Patents Represented by Law Firm Melville, Strasser, Foster
  • Patent number: 4072118
    Abstract: A seam crimping apparatus for crimping standing seams of building panels.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 15, 1976
    Date of Patent: February 7, 1978
    Assignee: Armco Steel Corporation
    Inventor: Adrian Schultheiss
  • Patent number: 4071191
    Abstract: A tie plate fastener system for connecting a pair of spaced rails to a tie. The system includes a metallic channel tie of U-shaped cross section with the legs thereof opening downwardly and the base thereof having at each end at least one pair of openings spaced from the edges of a rail base when in position on the tie. A pair of tie plates for each rail is located on either side thereof, each plate having openings therethrough in positions corresponding to the openings in the base of the tie, and a single fastening means extends through each of the pairs of openings for securing each pair of tie plates, and thus its respective rail, to the tie.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 28, 1976
    Date of Patent: January 31, 1978
    Assignee: Armco Steel Corporation
    Inventor: Charles M. Hutton
  • Patent number: 4069628
    Abstract: An eave thermal baffle for insulation adapted to be fastened on the exterior building wall and between adjacent roof framing members or other framing as may be appropriate. The baffle comprises a flat portion called the plate section adapted to lie on the top plate of the exterior wall and to be fastened thereto or placed against the exterior face of the exterior wall and to be fastened thereto. Extending vertically from this flat portion is a wall portion adapted to be fastened to the inner faces of appropriate framing members. Extending from this wall portion is a main baffle section which extends inwardly of the building and upwardly from the vertical wall. The main baffle section may also be fastened to the inner faces of a pair of appropriate framing members. Upstanding ribs extending along the sides of the main baffle section, and the main baffle section, serve to form a trough or channel for movement of ventilating air.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 5, 1976
    Date of Patent: January 24, 1978
    Assignee: Pease Company
    Inventor: Charles Clement Kreimer
  • Patent number: 4069822
    Abstract: A method of bonding a fluid-porous, fibrous, woven or non-woven web to a substrate and products made thereby. The porous web is overall or pattern coated with an extremely low level of hot-melt adhesive by causing the hot-melt adhesive to be wiped from a controlled thickness hot-melt adhesive source by the individual projecting surface fibers and fiber junctions of the porous web. Hot-melt adhesive globules are formed on the individual projecting surface fibers and fiber junctions which, when the porous web and substrate are passed through a preset clearance nip roll assembly, provide a product wherein the porous web is bonded to the substrate with excellent bond strength, the porous web remaining flexible and completely transparent to fluid transmission.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 30, 1975
    Date of Patent: January 24, 1978
    Assignee: The Procter & Gamble Company
    Inventor: Kenneth B. Buell
  • Patent number: 4067087
    Abstract: Procedures for continuously forming rosette shaped tampons from aggregate containing tubular sacks or overwraps having withdrawal strings at one end and assembling the tampons in inserters, rotary transfer mechanism being provided for engaging the withdrawal strings of the sacks and sequentially delivering them to a rotary assembly turret having a multiplicity of assembling stations mounted around its periphery. Each inserter comprises inner and outer parts, and feeding means are provided to individually feed and position an inner inserter and an outer inserter in holders at each assembly station. Each station has a reciprocating string engaging rod which acts to remove a sack by its string from the transfer mechanism and positions the sack to be drawn upwardly by vacuum into an overlying annular inversion chamber wherein the sack is inverted into rosette shape by the action of a pressure-vacuum reciprocating inversion rod.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 21, 1976
    Date of Patent: January 10, 1978
    Assignee: The Procter & Gamble Company
    Inventor: John George Mast, Jr.
  • Patent number: 4068179
    Abstract: A cycle-select switching system for automatic appliances and the like of the type for selectively performing any one of a plurality of distinct operating cycles. The switching system comprises selection means having a plurality of outputs, each corresponding to one of the operating cycles, and a momentary contact switch for producing a control signal of variable time duration. The selection means is responsive to the control signal by sequentially advancing to the output defined by a selected time duration of the control signal and thereby initiating the operating cycle corresponding thereto.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 17, 1976
    Date of Patent: January 10, 1978
    Assignee: Design and Manufacturing Corporation
    Inventors: Steven B. Sample, Paul R. Scheuer, Karmen D. Cox
  • Patent number: 4067754
    Abstract: Cold reduced, annealed steel strip and sheet stock having 0.2% yield strength of 45 to 65 ksi with an elongation of at least 25%, or having a yield strength of at least 90 ksi with an elongation of at least 10%. A low carbon steel (0.02-0.10% C) typical of rimmed or drawing steel analysis is preferably vacuum degassed, and 0.02% to 0.18% columbium is added. The casting is hot rolled, coiled not higher than F, cold reduced 40% to 70%, and annealed at low temperature for a time sufficient to restore desired ductility without substantially decreasing yield strength.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 8, 1976
    Date of Patent: January 10, 1978
    Assignee: Armco Steel Corporation
    Inventors: James A. Elias, deceased, John R. Newby, Marvin B. Pierson
  • Patent number: 4065167
    Abstract: A safety enclosure for use with underground mining machinery for protecting the operator of the machinery from overhead and lateral falls and the like. The safety enclosure comprises a cage-like structure of generally rectangular cross section for receiving and surrounding the operator while operating the machine. A pair of longitudinal male slide members are vertically secured to the cage-like structure along one side thereof, the slide members being slidably mateable with a pair of cooperating female channel members vertically secured along one side of the mining machine. Shear pins are provided for adjustably maintaining, under normal operating conditions, the cage-like male slide members assembly disposed above the mine floor by a preselected distance and for releasing the assembly for sliding displacement to the floor of the mine in response to an overhead fall causing a predetermined force on the top of the enclosure.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 16, 1976
    Date of Patent: December 27, 1977
    Inventor: Newton E. Wright
  • Patent number: 4065037
    Abstract: A two-piece, non-spurting dispensing closure for a bottle or other appropriate container of the type having a finish or neck. The closure comprises a shell for engagement with the neck or finish of the bottle or container. The shell has an upstanding cylindrical chimney and a pair of upstanding diametrically opposed posts to either side of and spaced from the chimney. A tip is rotatively and telescopically mounted on the chimney and is shiftable between an extended open position and a retracted closed position. The interior of the tip is provided with a pair of thread segments and a pair of inclined planes, one thread segment and one inclined plane of each pair cooperating with one of the shell posts to serve as an elevating and lowering mechanism apart from the chimney to shift the tip between its open and closed positions upon limited rotation of the tip with respect to the shell. The interior of the tip also has stops to positively define the open and closed positions of the tip.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 15, 1976
    Date of Patent: December 27, 1977
    Assignee: The Procter & Gamble Company
    Inventor: Thomas L. Haller
  • Patent number: 4063983
    Abstract: Apparatus and method for heat sealing a moving tubular liner or the like wherein the area of the liner to be sealed is repeatedly contacted by an opposing pair of elongated sealing elements mounted for movement in orbital paths relative to each other and to the liner passing therebetween.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 20, 1975
    Date of Patent: December 20, 1977
    Assignee: Bergstein Packaging Trust
    Inventor: James H. Shiverdecker
  • Patent number: 4063403
    Abstract: Apparatus for automatically closing cartons having self-sealing reclosable top closures adapted, when closed, to lie within the confines of the carton bodies, the end closures having opposing pairs of sealing flaps adapted to be juxtaposed in face-to-face contacting relation, preferably with the mouths of carton liners interposed therebetween, the juxtaposed sealing flaps and liner mouths being displaceable downwardly to close the cartons and thereafter displaceable upwardly to reopen the cartons, the apparatus comprising a series of continuously moving carriages which receive and advance the openended cartons in a path of travel, the cartons being first acted upon by sets of folding fingers which concurrently infold the leading and trailing end closure flaps and the projecting ends of the liners, whereupon sweep means act to juxtapose the opposing pairs of sealing flaps with the liners interposed therebetween.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 23, 1976
    Date of Patent: December 20, 1977
    Assignee: Bergstein Packaging Trust
    Inventors: Frank David Bergstein, Robert W. Nerenberg, James H. Shiverdecker
  • Patent number: 4062312
    Abstract: An improved method for deforming and coating a metallic surface. A portion at least of the metallic surface is operated upon by the forming surface of a forming machine, the forming surface being lubricated with certain homologs of lactic acid of the C.sub.N H.sub.2N+1 series. A water-borne coating is then applied to the metallic surface, including the deformed portion thereof, with substantially no interference from the lubricant.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 6, 1976
    Date of Patent: December 13, 1977
    Assignee: Astro Containers, Inc.
    Inventor: Lewis T. Mason
  • Patent number: 4061961
    Abstract: A circuit for controlling the duty cycle of a two-stage electrostatic precipitator power supply. The circuit includes a switching device connected in series with the primary winding of the power supply transformer and a circuit operable for controlling the switching device. A capacitive network, adapted to monitor the current in the primary winding of the power supply transformer, is provided for operating the control circuit. Under normal operating conditions, i.e., when the current in the primary winding of the power supply transformer is within normal limits, the capacitive network operates the control circuit to allow current flow through the power supply transformer primary winding in a normal manner.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 2, 1976
    Date of Patent: December 6, 1977
    Assignee: United Air Specialists, Inc.
    Inventor: Forester C. Baker
  • Patent number: 4061063
    Abstract: A high-speed rotary shear for making, in the direction of travel, straight cuts, curved cuts, and combinations thereof, through a continuously moving web of thin, pliable, compliant, cut-resistant material and a process of making such cuts. The shear comprises at least one pair of first and second cooperating blades located to either side of the web. Each of the first and second blades is mounted on a blade support affixed to a rotatable shaft. At least one of the first and second blades is in part at least elastically mounted on its support and is itself flexible. The axes of the shafts of said first and second blades lie in spaced horizontal planes and in vertical planes which intersect at an angle such that the first and second blades will be skewed with respect to each other at an angle of from about to about and such that the first and second blades, having the same outside diameter, will have a single point contact, cutting the web with a scissors action.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 27, 1976
    Date of Patent: December 6, 1977
    Assignee: The Procter & Gamble Company
    Inventor: John B. Brush
  • Patent number: 4059980
    Abstract: The method and means for installing blind fasteners involves a pulling head design such that will cause the stem of the rivet pin to be broken at a predetermined location by a trimming or notching action of the head. This allows a previously unweakened blind fastener pin to be weakened for breaking at a prescribed location after the fastener is installed, thus accomplishing a pin break off substantially flush with the head of the fastener over an extremely wide range of thickness and types of materials being fastened. The pulling means may include a support housing which slidably receives a chuck assembly for pulling the blind rivet pin. A collet is also mounted in the support housing. The collet has suitable cutting edges for weakening the pin stem immediately adjacent the head of the rivet sleeve when appropriate load forces are reached. Cooperating cam surfaces on the support housing and collet react to the load forces to effect this weakening action.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 17, 1975
    Date of Patent: November 29, 1977
    Assignee: Olympic Fastening Systems, Inc.
    Inventor: Frank B. Nance
  • Patent number: 4059952
    Abstract: A calculator for continuously exhibiting the status of an individual's Bio-Rhythm cycles and, in particular, an individual's physical, emotional and intellectual Bio-Rhythm cycles. The calculator comprises a display panel having three dial faces corresponding to the three Bio-Rhythm cycles and each having indicia thereon defining the critical days within its particular cycle. Indicating elements are provided to sequentially scan each of the dial faces wherein the physical dial face is scanned once in a 23 day period, the emotional dial face once in a 28 day period and the intellectual dial face once in a 33 day period. A high or low critical day in any one of the Bio-Rhythm cycles is defined when the position of an indicating element corresponds to the critical indicia on a dial face. The calculator may be personalized by appropriately presetting the indicating elements relative to their dial faces based on data derivable from an individual's birth date.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 27, 1976
    Date of Patent: November 29, 1977
    Inventor: Erwin Kaestner
  • Patent number: 4059165
    Abstract: There is disclosed a fluid motor composed of a helical gear pair wherein an inner member has one or more external helical threads and a cooperating outer member has one or more internal helical threads, the number of helical threads on the inner and outer members differing by one. The outer member is secured to one of the sections of a water swivel which is conventional except that it has an axial intake, radial tube and inner member supporting guide, and means are associated with an end of the inner member and with the outer section of the water swivel to prevent relative rotation between said inner and outer members while permitting gyration with oscillation of the inner member in relation to the outer member. Each end of the device has a tapered thread. The motor may be used either end up. A drill pipe or suitable sub is threaded into one end of the device and a tool is threaded into the other end of the device, directly or with a sub between.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 14, 1976
    Date of Patent: November 22, 1977
    Inventor: Wallace Clark
  • Patent number: 4058047
    Abstract: A clamp nail for joining two wood members tightly together by driving the nail endwise into the two members across the joint. The major length of the nail is in the form of a channel having a web and parallel upstanding flanges along both sides of the web. The web has at least two holes, leaving a central column member. The channel has a tapered transition section which may commence at the leading edge of the nail in the driving direction, or it may join a shorter channel portion at the leading edge, having a wider web and parallel upstanding flanges, to the major channel portion having a narrower web. The web is preferably bowed inwardly to bring the column member more nearly to the center of the flange height.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 12, 1975
    Date of Patent: November 15, 1977
    Assignee: Senco Products, Inc.
    Inventors: Francis J. Kramer, Robert G. Rothfuss, William C. Wise
  • Patent number: 4058042
    Abstract: A transposing electronic instrument wherein the clock frequency applied to control a top octave frequency generator is derived by comparing any single output of the generator with the response of a frequency reference circuit to that output, deriving a dc voltage representative of the difference in frequency of the input and output of the reference circuit and controlling the clock frequency from the dc voltage, thereby transposing all the outputs of the top octave frequency generator.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 20, 1975
    Date of Patent: November 15, 1977
    Assignee: D. H. Baldwin Company
    Inventors: David R. Wade, Walter Munch, Jr.
  • Patent number: 4057294
    Abstract: A wedge arrangement for removably affixing a work tool or work tool holder to a base member on mining, road working or earth moving machinery, and the like, and being particularly useful in the mining, road planing and earth digging areas. The arrangement is such that the removable member may be readily replaced and wear and tear on the base member greatly reduced to the extent that such base member will not be destroyed or otherwise rendered useless; such base member may be a part which is permanently secured to the basic machine or it may in fact be the machine itself or some integral part thereof. The base member is preferably provided with a slot of a size sufficient to receive both the removable member and a wedge element; such member and element may be placed within the slot from above thereof, lateral entry of the removable member and wedge element into the slot often being unnecessary.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 1, 1975
    Date of Patent: November 8, 1977
    Assignee: The Cincinnati Mine Machinery Company
    Inventor: Claude B. Krekeler