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  • Patent number: 7515651
    Abstract: A circuit 30 for upsampling and upconverting a high rate signal that is divided into M in phase (I) symbols and M quadrature (Q) symbols. A Nyquist filter 32 upsamples by a factor of k each of the 2M symbols in parallel during one system clock period (CP). The filter 32 has a plurality of 2kM filter components 40, 42, that each provides a continuous output. A plurality of multipliers 50, 52 each upconverts a filter component output with a carrier wave signal 46, 48 that is output from a numerically controlled oscillator 44. A plurality of adders 54 each adds the output of two multipliers 50 to recombine corresponding I and Q samples to output kM samples during a CP. For continuous phase modulation, N parallel bits are input into the filter 32, upsampled in one CP, and accumulated and modulated 82 in parallel in one CP. For analog processing, M (I) and M (Q) symbols are input into an FIR filter 77a, 77b for upsampling, and decimated at a MUX/DAC block 78 for subsequent analog upconversion.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 7, 2003
    Date of Patent: April 7, 2009
    Assignee: L3 Communications Corporation
    Inventors: Osama Sami Haddadin, L. Andrew Gibson, Jr., David Scott Nelson