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Furnishings Patents
Apparel Support Patents (Class D06/315)
Apparel Support Patents (Class D06/315)
Simulative (Class D06/316)
Substantially formed from wire or tube (Class D06/317)
Downwardly sloping shoulder supports (Class D06/318)
With horizontal garment support (Class D06/319)
Attachable to vertical surface (Class D06/320)
Combined with mirror (Class D06/321)
Rotating wheel type, e.g., tie rack, etc. (Class D06/322)
Hook or clamp type (Class D06/323)
Extendible or swinging arm (Class D06/324)
Clip-on bracket mount (Class D06/325)
With article clamping means (Class D06/326)
Cantilevered article support arm (Class D06/327)
Element or attachment (Class D06/328)
There are no patents to show for this class.