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Tools And Hardware Patents
Locking Or Closing Device (17) Patents
Lock, Latch Or Bolt (17) Patents (Class D08/331)
Lock, Latch Or Bolt (17) Patents (Class D08/331)
With alarm (Class D08/332)
Closed loop (Class D08/333)
Padlock (18) (Class D08/334)
Swinging into engagement (Class D08/336)
Rotary motion window lock (19) (Class D08/337)
With distinct lever, knob or key release, or with provision therefor (Class D08/338)
Sliding into engagement (Class D08/339)
Chained bolt (Class D08/340)
With distinct lever, knob or key release, or with provision therefor (20) (Class D08/341)
Resilient engagement (Class D08/342)
Element or attachment (21) (Class D08/343)
Keeper or receiver (22) (Class D08/344)
Protective cover (23) (Class D08/346)
Key (Class D08/347)
There are no patents to show for this class.