Abstract: A board game apparatus is disclosed. The board game apparatus has a support assembly, a first member rotatably supported by the support assembly, a second member rotatably supported by the support assembly and covering part of the first member, a board member rotatably supported by the support assembly and including a plurality of apertures, the board member covering the first member and the second member, and a raised member rotatably supported by the support assembly above the board member and forming a gap between the raised member and the board member. A first portion of the first member and a second portion of the second member are visible from above the board member through the plurality of apertures.
Abstract: The Spacial Game Board is a contiguous, multi-level (variable quantity and variably locatable in some cases) game board of squares with the quantity of simultaneous players determined by the quantity of squares being played on (2 players˜64 squares, 4 players˜133, or 144 squares, multiple player pairs additional to 2 add 72 squares for each pair) used for playing Spacial Chess and Spacial Checkers (Two Kingdom, Four Kingdom, etc., where Kingdom quantity matches the number of simultaneous players) that has additional rules to the traditional rules of chess and checkers when four or more simultaneous players are conducting a match whether on hardware (real life playing surface) or via computer generated Spacial Game Board with Spacial Chess and Spacial Checkers software packages.