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  • Patent number: 7940901
    Abstract: The present integrated system—method and remote management devices for services and products that are mainly provided by public utility companies, is primarily based on monitoring the consumption of the product. Both the organisation as well as the clients are provided with information (by means of specialised software) regarding the improved management of the products and services of the organisation and the more rational pricing. The consumers are given the chance to contribute to the saving of energy in a substantial manner, thus contributing to reduced environmental pollution. Other system features include the issuance and settlement of invoices, as well as other services such as tele-statistics, tele-marketing, tele-polling, etc.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 5, 2004
    Date of Patent: May 10, 2011
    Inventors: Theodore George Paraskevakos, Pavlos Kastrinakis