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Apparel And Haberdashery Patents
Hand Or Arm Covering Patents (Class D02/610)
Hand Or Arm Covering Patents (Class D02/610)
Muff (Class D02/611)
Combined with diverse article (Class D02/612)
Simulative (Class D02/613)
Combined with diverse article (Class D02/614)
Simulative (Class D02/615)
Glove (Class D02/616)
Glove (Class D02/617)
Seam or detail extending from finger crotch (Class D02/618)
Detail on back of hand (Class D02/619)
Detail on wrist or cuff (Class D02/621)
Mitten (Class D02/622)
Element or attachment (Class D02/623)
There are no patents to show for this class.