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Packages And Containers For Goods Patents
Can Patents (Class D09/763)
Can Patents (Class D09/763)
With elongated neck (Class D09/764)
Vertical chime (Class D09/765)
Base shape merges into a different shape at container top (Class D09/766)
Circular or oval base (Class D09/767)
Polygon base (Class D09/768)
Circular in plan (Class D09/772)
With distinct sidewall surface texture or detail (Class D09/773)
Curved or undulating sidewall or detail (Class D09/776)
Having tapered body (Class D09/777)
Wide mouth (Class D09/779)
Oval in plan (Class D09/781)
Polygon in plan (Class D09/782)
Having tapered sides (Class D09/783)
There are no patents to show for this class.