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Equipment For Preparing Or Serving Food Or Drink Not Elsewhere Specified Patents
Warming Or Cooking Patents
Vessel, E.g., Cooking Container, Pan, Etc. Patents (Class D07/354)
Vessel, E.g., Cooking Container, Pan, Etc. Patents (Class D07/354)
With integral spaced heat source (i.e., chafing dish type, etc.) (Class D07/355)
Superposed vessels (Class D07/356)
Plural cooking cell or compartment (Class D07/357)
Pressure cooker (Class D07/358)
Textured, irregular or convex cooking surface (Class D07/359)
Plural grip or provision therefor (Class D07/360)
Singular handle or provision therefor (Class D07/361)
There are no patents to show for this class.