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Textile Or Paper Yard Goods; Sheet Material Patents
Simulative Patents (Class D05/20)
Simulative Patents (Class D05/20)
Special occasion, holiday, or religious theme (Class D05/21)
Christmas (Class D05/22)
Lace or open weave type (Class D05/23)
Plant life (Class D05/24)
Pattern formed by stippled effect (Class D05/25)
Animate (Class D05/26)
Humanoid (Class D05/27)
Hide or pelt (Class D05/28)
Architectural or geographic theme (Class D05/29)
Letter, numeral, or punctuation (Class D05/30)
Musical theme (Class D05/31)
Plant life or plume (Class D05/32)
With container (Class D05/33)
With ribbon or bow (Class D05/34)
With diverse simulation (Class D05/35)
Fruit, nut, seed pod, or vegetable (Class D05/36)
Flower or bud (Class D05/37)
Ribbon or bow (Class D05/40)
Star (Class D05/41)
Vehicle or component thereof (Class D05/42)
Natural material (Class D05/43)
Marble or stone (Class D05/44)
There are no patents to show for this class.