Patents Represented by Law Firm Melville, Strasser, Foster
  • Patent number: 4123292
    Abstract: A method of preparing the surfaces of steel strip and sheet stock for fluxless hot dip metallic coating, comprising the steps of passing the stock through a first heating section under conditions which form a visible iron oxide layer on the stock surfaces within the color range of dark straw through blue, continuing the heating of the stock in a second heating section isolated from the first heating section in an atmosphere containing less than 5% hydrogen by volume, thereby preserving the oxide layer, and cooling the stock approximately to the temperature of the molten coating metal in a cooling zone containing a reducing atmosphere comprising at least 10% hydrogen by volume, whereby to reduce the oxide layer completely to a metallic iron surface wettable by the coating metal. The radiant energy absorptivity of the steel stock is increased by the formation and preservation of the iron oxide layer in the first and second heating sections.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 23, 1976
    Date of Patent: October 31, 1978
    Assignee: Armco Steel Corporation
    Inventors: Alan F. Gibson, Marvin B. Pierson
  • Patent number: 4123291
    Abstract: A method of preparing the surfaces of steel strip and sheet stock for fluxless hot dip coating with molten metal by passing the stock through a first heating zone containing the hot gaseous products of combustion of a sulfur-bearing gaseous fuel with air, continuing the heating in a further heating zone, and cooling the stock approximately to the temperature of the molten coating metal in a reducing atmosphere. The radiant energy absorptivity of the stock is increased by forming a visible sulfur and oxygen rich layer thereon in the first heating zone and preserving the layer throughout the further heating zone. Coke oven gas may be used as fuel in the first heating zone.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 23, 1976
    Date of Patent: October 31, 1978
    Assignee: Armco Steel Corporation
    Inventors: Jerry L. Arnold, Frank C. Dunbar, Alan F. Gibson, Marvin B. Pierson
  • Patent number: 4123298
    Abstract: A high temperature continuous strip anneal is added to the routings for both high permeability cube-on-edge oriented silicon steel having a permeability at 796 A/m of more than about 1850 and regular cube-on-edge oriented silicon steel having a permeability at 796 A/m of less than about 1850. For both grades of cube-on-edge oriented silicon steel the high temperature anneal is performed after the decarburization step and before the final high temperature box anneal during which the final desired orientation and magnetic characteristics are achieved. The post decarburization anneal results in improvements in both permeability and core loss.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 14, 1977
    Date of Patent: October 31, 1978
    Assignee: Armco Steel Corporation
    Inventors: Dale M. Kohler, Norris A. Dahlstrom, David W. Taylor
  • Patent number: 4122700
    Abstract: A process for forming sheet metal material having a yield strength and tensile strength which are sensitive to small changes in temperature at ambient conditions, wherein an unheated sheet metal workpiece is drawn between a concave die cavity and a mating convex punch by relative movement therebetween into the internal configuration of the die, and wherein the workpiece is selectively cooled in those areas which are susceptible to breakage. Cooling may be effected by cooling portions of the punch, or in complex part designs by cooling localized portions of the die, or both. The amount of cooling is relatively slight and may be only that required to remove heat generated by plastic deformation of the workpiece in the areas susceptible to breakage.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 25, 1977
    Date of Patent: October 31, 1978
    Assignee: Armco Steel Corporation
    Inventor: Wayne G. Granzow
  • Patent number: 4123337
    Abstract: A method of improving the surface insulation resistance of electrical steels having an insulative coating thereon by subjecting the electrical steels to electrochemical treatment as part of the routing thereof, to remove small metallic nodules, particles and the like extending through or protruding above the insulative coating. Following the electrochemical treatment, the electrical steels are rinsed and dried.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 2, 1977
    Date of Patent: October 31, 1978
    Assignee: Armco Steel Corporation
    Inventors: David C. Brewer, James D. Evans, Dale M. Kohler, Michael H. Haselkorn
  • Patent number: 4121745
    Abstract: An electro-mechanical impact device, useful for driving nails, staples and other fastening elements. The driving member is driven by frictional engagement between a pair of counter-rotating high speed flywheels. The device has a safety provision whereby it cannot be actuated until the nose of the device is pressed against a work piece. This action also produces a movement of one of the flywheels toward the other. Actuation of the trigger moves the driving member into engagement between the counter-rotating flywheels, and these propel the driving element in a fastener driving direction. The inertia of the movable flywheel aids in efficient engagement of the flywheels with the driving member, and the movable flywheel is provided with a leaf spring permitting it to yield so that the driving member can pass between the flywheels while maintaining frictional engagement between the flywheels and the driving member.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 28, 1977
    Date of Patent: October 24, 1978
    Assignee: Senco Products, Inc.
    Inventors: James E. Smith, Carl T. Becht
  • Patent number: 4121806
    Abstract: Apparatus for compensating for variations in the distance between an object or load suspended by a string of rods from a floating support or vessel and the sea floor therebelow so as to control the movement of the object or load with respect to the sea floor. There is both active and passive compensation provided by respective cylinder and piston assemblies associated with pressure accumulators. The passive compensation acts like spring. The active cylinder and piston assembly is of the double action type and disposed in parallel with the passive assembly. The active assembly compensates for residual vertical oscillations and operates as a function of two parameters : the position of the piston rod with respect to the cylinder of the active assembly and the velocity of the floating support with respect to the sea floor.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 18, 1977
    Date of Patent: October 24, 1978
    Assignee: Societe Nationale Elf Aquitaine (Production)
    Inventors: Michel Iato, Andre Gaston Julien Bourgeois, Jean-Paul Marcel Francois Gaudin
  • Patent number: 4119008
    Abstract: Means for improving the repetition characteristics of an upright piano action of the type having a hammer for each key, the butt of the hammer being pivotally mounted on a main action rail so that the hammer can be projected from an at-rest position toward a string striking position, a wippen pivotally attached to the main action rail and operatively connected to the key, a jack pivotally connected to the wippen for transmitting the action of the key and wippen to the hammer via the hammer butt to cause the hammer to strike the string when the key is forcibly depressed and a back check serving as an oscillation damper for the hammer. The means for improving the repetition characteristics comprises an adjustable spring and linkage assembly attached at its ends to positions of substantially equal operating displacement on the wippen and the hammer butt.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 9, 1977
    Date of Patent: October 10, 1978
    Assignee: D. H. Baldwin Company
    Inventor: Thomas E. Kimble
  • Patent number: 4119753
    Abstract: A papermaking felt having interwoven warp and filling yarns on its face side and bulky rib forming yarns on its machine side, the rib forming yarns lying in spaced apart relation to define water conveying channels therebetween, there being a batt surface on the face side of the fabric needled through the warp and filling yarns and into the rib forming yarns, the rib forming yarns being impregnated following needling with a resin which renders them essentially incompressible, the rib forming yarns being initially attached to the warp yarns by holding yarns which may be removed prior to the application of the resin or retained as a permanent part of the felt.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 12, 1977
    Date of Patent: October 10, 1978
    Assignee: Hyyck Corporation
    Inventor: Frederick R. Smart
  • Patent number: 4114563
    Abstract: Method and means for continuously contact-coating one side only of a ferrous base metal strip with a molten coating metal. One or more roll means are provided to conduct the strip surface to be coated above the surface of a bath of the molten coating metal. The strip surface to be coated is caused to travel sufficiently close to the molten coating metal bath surface that the surface tension and wetting characteristics of the coating metal will permit the formation of a meniscus which will continuously contact and coat the strip surface. The coating is subjected to jet finishing. The strip is maintained in a protective non-oxidizing atmosphere at least until the one side thereof is coated. The strip may be maintained in the protective non-oxidizing atmosphere until it is sufficiently cooled to prevent the formation of a visible oxide on the uncoated side thereof.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 3, 1977
    Date of Patent: September 19, 1978
    Assignee: Armco Steel Corporation
    Inventors: Paul E. Schnedler, Marvin B. Pierson, Hart F. Graff, Thomas A. Compton, William R. Leasure
  • Patent number: 4114200
    Abstract: A liquid impervious cuff assembly for a disposable surgical gown or the like comprising a stockinette folded back upon itself to form a double-walled, substantially cylindrical cuff envelope folded at its forward end, open at its rearward end and having inner and outer walls. A layer of liquid impervious material is located between the inner and outer walls of the cuff envelope. The open end of the cuff envelope and the fluid impervious layer between the wall thereof are attached to the free end of a surgical gown sleeve. This attachement may be accomplished by sewing the inner wall, the liquid impervious layer and the outer wall at the open end of the cuff envelope to the free end of the surgical sleeve. The cuff assembly may be adhesively attached to the free end of the gown sleeve.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 17, 1977
    Date of Patent: September 19, 1978
    Assignee: The Buckeye Cellulose Corporation
    Inventors: Linda Hebert Smith, Robert C. Johnson
  • Patent number: 4114338
    Abstract: A reinforcing plate for use underneath two or more lapped thin gauge sheets to stiffen the lapped joint for prevention of damage to the seal from loading and to provide uniform compressant of sealant between the lapped sheets. The plate comprises an elongated planar member having pairs of parallel cuts evenly spaced along its length extending transversely from one edge thereof for substantially one half its width, the material between each of the pairs of cuts being bent into a down turned mounting flange of L-shaped cross section.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 9, 1977
    Date of Patent: September 19, 1978
    Assignee: Armco Steel Corporation
    Inventor: David E. Beck
  • Patent number: 4112786
    Abstract: There is disclosed a housing assembly for gear heads or speed reducers and the like, and a method of assembly of such devices, which eliminates all drilling, tapping, fasteners, shims, gaskets and sealants, as well as doing away with assembly skill, which has been required heretofore to set proper bearing clearance. It is applicable to the assembly of any rotating element, such as a worm wheel, into a housing. The housing may have a bore for the introduction of the rotating element on one side only. The bore is closed by a side plate which fits into the housing with a small clearance and is sealed with an ordinary O-ring. After the rotating element and its bearings have been inserted into the housing and side plate, the side plate is pressed into the bore until zero axial clearance is attained.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 19, 1977
    Date of Patent: September 12, 1978
    Assignee: Robbins & Myers, Inc.
    Inventor: Richard J. Thomas
  • Patent number: 4112537
    Abstract: A tool for scraping the wires or rods constituting a barbeque grill or the like. The tool has a handle terminating in a stiff extension having a U-shaped distal end. A wheel is pivotably secured at its center to said extension and has a plurality of U-shaped indentations of different widths. The wheel may be rotated to align a suitably sized U-shaped indentation thereof with the U-shaped distal end of said extension. The latter indentation is of a width equal to the largest of the indentations in the wheel and of a depth equal to the deepest indentation in the wheel. The extension or backing element prevents rotation of the indented wheel during a scraping operation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 23, 1977
    Date of Patent: September 12, 1978
    Assignee: M. E. Heuck Company
    Inventor: Roger W. Heuck
  • Patent number: 4114195
    Abstract: A fluid injector for the introduction, dispersion and mixing of a first fluid into a second fluid flowing through a conduit. The injector comprises an elongated body mounted in fluid-tight fashion through an aperture in the side of the conduit so as to extend transversely of the interior of the conduit and transversely of the flow of the second fluid therein. The injector body has an axial bore connectable at one end to a source of the first fluid under pressure and leading to at least one outlet bore extending transversely of the injector body and located within the conduit. The injector body has a transverse inlet bore within the conduit. One end of the inlet bore faces the flow of the second fluid within the conduit and the other end thereof communicates with the axial bore of the injector body upstream of the at least one outlet bore.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 25, 1977
    Date of Patent: September 12, 1978
    Assignee: The Procter & Gamble Company
    Inventors: Robert S. Dirksing, Estel R. Todd
  • Patent number: 4111516
    Abstract: Apparatus for use with a source of A.C. electrical power and for monitoring both the ground and polarity integrity thereof. The apparatus, which is configured to receive a polarized electrical plug, makes connection with the normally hot, neutral and ground outputs of the source of electrical power and includes a normally open indicating circuit connected to the normally hot power output. Insertion of the polarized electrical plug completes the circuit to the normally ground output and, if the ground line is intact and the polarity proper, the indicating circuit provides an indication of this fact. If, on the other hand, either the ground line is open or the polarity is improper, the indicating circuit will indicate that the source is unsafe to use. Means are also disclosed for correcting an improperly polarized service receptacle and for providing safety indications directly in combination with an electrical tool or the like.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 22, 1976
    Date of Patent: September 5, 1978
    Inventor: Wallace H. Wireman
  • Patent number: 4112415
    Abstract: An optical data entry and display system for decoding handwritten symbols into a data processing code is disclosed. The system comprises a television monitor for displaying decoded and otherwise derived symbols as well as for displaying a sequence of light spots on which a symbol may be traced by means of a light pen. The positions of the light spots comprising the trace are used in a comparison with a set of stored values defining the predetermined symbols to decode the trace.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 22, 1976
    Date of Patent: September 5, 1978
    Inventor: Johan O. Hilbrink
  • Patent number: 4109844
    Abstract: A surgical stapling instrument for forming and implanting a staple in the skin or fascia of a patient to close a wound or incision therein. The instrument comprises a handle portion and a nose portion. The nose portion houses a staple driver operable by an actuator pivotally associated with the handle portion. An anvil plate is affixed to the bottom of the nose portion. A plurality of staples are supported by the anvil plate and means are provided to advance the staples along the anvil plate toward the forward end thereof about which each staple is formed by the staple driver. The nose portion is also provided with a staple retaining surface spaced above the forward end of the anvil plate to minimize bending of the staple crown during the staple forming operation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 18, 1976
    Date of Patent: August 29, 1978
    Assignee: Senco Products, Inc.
    Inventor: Carl T. Becht
  • Patent number: 4108299
    Abstract: Apparatus and procedures for delivering tampon sacks having withdrawal strings at one end and inserter parts to an assembly turret having a plurality of operating heads on which the tampon sacks are assembled in the inserters, the apparatus comprising rotary transfer mechanism for engaging the withdrawal strings of the sacks and sequentially delivering them to a rotary assembly turret having a multiplicity of assembling stations mounted around its periphery. Each inserter comprises inner and outer parts, and feeding means are provided to individually feed and position an inner inserter and an outer inserter in holders at each assembly station.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 21, 1976
    Date of Patent: August 22, 1978
    Assignee: The Procter & Gamble Company
    Inventor: John George Mast, Jr.
  • Patent number: RE29726
    Abstract: A method of preparing carbon steel strip and sheet for hot dip metallic coating in a Selas-type direct-fired furnace, wherein the atmosphere in the furnace is controlled to contain from about 3% oxygen to about 2% excess combustibles by volume, thereby forming a thin iron oxide film on the carbon steel surfaces. The strip and sheet is then heated in a subsequent furnace containing at least 5% hydrogen by volume at a temperature sufficient to reduce the oxide film, viz., at least about C. The direct-fired furnace is preferably operated at stoichiometrically equivalent fuel:air ratios.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 14, 1977
    Date of Patent: August 8, 1978
    Assignee: Armco Steel Corporation
    Inventors: Fred Byrd, Marvin B. Pierson, Thomas A. Compton, Frank C. Dunbar