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Arms, pyrotechnics, hunting and fishing equipment Patents (Class D22)
Arms, Pyrotechnics, Hunting And Fishing Equipment Patents (Class D22)
Projectile launching weapon (Class D22/100)
Combined (Class D22/101)
Spear gun or blow gun (Class D22/102)
Rifle or shotgun (Class D22/103)
Pistol (Class D22/104)
Slingshot (Class D22/106)
Bow (Class D22/107)
Firearm element or attachment (Class D22/108)
Explosive or pyrotechnic article (Class D22/112)
Target or target launcher (Class D22/113)
Aerial or disc type (Class D22/114)
Free flight projectile (Class D22/115)
Pellet or bullet (Class D22/116)
Hand held weapon (Class D22/117)
Sword or knife (Class D22/118)
Trapping, repelling, or vermin destroying (Class D22/119)
Repeller (Class D22/120)
Marine life (Class D22/121)
Insect type (Class D22/122)
Lure (Class D22/125)
Fishing equipment (Class D22/134)
Net or scoop (Class D22/135)
Bait bucket or container (Class D22/136)
Rod or reel (Class D22/137)
Fishhook or guard (Class D22/144)
Sinker (Class D22/145)
Float (Class D22/146)
Fishing rod holder (Class D22/147)
Fisherman's tool (Class D22/149)
Miscellaneous (Class D22/199)