Garment Patents (Class D02/728)
- Combined or convertible (e.g., with full visible underskirt, convertible in length, etc.) (13) (Class D02/757)
- Child specific (Class D02/776)
- With train (Class D02/778)
- Suit-type or with dropped waist (i.e., two piece dress consisting of skirt with coat , jacket, or overblouse, or simulation thereof) (20) (Class D02/779)
- Halter top or with shoulder straps (22) (Class D02/793)
- Strapless-type bodice (23) (Class D02/796)
- Crossover, interlocked, or double breasted bodice panels (24) (Class D02/797)
- With sleeve (Class D02/800)
There are no patents to show for this class.