Patents Represented by Attorney C. L. Menzemer
  • Patent number: 4099069
    Abstract: An MNOS memory array including circuitry to permit all of the memory devices comprising the array to be addressed for purposes of clearing the array by a block select and a clear signal as disclosed. The circuitry is arranged such that a plurality of arrays may be interconnected to form a large block oriented memory system with all blocks utilizing a common clear signal.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 8, 1976
    Date of Patent: July 4, 1978
    Assignee: Westinghouse Electric Corp.
    Inventors: James R. Cricchi, Joe E. Brewer
  • Patent number: 4086614
    Abstract: A semiconductor device is described having a body of silicon semiconductor material containing at least one PN junction therein, which PN junction terminates at a peripheral edge surface of the body. A double-layer passivating and protective coating is applied to the edge of the body covering the portion where the PN junction emerges. The inner layer consists of SiO.sub.2 and a predetermined percentage of Al.sub.2 O.sub.3. The outer layer consists of SiO.sub.2 and a predetermined percentage of Al.sub.2 O.sub.3 which exceeds the percentage of Al.sub.2 O.sub.3 in the inner layer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 24, 1975
    Date of Patent: April 25, 1978
    Assignee: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventor: Fritz Scheidel
  • Patent number: 4086612
    Abstract: The present invention is directed to a thyristor comprising a body of semiconductor material with at least four zones of alternating conductivity type, of which the first zone represents an emitter zone and is provided with an emitter electrode, a second zone adjacent said first zone represents a base zone and is provided with an electrode, with at least one pn junction between the emitter zone and the base zone, and with at least one shunt bridging the pn junctions, this shunt being a current path located in the base zone or in the emitter zone, uninterrupted by any pn junction, located on the surface of the semiconductor body, and directly connecting the emitter electrode and the base electrode.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 10, 1976
    Date of Patent: April 25, 1978
    Assignee: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventor: Peter Voss
  • Patent number: 4080621
    Abstract: This invention is directed to a semiconductor device comprised of a body of semiconductor material having at least one p-n junction terminating at an exposed surface of the body. The p-n junction is passivated at its termination point by a first, thin glass layer and a second glass layer disposed over the first thin glass layer. The second glass layer is thicker than the first glass layer and includes a predetermined amount of a suitable filler material.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 27, 1977
    Date of Patent: March 21, 1978
    Assignee: Mitsubishi Denki Kabushiki Kaisha
    Inventors: Shigeru Funakawa, Masahiro Yamane
  • Patent number: 4077111
    Abstract: A self-aligned gate field effect transistor is described which is capable of operating at high frequencies. A method for making the transistor is described which comprises plating metal partially over an oxide layer, then removing the oxide to produce an overlapping metal portion and then plating again to produce a gate contact between the overlapping metal portions.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 14, 1976
    Date of Patent: March 7, 1978
    Assignee: Westinghouse Electric Corporation
    Inventors: Michael C. Driver, He B. Kim
  • Patent number: 4076555
    Abstract: The turn-off time of a reverse blocking diode thyristor is decreased without significantly effecting other electrical characteristics by irradiating with a radiation source to a dosage corresponding to between about 4 .times. 10.sup.13 and about 2 .times. 10.sup.14 electrons/cm.sup.2 and preferably to between about 6 .times. 10.sup.13 and about 2 .times. 10.sup.14 electrons/cm.sup.2 with 2 MeV electron radiation source. Preferably the radiation source is electron radiation with an energy greater than 1 MeV.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 17, 1976
    Date of Patent: February 28, 1978
    Assignee: Westinghouse Electric Corporation
    Inventors: Chang K. Chu, John Bartko, Patrick E. Felice
  • Patent number: 4075037
    Abstract: The recovery charge of power diodes and thyristors is tailored and matched by irradiation through a major surface of the semiconductor body with a given radiation source, preferably of electron radiation, to a dosage corresponding to between about 1 .times. 10.sup.12 and 8 .times. 10.sup.12 electrons per centimeter square with 2 MeV electron radiation. Preferably, the recovery charge of each device of a group of a type of diode or thyristor is first measured, and the group divided into subgroups according to the measured recovery charge of each device. The devices of at least one subgroup is then irradiated with said given radiation source to dosages corresponding to between about 1 .times. 10.sup.12 and 8 .times. 10.sup.12 electrons per centimeter square with 2 MeV electron radiation, and the recovery charge of each irradiated device is again measured to determine the incremental change of recovery charge as a function of irradiation dosage.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 17, 1976
    Date of Patent: February 21, 1978
    Assignee: Westinghouse Electric Corporation
    Inventors: Krishan S. Tarneja, Joseph E. Johnson, John Bartko
  • Patent number: 4069356
    Abstract: Photoconductive layers particularly useful with integrated circuits are directly made from compositions selected from the group consisting of zinc sulfide (ZnS), cadmium sulfide (CdS), cadmium selenide (CdSe), cadmium telluride (CdTe), zinc sulfide selenide (ZnS.sub.x Se.sub.1-x), and cadmium sulfide selenide (CdS.sub.x Se.sub.1-x), and cadmium sulfide telluride (CdS.sub.x Te.sub.1-x). Powders of component materials for the photoconductive layer are mixed with a copper halide powder such that the copper halide is between about 0.1 and 5.0% and preferably between about 0.1 and 2.0% by weight of the total mixture. The mixed powder then is formed into at least one pellet and the pellet used as an evaporant source for vacuum deposition of a photoconductive layer onto a prepared substrate at a rate greater than 10 nanometers/minute and preferably greater than 500 nanometers per minute. The photoconductive layer and substrate are then baked in an oxygen-rich atmosphere at a temperature between and 550.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 22, 1975
    Date of Patent: January 17, 1978
    Assignee: Westinghouse Electric Corporation
    Inventor: Albert G. Fischer
  • Patent number: 4065781
    Abstract: An insulated-gate thin film transistor is provided with low leakage drain current. A second semiconductor layer makes contact with the source electrode and the semiconductor layer forming the channel of the transistor at least between the source and drain electrodes. The second semiconductor layer is of opposite type conductivity from the channel semiconductor layer and preferably forms a PN heterojunction with the channel semiconductor layer. Alternatively, a metal layer may be used in place of the second semiconductor to form a Schottky-barrier junction with the channel semiconductor layer instead of a PN junction. Preferably, the channel semiconductor layer and the second semiconductor layer or the metal layer are sequentially evaporation deposited through the same deposition mask onto a substrate from evaporant sources spaced substantially different distances from the substrate so that the sequential layers are deposited on first and second overlapping areas of the substrate.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 21, 1974
    Date of Patent: December 27, 1977
    Assignee: Westinghouse Electric Corporation
    Inventor: Peter Gutknecht
  • Patent number: 4060826
    Abstract: The present invention pertains to a light activated thyristor which increases the current density of light-generated carriers by means of a low resistance path from an area of carrier generation in a base zone of a first conductivity type into a portion of an adjacent emitter zone of a second conductivity type. In one embodiment the low resistance path takes the form of an annular gate electrode affixed to the base zone and having a projection bordering the base-emitter PN junction. In another embodiment the low resistance path takes the form of a ballast segment disposed in the base zone, the ballast segment having an opening for funnelling the carriers to the base-emitter PN junction.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 2, 1976
    Date of Patent: November 29, 1977
    Assignee: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventor: Peter Voss
  • Patent number: 4056408
    Abstract: A method of reducing the switching time of certain semiconductor devices and particularly gain-operated semiconductor devices. The depth of maximum defect generation in a given type of semiconductor devices having a block PN junction is determined on irradiation with a given radiation source emitting particles with molecular weight of at least one (1), preferably protons or alpha particles; and the energy level of the radiation source adjusted to provide the depth of maximum defect generation adjacent a blocking PN junction of the type of semiconductor device. At least one semiconductor device of said given type of semiconductor device is positioned with a major surface thereof to be exposed to the adjusted radiation source, and thereafter irradiated with the adjusted radiation source to a given dosage level to reduce the switching time of the semiconductor device.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 17, 1976
    Date of Patent: November 1, 1977
    Assignee: Westinghouse Electric Corporation
    Inventors: John Bartko, Kuan H. Sun
  • Patent number: 4053833
    Abstract: A method is provided for contactless testing of an integrated circuit by fabricating, integrally with the integrated circuit, at least one and preferably a plurality of conductive semiconductor elements that are electrically connected between power and/or signal sources and inputs to the integrated circuit, and that are adapted to electrically conduct when exposed to a radiation beam. The conductive elements are selectively exposed by at least one radiation beam, such as an electron or light beam, to cause the conductive elements to electrically conduct and supply desired electrical inputs at the connected inputs of the integrated circuits; and the electrical responses of at least a segment of the integrated circuit to said electrical input are measured to determine whether said circuit segment possesses specified electrical characteristics. The integrated circuit can thus be selectively and sequentially tested by segments and modules.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 27, 1975
    Date of Patent: October 11, 1977
    Assignee: Westinghouse Electric Corporation
    Inventors: Paul R. Malmberg, Robert M. Handy, Donald F. Stoneburner, David Green
  • Patent number: 4047214
    Abstract: An electrostatically bonded dielectric-on semiconductor device, such as a ferroelectric field-effect transistor or amplifying acoustic surface wave transducer, is made with a dielectric body having properties selected from the group consisting of ferroelectricity and piezoelectricity. The dielectric body has opposed first and second major surfaces, with at least said first major surface of planar configuration to which a semiconductor body is electrostatically bonded. The semiconductor body is of a bulk material and a given conductivity type, and has first and second opposed major surfaces, with at least the first major surface of planar configuration where the semiconductor body is electrostatically bonded. At least one and typically a plurality of electrodes are positioned on the dielectric body to provide for interaction between transport carriers in the semiconductor body and electric polarization changes in the dielectric body. Preferably, the dielectric-on-semiconductor is made by the method described.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 4, 1975
    Date of Patent: September 6, 1977
    Assignee: Westinghouse Electric Corporation
    Inventors: Maurice H. Francombe, Shu-Yau Wu
  • Patent number: 4043837
    Abstract: A thyristor is provided with a low forward voltage drop (V.sub.f) while providing a typical gate current to trigger (I.sub.g). The working point in the cathode-base region of the thyristor has an impurity concentration less than 5 .times. 10.sup.15 and preferably less than 1 .times. 10.sup.15 per cm.sup.3. The gating portion of the device is selectively irradiated, preferably with electron radiation, to maintain the gate current. The forward blocking voltage (V.sub.BO) and rate of rise of application of forward voltage (dV/dt) of the thyristor may also be maintained at typical values by a fine shunt pattern and/or doping of the shunt portions.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 11, 1976
    Date of Patent: August 23, 1977
    Assignee: Westinghouse Electric Corporation
    Inventors: Michael W. Cresswell, John S. Roberts
  • Patent number: 4042418
    Abstract: An integrated array of solar cells is produced in continuous layers of photovoltaic junction forming semiconductor materials. Adjacent solar cells are sufficiently isolated by virtue of a relatively high resistivity in the semiconductor layers. The solar cells are connected in series by shorting the junction at selected points.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 2, 1976
    Date of Patent: August 16, 1977
    Assignee: Westinghouse Electric Corporation
    Inventor: William J. Biter
  • Patent number: 4042947
    Abstract: A transistor device is described in which an NPN semiconductor structure has a specially adapted N-type emitter zone and associated electrode. The emitter zone is produced by etching a cavity in one major surface of the semiconductor body followed by diffusion of N-type dopant material. Emitter, base and collector electrodes are then affixed to the appropriate surfaces of the body to provide electrical and thermal contact thereto.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 6, 1976
    Date of Patent: August 16, 1977
    Assignee: Westinghouse Electric Corporation
    Inventors: Chang K. Chu, Philip L. Hower, George W. Vomish
  • Patent number: 4040170
    Abstract: An integrated amplifying gate thyristor is provided with an integral diode in the thyristor structure in the same semiconductor body. The diode provides gate assist turn-off capability with the same gate electrode used to turn-on a pilot thyristor of the device. The common cathode-base region of the pilot and main thyristors also is common with the anode region of the diode. The current gain of the NPN transistor structure formed at the diode and the common anode-base region at the diode is less than the ratio of I.sub.FB /I.sub.g, where I.sub.FB is the forward anode current on triggering the main thyristor into the low impedance conduction state by applying a threshold negative gate assist current (I.sub.G) and an operating anode-cathode load potential, and I.sub.g is a negative gate current selected to assist in turn-off of the main thyristor.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 24, 1976
    Date of Patent: August 9, 1977
    Assignee: Westinghouse Electric Corporation
    Inventors: Earl S. Schlegel, Derrick J. Page
  • Patent number: 4040877
    Abstract: A plurality of discrete transistor devices are produced on a semiconductor wafer and isolated from one another by moat etching. A passivation layer is then deposited in the moats separating the discrete transistor devices. The semiconductor wafer is then scribed and broken along lines delineated by the moats. The disclosed method permits testing of each discrete transistor device prior to separation from the wafer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 24, 1976
    Date of Patent: August 9, 1977
    Assignee: Westinghouse Electric Corporation
    Inventors: Joseph E. Johnson, John A. Ostop
  • Patent number: 4035825
    Abstract: The present invention pertains to a thyristor device comprising a semiconductor body having at least one emitter zone positioned at a major surface of the body. A base zone shares a portion of the major surface with the emitter zone and extends under the entirety of the emitter zone. The base zone and emitter zone form a PN junction at their interface. The portion of the base zone under the emitter zone has a plurality of low resistivity branches which have their common origin in the portion of the base zone located directly under the major surface.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 28, 1975
    Date of Patent: July 12, 1977
    Assignee: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventor: Fritz Kirschner
  • Patent number: 4024560
    Abstract: A pyroelectric-field effect electromagnetic radiation detector is comprised of a semiconductor body having opposed major surfaces. First and second electrodes are spaced apart from each other in ohmic contact with said semiconductor body to form a conductive channel in said body between said electrodes. A pyroelectric body having opposed major surfaces substantially normal to a polar axis thereof is positioned with one said major surface in intimate contact with and preferably electrostatically bonded to a major surface of said semiconductor body at least between said electrodes, and polarized therethrough substantially normal to said opposed major surfaces at least between said first and second electrodes. A gate electrode capable of absorbing radiation to be detected is also positioned adjacent said pyroelectric body at least between said electrodes. Alternatively, the semiconductor and pyroelectric bodies may be provided by a single body having both pyroelectric and semiconductor properties.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 4, 1975
    Date of Patent: May 17, 1977
    Assignee: Westinghouse Electric Corporation
    Inventors: Robert C. Miller, Shu-Yau Wu, George W. Roland