Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Canna plant named ‘Longwood Simply Salmon’ characterized by dwarf habit, gray-green foliage, and orange-salmon flowers which are open faced, long-lived, and attractively arranged within the inflorescence, is disclosed.
Abstract: A new and distinct Canna cultivar named ‘LEESHECAN01’ is disclosed, characterized by short, compact growth habit. Flowers are characteristically large, pink and rapidly self-cleaning. The new cultivar is a Canna, typically suited for garden and ornamental container use.
Abstract: A new and distinct Canna cultivar named ‘Can Do Apricot Dark Leaf’ is disclosed, characterized by distinctive apricot colored blossoms, dark foliage, characteristically large petals and rapidly self-cleaning petals. The new cultivar is a Canna, typically suited for garden and ornamental container use.
Abstract: A new and distinct Canna cultivar named ‘Can Do Pink’ is disclosed, characterized by short, compact growth habit. Flowers are characteristically large, pink and rapidly self-cleaning. The new cultivar is a Canna, typically suited for garden and ornamental container use.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Canna plant named ‘ORANGE CHOCOLATE’ that is characterized by dwarf habit, olive green to purple brown foliage, and bright orange flowers which are open faced and attractively arranged within the inflorescence. In combination these traits set ‘ORANGE CHOCOLATE’ apart from all other varieties of Canna known to the inventor.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Canna plant named ‘CHOCOLATE SUNRISE’ that is characterized by dwarf habit, olive green to purple brown foliage, and deep yellow flowers which are open faced and attractively arranged within the inflorescence. In combination these traits set ‘CHOCOLATE SUNRISE’ apart from all other varieties of Canna known to the inventor.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Canna plant named ‘B Marley’, that is characterized by its foliage that is highly variegated with stripes of dark green, red, yellow, orange and bright green with a green mid rib with leaves maturing to dark green with mauve striping, its flowering stems that are a blend of maroon in color and green in color, its highly suckering growth habit, its compact plant habit in width, and its flowers that are orange with a thin reddish orange margin on its staminodes.
Abstract: A new and distinct Canna cultivar named ‘LEESHECAN01’ is disclosed, characterized by short, compact growth habit. Flowers are characteristically large, pink and rapidly self-cleaning. The new cultivar is a Canna, typically suited for garden and ornamental container use.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Canna plant named ‘Fire Dragon’ that is characterized by a semi-dwarf habit, mid-green foliage, and pure scarlet flowers which are open faced, long-lived, self-cleaning, and attractively arranged within the inflorescence, is disclosed
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Canna plant named ‘Longwood Simply Salmon’ characterized by dwarf habit, gray-green foliage, and orange-salmon flowers which are open faced, long-lived, and attractively arranged within the inflorescence, is disclosed.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Canna plant named ‘Red Tiger’ that is characterized by its compact and mid-sized plant habit, its flowers that are bright scarlet in color, its striated (variegated) foliage with alternating striations of green and yellow and a thin yellow margin, its petioles that are green with a yellow margin with the apex of the petiole variable striped, and inflorescences with 12 to 20 flower buds and typically with 3 to 4 flowers that are open at one time.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Canna plant named ‘White Tiger’ that is characterized by its compact and mid-sized plant habit, its flowers that are white in color, its heavily striated (variegated) foliage with alternating striations of green and yellow. and its flowers that are medium to large in size.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Canna plant named ‘Maui Punch’, that is characterized by its medium to large flowers that are bright yellow with numerous bright red spots that are self-cleaning and do not require deadheading, its compact plant habit, its branched flower spikes, resulting in numerous flowers per spike, and light green foliage, and its bloom from spring until frost.