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Furnishings Patents
Household Linen, Mattress, Or Cushion Patents (Class D06/595)
Household Linen, Mattress, Or Cushion Patents (Class D06/595)
Mattress, cushion, or bed linen (58) (Class D06/596)
Simulative (Class D06/597)
Pillow, cushion or cover therefor (62) (Class D06/601)
Sheet (Class D06/602)
Bedspread, blanket, or comforter (Class D06/603)
Inflatable (Class D06/604)
Bed type mattress (Class D06/605)
Element or attachment (Class D06/606)
Towel or washcloth (Class D06/608)
Animate motif (Class D06/609)
Furniture or appliance cover or protector (Class D06/610)
Seat cover or liner (Class D06/611)
Table or furniture scarf (Class D06/612)
Doily or place mat (Class D06/613)
Tablecloth (Class D06/617)
There are no patents to show for this class.