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Tools And Hardware Patents
Handle, Knob Or Pull Patents (Class D08/300)
Handle, Knob Or Pull Patents (Class D08/300)
Combined (12) (Class D08/301)
With latch actuator (13) (Class D08/302)
Handlebar grip or hand grip (Class D08/303)
Simulative (Class D08/305)
Pivoted or hinged to use position (Class D08/306)
Singular point of attachment (44) (Class D08/307)
Lever (Class D08/308)
Substantially circular or oval (Class D08/310)
Recessed finger grip (Class D08/313)
With open ends (Class D08/314)
Bar type, i.e., having gripping surface spaced from mounting surface (15) (Class D08/315)
Symmetrical in front elevation on transverse and longitudinal axes (Class D08/316)
Symmetrical in front elevation on transverse axis (Class D08/319)
Symmetrical in front elevation on longitudinal axis (Class D08/320)
Element or attachment (16) (Class D08/321)
Cover (Class D08/322)
There are no patents to show for this class.