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Edible products Patents (Class D01)
Edible Products Patents (Class D01)
Mineral block (Class D01/100)
Distinct composite ingredients (Class D01/101)
With inedible holder (Class D01/102)
Simulative (Class D01/106)
Animate (Class D01/107)
Vehicle or component thereof (Class D01/113)
Alpha or numeric (Class D01/114)
Plant life (Class D01/115)
Ice cream cone or cup (Class D01/116)
Square or rectangular orifice (Class D01/117)
Circular orifice (Class D01/118)
Provision for juxtaposed scoops (Class D01/119)
With enclosed openings (Class D01/120)
Scored for portion control (Class D01/121)
With visible concavity for food (Class D01/122)
Scoop or dip type (Class D01/123)
With circular orifice (Class D01/124)
Convoluted exterior (Class D01/125)
Pasta (Class D01/126)
Candy (Class D01/127)
Cracker or cookie (Class D01/128)
Bread or cake type (Class D01/129)
Substantially circular in plan (Class D01/130)
Miscellaneous (Class D01/199)