Abstract: A tent having the overall appearance and shape of a NASCAR vehicle has fabric suspended between two sections of flexible pipe manufactured from PVC or fiberglass. The flexible tube sections cross forming two gentle smooth curves which when viewed from above form a flattened X. The bottom panel of the tent is a rectangle which has two parallel long sides and two parallel short sides and which may be staked to the ground. Two sides extend upwardly from the two long sides of the rectangle, and have the appearance of the sides of an automobile. The front bumper, the hood, the front windshield, the car top, the back window, rear spoiler and the rear bumper are formed by a panel which is joined to the tent bottom and the tent sides having printed indicia thereon representative of the various automotive parts. The driver's side of the car has a door formed by a zipper. A screen flap within the door forms an inner screen door.
Abstract: A toy playset is fabricated of a tent like fabric cover to represent a fanciful depiction of an anthill. The tent-like cover is formed about a frontal opening which facilitates viewing of the enclosure interior. A base secured to the tent-like enclosure further supports a vertically extending trunk which in turn supports the upper portion of the tent-like structure together with a platform. The platform further supports a table in a manner facilitating raising or lowering the table. A plurality of projectile launchers are supported by the table. A spring loaded catapult launcher is positioned upon the outer portion of the base and a ball guiding member extends downwardly from an aperture formed in the table to provide a ball rolling path which deposits a ball into the catapult causing a launch of the ball. Additional projectile launchers are provided on the supporting base. The fabric utilized on the tent-like structure is preferably translucent or otherwise light transmissive in character.