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Furnishings Patents
Furniture, Freestanding Support, Or Frame Therefor Patents
Work Surface, Storage, Merchandising Or Display Unit (19) Patents
Visible Storage Or Support Patents
Planar Surface (44) Patents (Class D06/480)
Planar Surface (44) Patents (Class D06/480)
Counter or bar type (45) (Class D06/481)
Freeform (Class D06/482)
Asymmetrical on one side (Class D06/483)
Supports located at or beyond perimeter of top (Class D06/484)
Formed entirely of material having uniform thickness (Class D06/485)
Unitary support column, i.e., pedestal type (Class D06/486)
Tubular or wire material forming supports (Class D06/487)
Repeating or uniform configuration about axis (Class D06/488)
Tripartite (Class D06/489)
There are no patents to show for this class.