape of the baked products. The device is characterized in that at least one ejector (20) is ejectable from the mould contour of the mold part (13) in order to release the baked products from the respective molds.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 26, 2002
    Date of Patent: December 9, 2003
    Assignee: Santa Maria AB
    Inventor: Björn Zelander
  • Patent number: 6647866
    Abstract: A processing device for coffee beans to undergo a de-husking, bean-halving, membrane removing and roasting device to proceed with a de-husking, bean-halving, membrane removing and roasting step of coffee beans, wherein the de-husking, bean-halving and membrane-removing device comprises: a first beating mechanism having a plurality of rotating blades with hard rubber at the surface thereof to beat and remove the dried husk, flesh and inner skin of coffee beans; a second beating mechanism having a plurality of rotating blades with soft rubber at the surface thereof to beat and remove the silvery skin of the inner layer of the bean; a first separating mechanism mounted with a lower for separating the coffee bean from skin and debris; and the roasting device including a rolling container mounted with a spiral conductive plate and a burner at the bottom section of the rolling container for roasting of coffee beans after the coffee beans have been de-husked, halved and membrane-removed for appropriate stiring for e
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 21, 2003
    Date of Patent: November 18, 2003
    Inventor: Chen Kuo Chih
  • Patent number: 6644178
    Abstract: A smoker oven that includes a housing having an internal cavity having a top portion, a mid-portion, and a lower portion. The internal cavity houses a support frame that has at least one generally horizontal support surface for supporting a jerky rack, the support frame being suspended from the top portion of the housing. A heater and a smoke source, positioned immediately over the heater are located in the lower portion of the internal cavity, so that an amount of smoke released in the lower portion is allowed to rise to the support frame to expose the support surface of the support frame to the amount of smoke as a filter is used to remove the smoke form the top portion.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 25, 2002
    Date of Patent: November 11, 2003
    Inventor: Dean Clark
  • Patent number: 6634281
    Abstract: A rotisserie attachable skewer assembly for allowing a user to attach skewers to a rotisserie for barbequing food items. The rotisserie attachable skewer assembly includes a rotisserie including a shaft; and also includes a mounting bracket being fastened with a fastener to the shaft and including a hub member and a plurality of radial-extending arms being attached to the hub member; and further includes a plurality of skewers being detachably attached to the radial-extending arms.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 21, 2002
    Date of Patent: October 21, 2003
    Inventor: Paul G. Conigliaro
  • Patent number: 6620449
    Abstract: A process and device for producing eggs in various forms, such as among others boiled, poached or deep fried eggs, or their separate component parts, i.e. the yolk or egg white thereof or whole egg, called hereinafter the eggs. The eggs are moved in moulds through two chambers, a first one in which water vapour is maintained at a temperature which is sufficient to bring the eggs superficially in a state allowing to direct the moulds further through a second chamber in which the boiling process is completed by circulating the moulds in this chamber through boiling water, oil, steam or an appropriate liquid.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 23, 2001
    Date of Patent: September 16, 2003
    Inventor: Philippe Peers
  • Patent number: 6595119
    Abstract: A Rotisserie Oven includes a heat source and a continuous conveyor mounted adjacent to the heat source. A number of skewer holding devices are affixed along the conveyor and each hold a skewer adjacent the heat source while being convey past the heat source. Turning devices are provided for rotating the skewers as they pass the heat source. A skewer detachment mechanism is provided to enable detachment of the skewer from the conveyor at an end of the rotisserie oven.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 13, 2002
    Date of Patent: July 22, 2003
    Inventor: Chun Kong Ian Cheung
  • Publication number: 20030134020
    Abstract: To provide a noodle gelatinization apparatus that completes a steaming process of noodle strings in a short period of time while reducing running and equipment costs.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 22, 2003
    Publication date: July 17, 2003
    Inventor: Hatsuo Sakurazawa
  • Patent number: 6592923
    Abstract: The system and method for molding a shaped snack chip use various components to form chips having depth such as a bowl-shaped tortilla chip. Essentially flat chip preforms are fed to a series of molds disposed about a mold conveyor. The preforms are then passed along for shaping by a mold and plunger conveyor. A continuous conveyor with plungers extending outward is synchronized to operate in conjunction with the mold conveyor. At desired and determined intervals, a multiple of plungers extend downward and into the molds thereby molding the chip preforms into shaped chips. The shaped chips are evacuated from the molds and subjected to additional processing.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 9, 2001
    Date of Patent: July 15, 2003
    Assignee: Recot, Inc.
    Inventors: Steven Theodore Chandler, Terry Dale Klockenga, Daniel Eugene Orr, Edward Leon Ouellette, Richard James Ruegg, Alexa W. Williams
  • Patent number: 6582744
    Abstract: The present invention is a method for cooking, cutting and preparing the doner meat automatically and without any human intervention in the same amount and form for service and an integrated instrument for cooking and cutting doner. This invention relates to a method for cooking the front sides of the meat boxes which are filled and frozen beforehand, by rotating said meat boxes around a center arranged circularly or with multi sides having 4, 5 or 7 cookers (radiant or LPG), cutting the cooked meat part and sending the cooked meat part for cooking again by rotating around itself and carrying out of these operations at a pre-determined amount and speed without human intervention controlled from a central command and turning table and a integrated doner cooking and cutting instrument for performing this method.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 20, 2000
    Date of Patent: June 24, 2003
    Inventor: Ayhan Babacan
  • Publication number: 20030110955
    Abstract: Reflective heat shield for increasing the efficiency and reducing the cooking time for rotisserie cookers. The heat shield comprises a reflective portion contoured to reflect heat energy back onto food and a base portion designed to support the reflective portion proximate to the food. The heat shield is located between the food and the front door of the rotisserie cooker.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 1, 2002
    Publication date: June 19, 2003
    Inventor: Joseph Behm
  • Patent number: 6578471
    Abstract: Apparatus and method for cooking snack food pieces features a drum-type fryer which transports individual, die-cut piece preforms through hot oil contained within a cooking tank defined between the periphery of the drum and a housing in which the drum is contained. Vacuum transfer and feed rollers transfer the individual piece preforms from a die-cutting roller assembly onto the drum for cooking, and a similar roller transfers the cooked snack food pieces from the drum to a take-away conveyor for subsequent, downstream processing. The pieces are retained by suction against molding surfaces of frying mold elements distributed over the periphery of the frying drum.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 3, 2001
    Date of Patent: June 17, 2003
    Assignee: Recot, Inc.
    Inventors: Lawrence Graham, Ponnattu Kurian Joseph, Todd Charles McNeel, Kenneth R. Brocker, Stephen N. Forti, Edward J. Goldman, Malcolm E. Taylor, Edward L. Dickinson, Patsy Anthony Coppola, Richard F. Terrazzano, Andrew C. Harvey
  • Patent number: 6575083
    Abstract: The baking device produces endless strips of baked goods from pourable baking dough. A cylindrical baking ring of metal is disposed to rotate about its central axis, while it is supported outside its center. The baking ring has one or more endless baking surfaces on which the strips are produced. A stationary depositing device deposits baking mass onto the rotating baking surface before the baking surface travels into a baking zone. A stationary receiving device removes the at least partially baked strips from the baking ring for further processing. A stationary electrical induction coil is disposed in the baking zone. The induction coil is arranged adjacent the baking ring so that the ring, as it moves through the magnetic field of the coil, is heated by induction for generating heat with which the strips are baked from below.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 2, 2001
    Date of Patent: June 10, 2003
    Assignee: Franz Haas Waffelmaschinen Industrie Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventors: Franz Haas, Johann Haas, Erich Koletnik
  • Patent number: 6568315
    Abstract: Enclosed rotisserie with added convenience, including a countertop resting box enclosure housing a safety rear mounted heating element and a power rotated dual rod spit assembly. The gear driven spit assembly may be easily inserted and removed straight into and out of the enclosure without need for angling or coupling the assembly to a power drive socket. The spit assembly may also be mounted at various distances from the heating element to decrease cooking times. The open front of the enclosure is from time to time covered by an inclined glass panel door which may be opened in various ways to facilitate food insertion into and removal from the enclosure, and which may be easily removed for cleaning or other purposes. The embodiment's design makes efficient use of valuable counter space by recessing back and raising off the countertop its controls. A variety of foods may be cooked using the spit and accessories that attach to the spit. Such accessories include wire baskets and a rotating stir fryer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 25, 2001
    Date of Patent: May 27, 2003
    Inventors: Alan L. Backus, Ron Popeil
  • Patent number: 6561083
    Abstract: A structure of a grill and a cage separately for an electric oven, characterize by a gear fitted on either outer side of the grill/cage, a rotating shaft passing through the oven being respectively fixed to the outer side the gear and the other outer side of the grill/cage; the grill comprised of two turntables with one having an insertion rod at its center and the other having an insertion hole are fixed to each other and secured with a wing bolt adapted to the outer side of the another turntable; and a partition being provided on the inner wall of the cage protruding toward the center of the cage.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 7, 2001
    Date of Patent: May 13, 2003
    Assignee: Lundar Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
    Inventor: Tony Hsu
  • Publication number: 20030075055
    Abstract: A double row molding apparatus provides greatly increased production of food patty molding machines. The apparatus comprises a mold plate having front and back cavities in longitudinal and transverse alignment. When the mold plate is at a retracted position, front and back fill slots enable flow of the food product from a manifold simultaneously to all the cavities. At an extended position, all the patties are ejected simultaneously by a knockout mechanism. The front and back fill slots may be either one long fill slot, or multiple short fill slots in communication with respective mold plate cavities. In a modified embodiment, a single fill slot communicates only with the back cavities when the mold plate is in its retracted position. As the mold plate advances toward its extended position, the row of back cavities passes over the fill slot and enables the food product to flow into the back cavities.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 28, 2001
    Publication date: April 24, 2003
    Inventors: Robert Tournour, Richard A. Payne
  • Patent number: 6550373
    Abstract: A cooking apparatus comprising: a housing (122); at least one heating unit (170) disposed within and on the periphery of said housing (122), said heating unit (170) radiating substantially radially inwards to the centre of the cooking apparatus; at least one support plate (136) provided above said heating unit, said support plate (136) having an inclined surface for supporting and retaining flat dough for cooking; at least one support plate revolving means, coupled to said support plate (136), for rotating said support plate (136); and a means for maintaining the temperature of the top surface of said dough to allow equal cooking of top and bottom surfaces of said dough.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 22, 2002
    Date of Patent: April 22, 2003
    Assignee: Food & Spice Co. PTE LTD
    Inventors: Siavosh Hafezan, Yong Siew Khow
  • Patent number: 6546847
    Abstract: The invention is an apparatus for producing pizza by a mechanical, automated system without using baking tins for the dough bases and without using pre-prepared or pre-shaped bases. Dough bases are individually prepared from fresh pre-proportioned dough ingredients by a kneading and extrusion device. The dough base is then passed through a series of processing stations, such as a shaping press, a metering and distribution device for tomato purees or sauces, at least one metering and distribution station for garnishing (topping) ingredients and a baking station. The dough bases pass through the series of stations on a preheated or continuously heated transportation sheet. No pre-produced or pre-cooked, semi-finished products are used in the method. Each dough base is prepared and provided with toppings according to individual orders selected from a list.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 11, 2001
    Date of Patent: April 15, 2003
    Assignee: Carpos, S.A.
    Inventors: Marco Pilati, Pierluigi Malfatti, Claudio Torghele
  • Patent number: 6546850
    Abstract: A meatloaf pan with removable, hinged pan insert is disclosed, comprising an elongated, rectangular meatloaf pan and an elongated, rectangular pan insert. The pan insert has two insert side panels that are hinged at their bottom edges to the longitudinal edges of the bottom of the pan insert. The hinges allow the insert side walls to support the meatloaf, bread or other product during baking, and fold downward to allow access to the product for cutting and serving purposes. As such, the present invention can be used as a serving tray. Removal of the pan insert is facilitated in one of three ways. First, built-in hand grips in the flanges located on the pan insert. Second, a set of handles that connect to the flanges located on the pan insert. Third, a sliding unit that slidably inserts into the cavity formed by the rolled edges of the flanges on the pan insert.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 20, 1998
    Date of Patent: April 15, 2003
    Inventor: Yumi Akiyama-Warren
  • Patent number: 6499393
    Abstract: A portable barbeque and rotisserie rack is composed of components that can be easily assembled and disassembled into a small package for transporting from one location to another and adaptable for positioning over various types of sources of heat. The components include a frame having a base for placement over a source of heat and two end portions slidably and releasably connectible to the base. A pair of end walls are slidably connectible to the end portions. The frame is configured to hold a rotisserie cradle at an elevated position over the source of heat.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 2, 2001
    Date of Patent: December 31, 2002
    Inventor: John H. Waltman
  • Patent number: 6497175
    Abstract: The present invention is a coffee bean roster attachment for conventional home rotisserie overs. The invention features a roasting tube made of mesh or thin-walled perforated metal and a variety of different components to adapt the roasting tube to the rotisserie apparatus supplies with the conventional home rotisserie oven.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 3, 2001
    Date of Patent: December 24, 2002
    Inventor: Joseph Behm
  • Patent number: 6484625
    Abstract: The rotisserie motor mounting device for releasably connecting a motor housing having a motor therein to a rotisserie is disclosed. The rotisserie motor mounting device has a shaft extending from one of the rotisserie and a free end selectively connectible to the motor. The rotisserie motor mounting device further includes a support shaft which is releasably connectible to a portion of the rotisserie at one end and the motor housing at the other end. The support shaft has a pair of interconnecting shaft portions which can be adjusted to provide more than one length for the support shaft. One end of each interconnecting shaft portion is connected to a planar configuration. Each planar configuration is slidably attachable within sleeves to the rotisserie and the motor housing.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 1, 2001
    Date of Patent: November 26, 2002
    Inventor: John H. Waltman
  • Publication number: 20020166458
    Abstract: Enclosed rotisserie including a rear mounted heating element and a power rotated dual rod spit assembly. The spit assembly may also be mounted at various distances from the heating element to decrease cooking times. The open front of the enclosure is from time to time covered by an inclined glass panel door which may be opened in various ways to facilitate food insertion into and removal from the enclosure, and which may be easily removed for cleaning or other purposes.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 21, 2002
    Publication date: November 14, 2002
    Inventors: Alan L. Backus, Ron Popeil
  • Publication number: 20020157543
    Abstract: Enclosed rotisserie including a rear mounted heating element and a power rotated dual rod spit assembly. The spit assembly may also be mounted at various distances from the heating element to decrease cooking times. The open front of the enclosure is from time to time covered by an inclined glass panel door which may be opened in various ways to facilitate food insertion into and removal from the enclosure, and which may be easily removed for cleaning or other purposes.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 21, 2002
    Publication date: October 31, 2002
    Inventors: Alan L. Backus, Ron Popeil
  • Patent number: 6467401
    Abstract: Cooking and simultaneously forming a tostada or taco product in a cooking oil bath by inserting a pliable tortilla between adjacent molds when opened in a clamshell action, then closing the molds and conveying them through an oil bath and then opening the molds and removing the product. While cooking, the product is captured in the space between adjacent molds and permitted to cook into the desired shape. An interchange of conveyor carried molds is disclosed whereby the cooking equipment may process different product sizes and shapes.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 13, 2001
    Date of Patent: October 22, 2002
    Assignee: Heat and Control, Inc.
    Inventors: Andrew A. Caridis, Daniel E. Brown, John Silvester, Anthony A. Caridis, Larry Klein
  • Publication number: 20020148361
    Abstract: A portable barbeque and rotisserie rack is composed of components that can be easily assembled and disassembled into a small package for transporting from one location to another and adaptable for positioning over various types of sources of heat. The components include a frame having a base for placement over a source of heat and two end portions slidably and releasably connectible to the base. A pair of end walls are slidably connectible to the end portions. The frame is configured to hold a rotisserie cradle at an elevated position over the source of heat.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 2, 2001
    Publication date: October 17, 2002
    Inventor: John H. Waltman
  • Publication number: 20020144607
    Abstract: Enclosed rotisserie including a rear mounted heating element and a power rotated dual rod spit assembly. The spit assembly may also be mounted at various distances from the heating element to decrease cooking times. The open front of the enclosure is from time to time covered by an inclined glass panel door which may be opened in various ways to facilitate food insertion into and removal from the enclosure, and which may be easily removed for cleaning or other purposes.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 27, 2002
    Publication date: October 10, 2002
    Inventors: Alan L. Backus, Ron Popeil
  • Patent number: 6450087
    Abstract: Enclosed rotisserie with added convenience, including a countertop resting box enclosure housing a safety rear mounted heating element and a power rotated dual rod spit assembly. The spit assembly may also be mounted at various distances from the heating element to decrease cooking times. The open front of the enclosure is covered by an inclined glass panel door. The embodiment's design makes efficient use of valuable counter space by recessing back and raising off the countertop its controls. Accessories include wire baskets a rotating stir fryer and a generally cylindrical container capable of being affixed to the spit rod to rotate with the spit rod. and a rotating stir fryer. Foods may be cooked on top of the embodiment as well using an included warming tray and an inserted steaming tray with cover. Grease-tight rotisserie/barbecue gloves make food handling easier and safer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 14, 2001
    Date of Patent: September 17, 2002
    Inventors: Alan L. Backus, Ron Popeil
  • Patent number: 6450085
    Abstract: Apparatus for cooking foods by heating with heat transmitted from outside to a product to be cooked by a current of hot air, wherein, substantially, a hot-air circuit is formed in an enclosed space and the product to be cooked rests on a receiving element (10) for the product to be cooked forming a receiving base (11), wherein air is flowable through the receiving base (11) of the receiving element (10) for the product to be cooked and the hot air is guided so that it flows through the product to be cooked substantially at right angles to the receiving base (11) of the receiving element (10) for the product to be cooked.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 7, 2000
    Date of Patent: September 17, 2002
    Inventor: Gottfried Riesselmann
  • Publication number: 20020121199
    Abstract: The rotisserie motor mounting device for releasably connecting a motor housing having a motor therein to a rotisserie is disclosed. The rotisserie motor mounting device has a shaft extending from one of the rotisserie and a free end selectively connectible to the motor. The rotisserie motor mounting device further includes a support shaft which is releasably connectible to a portion of the rotisserie at one end and the motor housing at the other end. The support shaft has a pair of interconnecting shaft portions which can be adjusted to provide more than one length for the support shaft. One end of each interconnecting shaft portion is connected to a planar configuration. Each planar configuration is slidably attachable within sleeves to the rotisserie and the motor housing.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 1, 2001
    Publication date: September 5, 2002
    Inventor: John H. Waltman
  • Publication number: 20020108503
    Abstract: Enclosed rotisserie including a rear mounted heating element and a power rotated dual rod spit assembly. The spit assembly may also be mounted at various distances from the heating element to decrease cooking times. The open front of the enclosure is from time to time covered by an inclined glass panel door which may be opened in various ways to facilitate food insertion into and removal from the enclosure, and which may be easily removed for cleaning or other purposes.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 18, 2002
    Publication date: August 15, 2002
    Inventors: Alan L. Backus, Ron Popeil
  • Patent number: 6425318
    Abstract: A barbecuing cooker uses infrared rays to cook the food contained therein to provide excellent taste and nutrition and to permit easy cleaning of the cooking chamber as well as handy mounting or dismounting of spits. The barbecuing cooker comprises a main body with side and rear reflecting plates as the inner walls of a cooking chamber, an upper and lower door for opening or closing the inlet opening of the cooking chamber, a ceramic heater, spits provided rotatably through gear wheels, a motor for operating the gear wheels, a control panel for controlling the ceramic heater and motor, an oil receiver and a parching cage.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 8, 2001
    Date of Patent: July 30, 2002
    Assignee: Paseco Co., Ltd.
    Inventor: Gwan-Hee Kim
  • Patent number: 6418835
    Abstract: A rotisserie oven structure includes a main body, an oil-collecting plate, an oil-guidance plate, electric heating tubes, turning trays or a rotary basket, a roasting plate, a top cover, steam-tight silicone straps and a heat circulating box. The heat from the electric heating tubes will flow into the lower inner room of the heat circulating box, and the heat is blown upward to the upper inner room by the reversal rotation of the inner fan. Because of the slope formed at the upper part of the housing and the close contact of flanged ribs and grooves, the heat in the upper part of the housing can be prevented from flowing downwardly, and the heat will flow through the upper series of heat circulating perforations into the interior of the main body so as to make the food be roasted evenly and to shorten the roasting time.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 30, 2002
    Date of Patent: July 16, 2002
    Inventor: Ching-Mei Lin
  • Patent number: 6412397
    Abstract: An apparatus and method for making uniformly shaped snack food chips which can be stacked for packaging, e.g., in a cylindrical canister or a canister which conforms to the contour or perimeter of the snack food chips. The apparatus features two-part mold cavities in which chip preforms are restrained and transported through hot oil to be cooked. Preferably, the mold cavities are defined between a pair of rotating belts, one lower belt and one upper belt, which together “encase” or “sandwich” and thereby restrain the chips. According to the method, a continuous sheet of dough is toasted and then proofed before being cut into individual chip preforms. The preforms are then placed into the mold cavities and transported through hot oil to be cooked. Vacuum transfer rollers are used to facilitate placement of the chip preforms into the mold cavities and extraction of the cooked chips from the mold cavities.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 3, 2001
    Date of Patent: July 2, 2002
    Assignee: Recot, Inc.
    Inventors: Todd Charles McNeel, Nelson Shih-Hsun Chen, Lawrence Alan Graham
  • Patent number: 6405640
    Abstract: A roasting oven system includes elongate food holding wire mesh baskets, each having an axis of rotation defined by a left and right axial device secured to respective end walls of the baskets. The system also includes a housing having respective upper, lower, front, back, left end, and right end walls defining, in combination, a hollow interior envelope having a substantially concave upper surface, the housing including, within at least one of the front or rear walls, a movable panel for selectably removing and inserting the elongate baskets into the housing and upon a journal device within end plates at each opposite end wall. At least one of the front or rear walls further includes a narrow opening to provide a continuous and uninterrupted communication between the hollow interior envelope and the atmosphere. An infrared radiation element is situated within the envelope of housing, in which thereof is directed toward a center of the interior envelope of the oven.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 7, 2001
    Date of Patent: June 18, 2002
    Assignee: Remco Technologies, Inc.
    Inventor: R. Edward Moreth
  • Publication number: 20020069768
    Abstract: Enclosed rotisserie with added convenience, including a countertop resting box-like enclosure housing a safety rear mounted heating element and a power rotated dual rod spit assembly. The gear driven spit assembly may be easily inserted and removed straight into and out of the enclosure without need for angling or coupling the assembly to a power drive socket. The spit assembly may also be mounted at various distances from the heating element to decrease cooking times. The open front of the enclosure is from time to time covered by an inclined glass panel door which may be opened in various ways to facilitate food insertion into and removal from the enclosure, and which may be easily removed for cleaning or other purposes. The embodiment's design makes efficient use of valuable counter space by recessing back and raising off the countertop its controls.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 30, 2001
    Publication date: June 13, 2002
    Inventors: Alan L. Backus, Ron Popeil
  • Patent number: 6386095
    Abstract: Multiple belt drives spaced apart transversely are engaged to multiple longitudinally spaced apart transversely mounted guide bars. The guide bars are juxtaposed to multiple parallel fixed longitudinally mounted spaced apart travel grooves. Skewers containing food items have wheels at each end for moving in the travel grooves through a heated oven housing. The skewers rotate between the parallel guide bars from a loading station to a discharge station. Heating elements mounted in the oven housing heat the food during transit through the oven housing on the skewers. Color coded wheels are attached to ends of the skewer to identify a food order for a customer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 31, 2001
    Date of Patent: May 14, 2002
    Inventor: Nick Ausaf
  • Patent number: 6382087
    Abstract: In accordance with the present invention, there is provided a coffee bean roaster with recirculated, filtered exhaust airflow. The coffee bean roaster includes a roasting drum sized and configured to receive coffee beans for roasting therein. The roasting drum has a drum airflow inlet and a drum airflow outlet for exhausting airflow from the roasting drum. The coffee bean roaster further includes a blower configured to blow airflow through the drum airflow inlet for venting the roasting drum. The coffee bean roaster includes a fluid filter having a filter airflow inlet and a filter airflow outlet. The filter airflow inlet is in fluid communication with the drum airflow outlet. The fluid filter is configured to filter airflow from the roasting drum. The filter airflow outlet is in fluid communication with the blower for recirculating airflow into the roasting drum.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 31, 2001
    Date of Patent: May 7, 2002
    Inventor: Sadamu Iiyama
  • Publication number: 20020050212
    Abstract: A method of cooking food with an enclosed rotisserie with added convenience, including a countertop resting box-like enclosure housing a safety rear mounted heating element and a power rotated dual rod spit assembly. The gear driven spit assembly may be easily inserted and removed straight into and out of the enclosure without need for angling or coupling the assembly to a power drive socket. The spit assembly may also be mounted at various distances from the heating element to decrease cooking times. The open front of the enclosure is from time to time covered by an inclined glass panel door which may be opened in various ways to facilitate food insertion into and removal from the enclosure, and which may be easily removed for cleaning or other purposes.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 10, 2001
    Publication date: May 2, 2002
    Inventors: Alan L. Backus, Ron Popeil
  • Patent number: 6367373
    Abstract: A rotisserie cradle including a trough shaped cradle constructed entirely of a rod framework to be lighter, easier to clean, and cheaper to manufacture, with food hold down grates positionable by swing arms pivoted to the inside of the cradle framework so as to allow manually settable positioning of the grates against the food to hold the same against the inside of the cradle framework. Each hold down grate is tiltable in any direction to engage any contour of the food to be held, and the swing arm movement accommodates different sized food items. Friction snubbers can be used to maintain the swing arm positions. A pair of socket blocks for receiving the rotational support shafts are mounted by the rod members forming the cradle framework.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 23, 2001
    Date of Patent: April 9, 2002
    Inventor: Ronald D. Bargman
  • Patent number: 6367371
    Abstract: A food processing device for automatically cooking and processing food is shown. The device has a cylindrical cooking vessel positioned in a sloping manner and rotatably supported on rotary wheels. Variable heater elements are provided at the cooking vessel to subject the food to selected cooking heat patterns. The food advances through the cooking vessel by gravitational force and the rotational movement of the vessel and it is also being tossed and turned continuously to ensure even cooking and from adhering to the inner side wall of the vessel. A pre-cleaning unit is provided for cleaning the food thoroughly prior to cooking and a cooling unit cools the cooked food to a desired temperature for packaging.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 10, 2001
    Date of Patent: April 9, 2002
    Inventor: Jian-Ming Ni
  • Patent number: 6363838
    Abstract: The apparatus comprises a horizontal, extensible shovel which is driven step by step through a predetermined path by motorized means; a distributor of dough loaves arranged for dropping loaves at a first stop in the shovel path; a pizza moulder arranged at a second stop in the shovel path, for pressing and spreading the loaf; several distributors of a dressing, placed at at least a third stop in the shovel path, for dropping metered portions of dressing on the pizza carried by the shovel; and an oven placed at a fourth stop in the shovel path, for receiving the pizza from the shovel.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 16, 2001
    Date of Patent: April 2, 2002
    Assignee: C.M.T. Costruzioni Meccaniche E Technologia S.p.A.
    Inventor: Stefano Tomatis
  • Patent number: 6363841
    Abstract: A roaster oven includes a rotatable frame and an oil tray. The rotatable frame consists of a left and a right rotatable disc member and a plurality of spits are provided between them. The right rotatable disc member has a plurality of recessed grooves for receiving spits. A plurality of projecting strips are formed to face the recessed grooves, respectively having an insert hole between each projection strip and each of the disc surface. The end of each spit is bent downward forming an insert strip with its lower portion shaped as a triangle-like stop strip for pushing against the bottom edge of the projection strip after the insert strip is inserted through the insert hole, thus finishing the assembly. Further, an oil-guiding member is provided near the bottom edges of three inner walls of the roaster oven and extends to an oil-receiving range of an oil tray.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 26, 2001
    Date of Patent: April 2, 2002
    Inventor: Ying-Fu Chen
  • Publication number: 20020031589
    Abstract: Improved, high-capacity processing systems including a processing device such as an extruder (26) or a pellet mill (P) are provided which minimize product losses and permit the user to conduct multiple, segregated short runs with a minimum of down time between runs. The extruder systems (20, 220) include an extruder assembly (21, 221) having a special, multiple-position die assembly (28), as well as an upstream preconditioner (24) and feed bin assembly (22). A variable speed, variable output discharge screw feeder (78) is located between the preconditioner outlet (62) and extruder barrel inlet (90). A PLC-type controller (30) coupled to the extruder assembly components establishes a choke full condition at the discharge feeder (78) so that continuous uninterrupted flow of preconditioned material to the extruder (26) at a uniform mass flow rate is maintained for as long as possible.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 20, 2001
    Publication date: March 14, 2002
    Inventors: Lavon G. Wenger, Bobbie W. Hauck
  • Patent number: 6354195
    Abstract: A rotating axle skewer sleeve in the present invention is provided in a rotisserie oven with the rear end receiving the protruding rod of the motor on one inner side wall of the rotisserie oven. The rotating axle skewer sleeve is provided with a right quadrangle hollow in the center for the spear end of the rotating axle skewer to be promptly and smoothly plugged into in any azimuth angle.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 10, 2001
    Date of Patent: March 12, 2002
    Inventor: Sheng-I Huang
  • Patent number: 6354194
    Abstract: A cooking apparatus is provided which includes a rotatable food support member for supporting a food item thereon. A drive mechanism is connected to the food support member for rotating the food support member. The cooking apparatus further includes upper and lower housings disposed above and beneath a portion of the food support member. The upper and lower housings include an upper and lower heating member respectively with each of the upper and lower heating members providing a heat output which varies from a first end adjacent to an outer edge of the food support member to a second end adjacent to an inner center portion of the food support member, wherein the heat output is greater at the first end than at the second end. The drive mechanism rotates the food support member with the upper and lower heating members applying heat to the food support member to cook the food item contained thereon. Preferably, the food support member includes a solid base portion for supporting the food item.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 14, 2000
    Date of Patent: March 12, 2002
    Assignee: National Presto Industries, Inc.
    Inventors: James Alan Hedrington, Brent William Dressel
  • Patent number: 6354193
    Abstract: A roaster oven for roasting hot dog includes a roaster oven body, a roast frame and a transmitting device combined together. The roaster oven body has an opening on a top side for the roast frame to fit therein, and the transmitting device is driven to rotate together with rollers inside the roast frame so as to permit food placed on between two rollers rotate automatically to acquire effectiveness of heating and roasting food in a balanced condition.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 26, 2001
    Date of Patent: March 12, 2002
    Inventor: Ming-Tsung Lee
  • Publication number: 20020023547
    Abstract: Enclosed rotisserie with added convenience, including a countertop resting box-like enclosure housing a safety rear mounted heating element and a power rotated dual rod spit assembly. The gear driven spit assembly may be easily inserted and removed straight into and out of the enclosure without need for angling or coupling the assembly to a power drive socket. The spit assembly may also be mounted at various distances from the heating element to decrease cooking times. The open front of the enclosure is from time to time covered by an inclined glass panel door which may be opened in various ways to facilitate food insertion into and removal from the enclosure, and which may be easily removed for cleaning or other purposes. The embodiment's design makes efficient use of valuable counter space by recessing back and raising off the countertop its controls.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 27, 2001
    Publication date: February 28, 2002
    Inventors: Alan L. Backus, Ron Popeil