Patents Examined by Saad M Kabir
  • Patent number: 11341287
    Abstract: A computer-based method for generating a physical payment card for a consumer is implemented using a computer device including a processor. The method includes identifying a consumer account and creating, by the processor, a model data file associated with the physical payment card for the consumer account. The model data file includes data representing the physical payment card. The method includes transmitting the model data file to a 3-dimensional printer device and the model data file is configured to enable the printer device to print the physical payment card.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 20, 2013
    Date of Patent: May 24, 2022
    Inventor: Debashis Ghosh
  • Patent number: 11334955
    Abstract: A method for operating a combined-cycle electrical power grid by: accepting, from combined cycle power generation participants, combined cycle offers for valid combined cycle configurations, each including identification of power generator type(s) for the configuration and the offers including at least three levels of parameter information pertaining for the valid combined cycle configurations, the three levels including, (a) resource level parameters that describe transition information between the valid combined cycle configurations, (b) configuration level parameters that describe operating parameters for each valid configuration; and (c) component level parameters that describe operating parameters for specific power generator components included in a valid configuration; selecting commitments from the combined cycle offers based upon the resource level parameters, the configuration level parameters and the component level parameters; and controlling dispatch of electricity based upon the commitments.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 12, 2019
    Date of Patent: May 17, 2022
    Assignee: Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc.
    Inventors: Yonghong Chen, Congcong Wang, Charles William Hansen, Jason Coy Howard, Kimberly Lynn Sperry, Kevin Andrew Vannoy, Chunheng Wang, Fengyu Wang
  • Patent number: 11320845
    Abstract: A system for using load tap changing (LTC) transformers and voltage regulators (VR) to reduce the voltage in a power transmission system by temporarily disabling the upper band voltage and temporarily designating the bandcenter as the upper band edge voltage whereby the tap selector switches operate in set increments to reduce applied voltage to a level that is between the redesigned bandcenter and the lower band edge.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 29, 2014
    Date of Patent: May 3, 2022
    Assignee: Beckwith Electric Co., Inc.
    Inventors: Robert McFetridge, Murty Yalla
  • Patent number: 11314228
    Abstract: A part analysis tool is used to analyze aspects of a composite part. The part analysis tool includes a verification control unit that compares numerical control data used to control operation of a forming system that is used to form the composite part to computer-aided design (CAD) data that includes an authoritative part definition for the composite part. The verification control unit determines whether the numerical control data is within one or more conformance thresholds related to the CAD data. The part analysis tool may also include an inspection control unit that compares inspection data of one or more plies of the composite part to the CAD data. The inspection control unit determines whether the inspection data is within the conformance threshold(s) related to the CAD data.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 26, 2016
    Date of Patent: April 26, 2022
    Assignee: The Boeing Company
    Inventors: Stephen Dostert, Jeffrey L. Miller, Michael Honea
  • Patent number: 11308508
    Abstract: A method includes generating a utility portal interface in response to a request from a utility computer system that receives parameters that specify a demand response event; providing a display of groups of energy-consuming locations that are available to be selected to participate in the demand response event; providing a display of an energy demand profile for the utility during the demand response event; receiving a selection of a subset of the groups of energy-consuming locations to participate in the demand response event; causing the display of the energy demand profile for the utility during the demand response event to be dynamically updated as the subset of the groups of energy-consuming locations are selected or deselected by the utility computer system to participate; and sending transmissions to thermostats associated with the subset of the groups of energy-consuming locations to execute the demand response event.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 2, 2020
    Date of Patent: April 19, 2022
    Assignee: Google LLC
    Inventors: Yoky Matsuoka, Anthony M. Fadell, Matthew L. Rogers, David Sloo, Scott A. McGaraghan, Samuel W. Kortz
  • Patent number: 11306923
    Abstract: An intra-day rolling scheduling method for an integrated heat and electricity system including: establishing an objective function for scheduling of the integrated heat and electricity system, the objective function aiming to make operating costs of the integrated heat and electricity system to be a minimum; establishing constraints for a steady-state safe operation of the integrated heat and electricity system; and solving the objective function based on the constraints by an interior point method, to obtain an active power and a heating power of each combined heat and power unit, an active power of each thermal power unit, a heating power of each heat pump, and an active power consumed by each circulating pump.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 7, 2020
    Date of Patent: April 19, 2022
    Inventors: Hongbin Sun, Qinglai Guo, Bin Wang, Yuwei Chen
  • Patent number: 11288757
    Abstract: A method for generating an AI-based building energy model for a client building, comprising: generating an energy profile database by: defining a set of building parameters; generating energy profiles by simulating a set of physical building models; and, populating the energy profile database with the energy profiles; determining an energy profile for the client building by: splitting the energy profile database into groups and clustering each group into a set of clusters; selecting a cluster; and, selecting the energy profile in the cluster that is a closest match to that of the client building; selecting a physical building model from a building model database that corresponds to the energy profile; calibrating the physical building model to generate an adjusted building model; and, generating a set of training datasets from the adjusted building model and inputting the set of training datasets into an AI module to generate the AI-based model.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 30, 2018
    Date of Patent: March 29, 2022
    Inventors: Pawan Lingras, Alexandre Pavlovski, Ilia Pavlovski, Aaron Caldwell, Trent Hilliard, Zheng Qin
  • Patent number: 11268496
    Abstract: Various embodiments distributively control a wind park having a plurality of wind turbines. Each wind turbine controlled by its own turbine controller. Each turbine controller determines power production capability of its dedicated wind turbine. The power production capability of the single wind turbine is communicated with a plurality of other turbine controllers in the wind park. A consensus power distribution schedule to distribute power to a power grid is determined using votes from each turbine controller in the wind park. Energy is discharged from each wind turbine to a power grid according to the power distribution schedule. When one wind turbine fails, a new power distribution schedule is determined using votes from each remaining turbine controller and energy is discharged from each wind turbine to the power grid according to the new power distribution schedule.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 9, 2019
    Date of Patent: March 8, 2022
    Assignee: Inventus Holdings, LLC
    Inventors: Jason R. Skopek, Hector K. Lopez
  • Patent number: 11258256
    Abstract: A method for controlling a wind power plant connected to an electrical grid, the wind power plant comprising at least one wind turbine generator and a power plant controller, the power plant controller comprising a signal controller for controlling an electrical parameter with a gain, the method comprising, measuring at least one electrical parameter in the electrical grid , determining an internal signal value at least partially based on the at least one electrical parameter, comparing the internal signal value with a saturation value, and if the internal signal value exceed the saturation value, increasing the gain of the signal controller to a first gain value, in order to decrease a rise time for a slope for the electrical parameter in the electrical grid.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 6, 2014
    Date of Patent: February 22, 2022
    Inventor: Jorge Martinez Garcia
  • Patent number: 11238474
    Abstract: A system includes an energy storage device geographically proximate a plurality of load centers. The energy storage device is coupled to one or more of the plurality of load centers for supplying energy to the load centers and is also coupled to an energy generation source for receiving energy from the energy generation source. The system also includes a control system that is operable to receive energy market data, monitor the plurality of load centers, the energy storage device, and the energy generation source, and control the charging and dispatching of the energy storage device based on the monitoring and the energy market data.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 1, 2019
    Date of Patent: February 1, 2022
    Inventors: Daniel Gregory Price, John Franklin Allen, Jr., Victor Kuang-En Liu, Robert D. Maher, III
  • Patent number: 11231697
    Abstract: An industrial automation component may receive design information associated with an arrangement of one or more industrial automation components in an industrial automation system and identify a first portion of the industrial automation components in the industrial automation system that is unable to interface with a second portion of industrial automation components based on the design information. The industrial automation component may then generate a list of industrial automation components based on the first portion of the industrial automation components and the second portion of industrial automation components, wherein each of the list of industrial automation components is configured to translate a first set of data associated with the first portion of the industrial automation components to a second set of data configured to be at least partly interpretable by the second portion of industrial automation components.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 25, 2019
    Date of Patent: January 25, 2022
    Assignee: Rockwell Automation Technologies, Inc.
    Inventors: Haithem Mansouri, William Sinner, Charles M. Rischar, Subbian Govindaraj, Michael Kalan, Juergen Weinhofer, Andrew R. Stump, Daniel S. DeYoung, Frank Kulaszewicz, Edward A. Hill, Keith Staninger, Matheus Bulho
  • Patent number: 11220061
    Abstract: There is disclosed a non-transitory machine readable storage medium encoded with instructions executable by a processor and comprising instructions to: receive object data corresponding to a three-dimensional object to be generated; define print data for each of a plurality of slices of the object to control a respective layer forming operation in which print agent is ejected on a layer of build material in a pattern corresponding to selective fusing of the build material, wherein the print data and the respective pattern is defined for each slice according to object a print definition procedure; and select the print definition procedure from a plurality of print definition procedures based on a user input. There is also disclosed a corresponding method and additive manufacturing apparatus.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 12, 2016
    Date of Patent: January 11, 2022
    Assignee: Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
    Inventors: Luis Garcia Garcia, Scott White, Salvador Sanchez Ribes
  • Patent number: 11205901
    Abstract: Disclosed is a method for identifying the topology of an electric power network allows for the automatic and efficient identification of network topology without the knowledge of network parameters. The method is based on the estimation of mutual current sensitivity coefficients and on an algorithm to obtain the network incidence matrix from the estimated sensitivity coefficients. This algorithm is based on the general assumption that the metering unit that is the most sensitive to the variations of the measured current in a branch connected to a particular node is the metering unit that is arranged at the physical node immediately upstream form the particular node. The method effectively considers the presence of noise in the measurements and its time correlation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 11, 2018
    Date of Patent: December 21, 2021
    Assignee: DEPSYS SA
    Inventors: Omid Alizadeh-Mousavi, Joël Jaton
  • Patent number: 11194303
    Abstract: A method, system and computer program product are provided for implementing anomaly detection and notification through profiled context. Anomalies are detected by effectively using multiple devices and using predefined profiles to generate a contextual comparison for subtle differences detected. When predefined subtle anomalies are detected using at least one of the predefined profiles, a selected notification is provided.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 3, 2018
    Date of Patent: December 7, 2021
    Assignee: International Business Machines Corporation
    Inventors: Jim C. Chen, John M. Santosuosso, Jason A. Nikolai
  • Patent number: 11190131
    Abstract: The present disclosure provides a method and system for power prediction of a photovoltaic power station based on operating data of grid-connected inverters, including: constructing a photovoltaic module model according to parameters of a photovoltaic module in a photovoltaic power station; constructing a power prediction model based on an artificial neural network algorithm; acquiring output data of a photovoltaic array when being shaded by static shadows of different thicknesses and different shading areas, constructing a training set to train the power prediction model, and obtaining a trained power prediction model; and acquiring, classifying, and normalizing output powers in real-time operating data of an inverter when the photovoltaic array is under a clear sky condition, and predicting a output power of the entire photovoltaic power station by using the trained power prediction model, the power prediction including a rolling prediction of the output power of the photovoltaic power station under a clear
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 16, 2019
    Date of Patent: November 30, 2021
    Inventors: Feng Gao, Xiangjian Meng, Tao Xu, Chenghui Zhang
  • Patent number: 11181891
    Abstract: Embodiments of systems and methods to relate welding wire to a welding power source are disclosed. One embodiment is a networked system having a server computer. The server computer is configured to receive first data including at least one of an identity or a location of a consumable source of welding wire, and at least one of a weight status, indicating a change in weight, or an energization status, indicating an energization state, of the consumable source of welding wire. The server computer is configured to receive second data including at least one of an identity or a location of a welding power source, and an activation status indicating an activation state of the welding power source. The server computer is configured to match the welding power source to the consumable source of welding wire based on at least the first data and the second data.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 6, 2017
    Date of Patent: November 23, 2021
    Assignee: LINCOLN GLOBAL, INC.
    Inventors: Todd E. Kooken, Joseph A. Daniel, Matthew A. Albright, Bruce John Chantry, Steven R. Peters
  • Patent number: 11175639
    Abstract: Model predictive control is used to obtain the best performance value for an objective in a dynamic environment. One or more best performance values for a model predictive application are obtained by utilizing asymmetric dynamic behavior that pushes the process to the edges of the operative window. When a setpoint becomes infeasible, a controller slows down when moving away from a specified setpoint. When the infeasibility clears and the controller starts moving back towards the setpoint, the controller follows a tuned speed. When the controller moves in a direction against economic profit, the controller slows down and when moving in the direction of economic profit, the controller follows the tuned dynamic speed. The controller computes the best performance value for each controlled variable and is equal to the setpoint for the controlled variables with a setpoint or the highest profit value between limits for controlled values affected by economic functions.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 2, 2016
    Date of Patent: November 16, 2021
    Inventors: Rishi Amrit, Pierre Christian Marie Carrette, John Martin Williamson, William Matthew Canney
  • Patent number: 11156572
    Abstract: A processor-implemented method of controlling an HVAC system transforms a comfort map into a plurality of sequential constant-temperature segments that are used in generating a control temperature sequence that preserves occupant comfort while improving energy efficiency. The method balances user comfort, temperature trajectory execution complexity, operational HVAC trajectory realization, and energy efficiency. The system achieves this balance through utilization of comfort map metric data, analysis and control system execution. The system, comfort map metric data processing and analysis facilitates this balance by executing a control temperature sequence/temperature trajectories developed based on direct user comfort feedback data within the context of a comfort map and thermal equilibrium boundaries derived from the comfort map.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 1, 2015
    Date of Patent: October 26, 2021
    Assignee: Schneider Electric USA, Inc.
    Inventors: Paul Robert Buda, Larry A. Turner, Scott Robert Brown, Gary Brent Pollard, David R. Glasgow, Jason Pazis
  • Patent number: 11155034
    Abstract: According to some embodiments, system and methods are provided comprising generating a nominal computer-aided design (CAD) image of a component; producing a physical representation of the component from the nominal CAD image using an additive manufacturing (AM) process; measuring the physical component to obtain measurement data; determining a deviation between geometry associated with the nominal CAD image and the obtained measurement data; determining a compensation field for the deviation, if the deviation is outside of a tolerance threshold; modifying the nominal CAD image by the compensation field; and producing a physical representation of the component from the modified nominal CAD image. Numerous other aspects are provided.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 27, 2016
    Date of Patent: October 26, 2021
    Assignee: General Electric Company
    Inventors: Pinghai Yang, James William Sears, Steven Charles Woods, Michael Evans Graham
  • Patent number: 11150623
    Abstract: A control system for identifying and responding to effective system changes in a monitored system includes data collection, change identification, classifier construction, effective system change and parameter adjustment modules. The data collection module tracks parameters of the monitored system. The change identification module, based on the parameters, identifies: during training, performance changes and first system changes; and post training, a set of performance changes and second system changes. The classifier construction module, based on the performance changes and the first system changes construct a performance-system change classifier module. The performance-system change classifier module, based on the set of performance changes, determines possible system changes and respective probability values. The effective system change module, based on the second and possible system changes, determines effective system changes and respective probability values.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 28, 2019
    Date of Patent: October 19, 2021
    Inventors: Shengbing Jiang, Chaitanya Sankavaram, Yilu Zhang, Paul A. Krajewski