Patents Represented by Attorney, Agent or Law Firm Schwabe, Williamson and Wyatt, P.C.
  • Patent number: 8156318
    Abstract: A device management system for securely storing an encryption key associated with a device management session. The device management system includes an encryption key generator to generate an encryption key, a client device to receive an encrypted bootstrap data file transmitted by a base station, and a network interface controller coupled to the client device, the network interface controller to store the encryption key separate from a system memory of the client device. Embodiments of the device management system ensure user credentials do not exist in the client device in plaintext form outside of the network interface controller, thus preventing software and/or malware executed on the host from extracting such credentials.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 4, 2008
    Date of Patent: April 10, 2012
    Assignee: Intel Corporation
    Inventor: David Johnston
  • Patent number: 8151044
    Abstract: A dynamic random access memory integrated circuit and method includes internal refresh control and an array configured to receive read and write access requests having priority over pending refresh requests, wherein refresh requests are queueable and retired on clock cycles not requiring an access of the array and complete in one clock cycle. No on-board cache memory is required. A method includes: determining within the circuit when one of the banks of the array requires a refresh, prioritizing read and write access requests over pending refresh requests, read access requests initiating an access to the array without determining whether data is available from outside the array, and retiring within a clock cycle one pending refresh request to a bank when that bank has pending refresh requests and does not also require an access of the array on that clock cycle.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 10, 2009
    Date of Patent: April 3, 2012
    Assignee: Intellectual Ventures I LLC
    Inventor: Robert Proesbsting
  • Patent number: 8150891
    Abstract: A tree data structure for storing strings of searchable data divided into substrings has at least one first type node that has a substring associated with it and at least one second type node that does not having a substring associated with it. A second type node is directly linked to a first type node by a fail transition. A first type node is directly linked to a second type node by a match transition. An IP address lookup system has memory for storing a tree data structure and a controller for storing and loading an incoming IP address. The system has a finite state machine having three stages including a first stage for loading the IP address and performing a length calculation, a second stage for searching the data structure to find a match, and a third stage for determine the next-hop address index.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 26, 2010
    Date of Patent: April 3, 2012
    Assignee: Hong Kong Polytechnic University
    Inventors: Robert Wing Pong Luk, Wai Tak Wong
  • Patent number: 8150781
    Abstract: Embodiments provide methods, apparatus, systems, and computer-readable media associated with using historic analytic data to identify shipping options for a user to use when shipping a package. Historic analytic data may be received and maintained by a package shipment facilitation system. The analytics may then be used to generate business rules which may be applied to parameters for a package that is to be shipped. Through application of the business rules, one or more preferred shipping options may be identified. Business rules may be received after being manually-generated by a user, or may be automatically generated based at least in part on the maintained historic analytics. After a shipping option is chosen for the package, a shipping label may be printed for the package, and the package may be entered into a carrier's system for processing.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 17, 2010
    Date of Patent: April 3, 2012
    Assignee: Enroute Systems Corporation
    Inventors: Keith A. McCall, Meagan R. Zeman
  • Patent number: 8147797
    Abstract: A system for cooling and recuperative heating of a slurry in a metallurgical process which includes heat exchangers, pumps and autoclaves is described herein. The heat exchangers use a non-scaling common liquid heat transfer medium. Preferably, the heat exchangers are tube-in-tube heat exchangers with 3 to 7 slurry tubes in each heat exchanger. An advantage of this system is that it does not use flash tanks. To minimize abrasive wear on impinged surfaces, the velocity of the slurry is not more than 5 meters per second. The slurry comprises a solids concentration of 25% to 50%. Preferably, the pumps in the system are float-type pumps in which the driven liquid from the discharge pumps is also used as the drive liquid for the feed pumps.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 13, 2004
    Date of Patent: April 3, 2012
    Inventor: Donald J. Donaldson
  • Patent number: 8149746
    Abstract: Embodiments of the present invention provide methods and systems for battery level based configuration of a mobile station by a base station. Other embodiments may be described and claimed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 28, 2006
    Date of Patent: April 3, 2012
    Assignee: Intel Corporation
    Inventors: Mustafa Demirhan, Ali Taha Koc, Shweta Shrivastava, Rath Vannithamby
  • Patent number: 8145943
    Abstract: Embodiments provide methods and apparatuses for detecting errors in a computation using state variables. In various embodiments, corrections of the errors through the state variables are also provided. In various embodiments, the disclosed techniques may be used for power and/or energy minimization/reduction, and debugging, among other goals. Other embodiments and/or applications may be disclosed and/or claimed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 11, 2009
    Date of Patent: March 27, 2012
    Assignee: Empire Technology Development LLC
    Inventor: Miodrag Potkonjak
  • Patent number: 8145929
    Abstract: Embodiments of the present disclosure describe methods, computer-readable media and system configurations for stochastic power management of one or more computer systems. A method may include ascertaining a workload of a plurality of computer systems (e.g., a data center). Additionally or alternatively, a method may include initiating, by a control module operated by a processor of a first of the plurality of computer systems, a stochastic power management process to manage power consumption of the first of the plurality of computer systems. The stochastic power management process may be conditionally initiated based at least in part on the ascertained workload of the plurality of computer systems. The stochastic power management process may include a plurality of virtual machine management actions having corresponding probabilities being taken, one or more of which may result in power savings. Other embodiments may be described and/or claimed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 1, 2011
    Date of Patent: March 27, 2012
    Assignee: Intel Corporation
    Inventors: Wendy C. Wong, Eve M. Schooler, Shivani A. Sud
  • Patent number: 8145716
    Abstract: The present invention provides methods and apparatuses for contextualization of electronic messages, for example, by determining at least one cost metric for an electronic mail message based at least in part upon an identified context, automatically generating metadata representing the at least one cost metric, and associating the metadata with the electronic mail message.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 7, 2005
    Date of Patent: March 27, 2012
    Assignee: Kryptiq Corporation
    Inventors: Murali M. Karamchedu, Jeffrey B. Sponaugle
  • Patent number: 8145235
    Abstract: A local positioning system comprises a plurality of sensor elements that may communicate with mobile units in a wireless fashion. The responsiveness of the mobile units is measured by yes/no answers and averaged so as to provide a measure of the distance of a mobile unit to a specified sensor element. Based on this measure and the known positions of the sensor element, the position of the mobile unit is estimated, for instance by a model of ideal springs.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 16, 2006
    Date of Patent: March 27, 2012
    Assignees: Fondazione Torino Wireless, Instituto Superiore Mario Boella Sulle Tecnologie Dell'Informazione E Delle Telecomunicazioni
    Inventors: Andrea Pietro Titli, Michele Di Gangi, Aleck Ferrari, Roberto Prato, Monica Badella, Fabio Forno, Andrea Carlevato, Loris Valera, Luca Tessitore, Giovanni Malnati, Giuseppe Portelli
  • Patent number: 8140089
    Abstract: Embodiments provide methods, systems, and apparatuses to generate and send a command message to a mobile device connected to a first wireless network to command the mobile device to connect to one of one or more candidate wireless networks. The message includes embedded service flow context information of the candidate networks including one or more attributes of the candidate wireless networks that are of potential interest to the mobile device in determining a performance or security impact if the mobile device switches to the one or more wireless networks. The mobile device can conditionally refuse the command if the candidate wireless networks are unable to meet one or more service level requirements of the apparatus. Other embodiments are disclosed and described.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 19, 2008
    Date of Patent: March 20, 2012
    Assignee: Intel Corporation
    Inventors: Vijay Sarathi Kesavan, Christian Maciocco
  • Patent number: 8140039
    Abstract: The present invention relates to a quadrature divider which may be used in a phase locked loop or frequency synthesizer or with a single side band mixer. According to a preferred embodiment the divider takes a quadrature input and has a quadrature output. The divider has four analog mixers 1, 2, 3 and 4. The first two mixers 1, 2 take the in-phase quadrature input, while the second mixers 3, 4 take the quadrature-phase quadrature input. The outputs and feedback loops of the mixers are properly arranged such that the in-phase and quadrature-phase outputs of the divider have a determinisitic phase sequence relationship based on the phase sequence relationship of the corresponding quadrature inputs. Third order harmonics may be minimized or reduced by addition or subtraction of the mixer outputs. As the divider is able to take a quadrature input, there is no need for a dummy divider in the phase locked loop, thus saving space and power.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 10, 2007
    Date of Patent: March 20, 2012
    Assignee: The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
    Inventors: Howard Cam Luong, Hui Zheng
  • Patent number: 8140511
    Abstract: Embodiments of methods and apparatuses for searching contents, including structured search are described herein. Embodiments of the present invention use tree structures (or more generally, graph structures), layout structures, and/or content category information to capture within search results relevant content that would otherwise be missed, to reduce the incidence of false positives within search results, and to improve the accuracy of rankings within search results. Embodiments of the present invention further use tree structures (or more generally, graph structures), layout structures, and/or content category information to extend search results to include sub-document constituents. Embodiments of the present invention also support the use of distribution properties as criteria for ranking search results.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 10, 2009
    Date of Patent: March 20, 2012
    Assignee: Zalag Corporation
    Inventor: Samuel S. Epstein
  • Patent number: 8135492
    Abstract: A method of making a surgical template used for a computer-guided dental implant surgery includes the steps of: establishing implant planning data of a patient's jaw, producing a digital plaster model of the patient's jaw, allowing the digital plaster model to have the implant planning data, integrating the digital plaster model with the implant planning data to obtain a digital machining data, holding and machining a modeling block at a machining position according to the digital machining data to form a solid jaw model corresponding to the patient's jaw and having teeth, gums, and at least one implant-position indicating structure, mounting a positioning member at the implant-position indicating structure, and producing a negative template body from an assembly of the solid jaw model and the positioning member with a thermoplastic dental material by a molding process or a vacuum forming process.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 26, 2010
    Date of Patent: March 13, 2012
    Assignee: Pou Yu Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: Hong-Tzong Yau, Chuan-Chu Kuo, Jiun-Ren Chen, Chun-Chun Yang, Chien-An Chen, Ying-Li Chen
  • Patent number: D655488
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 13, 2010
    Date of Patent: March 13, 2012
    Assignee: Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.
    Inventor: Carl Blakeslee
  • Patent number: D655895
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 15, 2011
    Date of Patent: March 20, 2012
    Inventor: Matthew Michael Petitt
  • Patent number: D655921
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 5, 2009
    Date of Patent: March 20, 2012
    Assignee: Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.
    Inventor: Zach Snyder
  • Patent number: D656317
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 7, 2011
    Date of Patent: March 27, 2012
    Assignee: Zo & Co, LLC
    Inventors: Stacy S. Baas, Diane L. Stanley
  • Patent number: D656741
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 5, 2009
    Date of Patent: April 3, 2012
    Assignee: Columbia Sportwear North America, Inc.
    Inventor: Zach Snyder
  • Patent number: D657093
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 5, 2009
    Date of Patent: April 3, 2012
    Assignee: Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.
    Inventor: Zach Snyder