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Tools And Hardware Patents
Other Tools And Implements Patents
With Relative Movement Of Parts While Performing Function Patents (Class D08/51)
With Relative Movement Of Parts While Performing Function Patents (Class D08/51)
Jaws activated by relatively movable plural handles, e.g., pliers, etc. (Class D08/52)
With simulative motif (Class D08/53)
Jaws diverge as handles converge (Class D08/54)
Combination tool (5) (Class D08/55)
Work held between pivot and handles (6) (Class D08/56)
Loop-type handle, e.g., scissors, etc. (Class D08/57)
Opposed jaws and handles substantially similar (Class D08/58)
Transmitted by rotating crank-type handle (Class D08/59)
Pipe or tube cutter (Class D08/60)
Power tool (Class D08/61)
Sander or grinder (Class D08/62)
Saw (8) (Class D08/64)
Plural handles (Class D08/67)
Pistol grip (9) (Class D08/68)
With loop-type handle (Class D08/69)
Attachments (Class D08/70)
There are no patents to show for this class.