Patents Represented by Law Firm Hill, Van Santen, Steadman, Chiara & Simpson
  • Patent number: 4357812
    Abstract: An automatic washing machine of the vertical axis type is provided with an annular channel in the bottom of the tub to collect debris and sediment particles and with an annular baffle to prevent the collected particles from being deposited in the washed articles during the direct-into-spin portion of the wash cycle.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 15, 1980
    Date of Patent: November 9, 1982
    Assignee: Whirlpool Corporation
    Inventors: Albert T. Braga, William Ohmann
  • Patent number: 4358786
    Abstract: Video signals are stored on a continuously movable magnetic tape with a dissection of the video signals into a plurality of partial signals and simultaneously recording the partial signals in a plurality of longitudinal tracks which extend parallel to one another. Inasmuch as mutual influences of the individual image formation to be stored are to be reduced, even given a great recording density, the signal lines of the video signal are employed as partial signals, whereby the line signals belonging to a television image are combined to at least one group and are successively recorded in groups. All line signals belonging to one and the same group are simultaneously recorded on a plurality of longitudinal tracks after an intermediate storage. The invention finds particular application in video recorders having longitudinal track recording.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 11, 1979
    Date of Patent: November 9, 1982
    Assignee: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventors: Hans-Joerg Pfleiderer, Karl-Ulrich Stein, Michael Koubek, Hans-Martin Christiansen
  • Patent number: 4358196
    Abstract: For the development of charge images on photoelectric carriers, a developer mixture is used which is comprised of carrier particles and toner particles. In order to prevent excessive aging of this developer mixture, the developer station is constantly supplied with fresh developer and used developer is constantly removed in the same quantity. The quantity of the developer which is supplied to or removed from the developer station is determined with the help of dosing devices. These can include a rotary element with a bore hole. The bore hole is filled with developer and, after rotation of the element by, it is again emptied. The rotational speed of the rotary element and the size of the bore hole determine the quantity of developer which is supplied to the developer station or, respectively, is removed therefrom.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 27, 1981
    Date of Patent: November 9, 1982
    Assignee: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventor: Hubert Mugrauer
  • Patent number: 4358119
    Abstract: An apparatus for gas-tight sealing of the connection points between a stationary machine part and a machine part which is rotationally mounted with respect thereto has an annular disc disposed adjacent to the connection point on one of the machine parts, the annular disc being surrounded by an annular channeled housing which spans the connection point and is mounted on the other of the machine parts. The housing contains at least one washer or packing ring which bears against the annular ring and further includes a structure for applying pressure to the washer to maintain the washer against the ring.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 16, 1981
    Date of Patent: November 9, 1982
    Assignee: Klockner-Humboldt-Deutz AG
    Inventor: Alfred Kryczun
  • Patent number: 4358842
    Abstract: A record player is described having a turntable which is rotated by a pulsed motor energized from a motor drive circuit. The motor driving circuit includes a negative feedback servo loop which includes means for detecting vibration of the arm. Means is further provided for generating an output in response to the vibration of said tone arm. A high-pass filter is provided having a cut-off frequency which is the same or lower than the resonance frequency of the tone arm. The motor is controlled by an output of the servo loop in proportion to an accelerated velocity of the tone arm when said tone arm is vibrating at less than the cut-off frequency.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 8, 1980
    Date of Patent: November 9, 1982
    Assignee: Sony Corporation
    Inventor: Shuichi Kimura
  • Patent number: 4358769
    Abstract: A loop antenna apparatus is disclosed which includes a main conductive loop arranged on a first surface, a plurality of supplemental conductive loops connected to the main conductive loop and arranged on different surfaces from the first surface, respectively, a plurality of signal feeding points provided in different loops of the main and supplemental conductive loops, an output terminal and change-over switches for selectively connecting one of the plurality of signal feeding points to the output terminal.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 11, 1981
    Date of Patent: November 9, 1982
    Assignee: Sony Corporation
    Inventors: Masahiro Tada, Hirokazu Ichikawa, Mitsuo Fukushima, Koya Nakamichi, Koji Ouchi, Yoshio Ishigaki
  • Patent number: 4358683
    Abstract: In the exemplary embodiment the temperature-dependent resistance of the cathode coil is taken as the measure of the instantaneous coil temperature and is employed for the purpose of dimensioning an increased filament power in the transition time between fluoroscopy and radiography, or for the purpose of dimensioning a heating pause in the transition time between radiography and fluoroscopy, respectively.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 3, 1980
    Date of Patent: November 9, 1982
    Assignee: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventor: Gerd Seifert
  • Patent number: 4358684
    Abstract: In an exemplary embodiment, a timing device sets the fluoroscopy time, and a program setting and display device displays the instantaneous values of the fluoroscopy voltage and current. An arithmetic unit is provided to which signals are supplied which correspond to the fluoroscopy voltage, the fluoroscopy current, and the fluoroscopy time, and which is so designed that it forms the arithmetic mean values of these quantities and brings them to display.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 22, 1981
    Date of Patent: November 9, 1982
    Assignee: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventors: Hans-Joachim Greiner, Werner Saalfrank
  • Patent number: 4358720
    Abstract: A brush-less dc motor driving circuit is disclosed, wherein a variable constant current source is connected in series with motor windings, and motor torque proportional to motor currents is adjusted by controlling current value of said variable constant current source. Further, a supply voltage control loop is provided, so that power loss at the variable constant current source becomes minimum.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 18, 1981
    Date of Patent: November 9, 1982
    Assignee: Sony Corporation
    Inventor: Fumiyoshi Abe
  • Patent number: 4358780
    Abstract: An optical information record member having a substrate and an optical information carrier layer formed on the substrate is disclosed. The layer is composed of 40 to 80 atomic % of In and 60 to 20 atomic % of one of Se and S. The layer will be changed into a material which is insoluble to alkaline etchant upon the exposure to a light beam which is modulated in response to information signals to be recorded.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 10, 1981
    Date of Patent: November 9, 1982
    Assignee: Sony Corporation
    Inventor: Noboru Sato
  • Patent number: 4358311
    Abstract: A method and apparatus for smelting an ore concentrate or the like wherein the concentrate is first melted in an oxidizing atmosphere and the smelt is aftertreated with reducing gases to recover the metal values. The improvement consists in positioning a plurality of rows of lances in a smelting reactor in the direction of molten metal flow, the spacing between the rows of lances being substantially greater than the spacing between individual lances in each row. The reducing gas is blown with a high kinetic energy through each lance to cause an area of toroidal bath movement to occur where the gases from each lance impinge against the moving smelt. The spacing between the rows of lances is sufficiently large so that a relatively quiescent zone exists between the areas of toroidal bath movement between each of the rows. The molten metal and a relatively metal-free slag are withdrawn separately from the furnace enclosure.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 4, 1981
    Date of Patent: November 9, 1982
    Assignee: Klockner-Humboldt-Deutz AG
    Inventors: Horst Weigel, Gerhard Melcher
  • Patent number: 4358083
    Abstract: A plastic bag holder formed with ground engaging feet that can be inserted into the ground with a foot rest and which has a vertically and size adjustable hoop over which the bag can be placed and pulled over so as to lock the bag to the device with a plurality of extensions. T-shaped members are moveable mounted on a cross bar for adjusting the size of the hoop.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 4, 1980
    Date of Patent: November 9, 1982
    Inventor: Raymond O. Haubrich
  • Patent number: 4358768
    Abstract: A radio direction finder for obtaining the bearing of a transmitter with respect to a receiver comprises a multi-element receiving antenna, two separate scanning means coupled to said antenna for simultaneously generating a rightward and a leftward rotating antenna pattern of the same rotating frequency, and two separate receivers having approximately the same group delay. Also included are demodulating means for generating two separate bearing signals of AM or FM-type modulation for the rightward and leftward rotating antenna pattern, respectively, and evaluator and indicator means for obtaining the bearing of a signal received by the antenna from the phases of the two bearing signals and a reference signal. As a result, the radio direction finder provided, being of the most simple structure, permits quick evaluation of the bearing, for instance, during one revolution only of the antenna characteristic, and yet includes no bearing errors caused by delay.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 7, 1981
    Date of Patent: November 9, 1982
    Assignee: Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG
    Inventors: Bernhard Ernst, Eckhard Schmengler, Hans Pichl
  • Patent number: 4358237
    Abstract: A large volume of recovered solid discrete waste material is adapted to be stored over a large storage area at the bottom of large volume bin space within a building having opposite sides and opposite ends and providing an enclosing housing having upstanding walls rising to a substantial height along the sides and ends of the storage area and a covering roof at the tops of the walls, a loading conveyor system being operative adjacently under the roof at the top of the bin space for filling the material into the bin space thoroughly over the storage area. In a semi-automated embodiment of the invention, the stored material is adapted to be discharged selectively from one end of the storage area onto a take-away conveyor, or at any of a plurality of selected places along one side of the storage area onto a take-away conveyor.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 30, 1980
    Date of Patent: November 9, 1982
    Assignee: New Life Foundation
    Inventors: Harold B. Mackenzie, Ingvar G. Anderson
  • Patent number: 4358725
    Abstract: A stepper motor control circuit for a step motor and step motor control which has substantially higher efficiency than the motors and the control circuits of the prior art and which uses a chopper current control and phase control for each of the two phases of a two phase step motor and wherein each phase has two separate windings that are magnetically coupled together. The invention provides a three step switching sequence which produces different current paths in each step so that a higher operating efficiency is achieved than circuits in the prior art.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 23, 1980
    Date of Patent: November 9, 1982
    Assignee: Beloit Corporation
    Inventor: Roger C. Brendemuehl
  • Patent number: 4358094
    Abstract: A furnace system for smelting ore concentrate and the like which includes a furnace housing provided with wall means which divide the housing into a smelting shaft, an exhaust gas shaft and a settling hearth. The settling hearth and the smelting shaft are separated by a partition wall preventing gaseous interaction therebetween but permitting liquid flow therebetween. In accordance with the invention, the partition wall between the exhaust gas shaft and the smelting shaft, as well as the wall between the settling hearth and the smelting shaft and exhaust gas shaft comprises a supporting frame on which there are a plurality of interengaged cooling elements which are releasably secured to the supporting frame and are provided with means for circulating a coolant therethrough.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 7, 1980
    Date of Patent: November 9, 1982
    Assignee: Klockner-Humboldt-Deutz AG
    Inventors: Friedrich Megerle, Heinz Cordewener
  • Patent number: 4358652
    Abstract: A fluid heater apparatus for providing heated fluid on demand, the apparatus including at least two microwave heating units with coiled tubing disposed in the microwave field and connected to a valving and electrical system wherein heated fluid is supplied alternately from the units thus permitting one unit to heat fluid therein and the other to supply heated fluid therefrom and thereby supply a continuous flow of heated fluid and yet providing no storage facilities for holding heated fluid other than the coiled tubing in the microwave field.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 17, 1980
    Date of Patent: November 9, 1982
    Inventor: Darrell R. Kaarup
  • Patent number: 4358032
    Abstract: A container closure such as a bottle top or the like is provided having a base portion for assembly onto the container forming a top to the container, the base portion having an orifice therethrough set in a generally planer top surface. A top member lies atop the planer surface and has a hinge defining the top member into two portions, one of which has structure for affixing it in face to face relationship with the planer surface on top of the base. The other portion is movable about the hinge from an orifice closing position atop the planer surface to an orifice open position extending at an angle to the planer surface. A flexible tongue extends into the area of the hinge and is capable of undergoing a snap movement from one side to the other of a raised rib in the planer surface to hold the second portion of the top in the orifice open position at an angle to the planer surface. The second portion of the top may be equipped with a stopper insertable into the orifice.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 24, 1980
    Date of Patent: November 9, 1982
    Inventor: Sidney M. Libit
  • Patent number: 4358705
    Abstract: A supporting system for a delay line of a travelling wave tube wherein a number of clamping rings press dielectric support rods against the delay line. The clamping rings have a natural length along the delay line and a spacing distance such that (N.multidot.w.lambda.)/4=L.sub.1,2, where L.sub.1,2 designates the length of the line resonators, .lambda..sub.w the wave length on the delay line, and N a whole uneven number.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 31, 1980
    Date of Patent: November 9, 1982
    Assignee: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventor: Hinrich Heynisch
  • Patent number: 4358484
    Abstract: A method for the application of a sizing composition or the like to a traveling web under high speed conditions which involves passing the web into the nip formed between two counter-rotating rolls and supplying a sizing composition to the nip to thereby form a pond of sizing material on both sides of the traveling web. Additional amounts of sizing material are constantly being supplied to the ponds by means of a suitable applicator and nozzle arrangement, while the depth of the ponds is controlled continuously by the application of a reduced pressure to the existing ponds resulting in some of the sizing composition being drawn up into the applicator from where it is delivered to a reservoir for further circulation through the applicator.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 26, 1981
    Date of Patent: November 9, 1982
    Assignee: Beloit Corporation
    Inventor: Robert J. Alheid