Patents Represented by Law Firm Silverman & Cass
  • Patent number: 4708490
    Abstract: An electronic advanced date warning system including a front surface having means associated with the front surface for lighting selected date warning areas thereon and which include conventional calendar information indicia, circuit means for selectively activating and de-activating the lighting means to light at least one of the selected areas, and control and memory means for programming the circuit means and means to review the programmed dates and number of warning dates associated with each programmed date.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 22, 1986
    Date of Patent: November 24, 1987
    Inventor: Amihadar Arber
  • Patent number: 4706381
    Abstract: A multi contact connector includes a ground terminal block and signal and power source terminals connected with tape wires. Bare wires of the tape wires connected to the signal and power source terminals are provided with roundabout portions respectively to form slacks in the bare wires. With this arrangement, when external tensile forces act upon the connector, the slacks prevent disconnection of bare wires for signal and power source terminals indispensable for operation of the connector, even if a few bare wires among a number of bare wires connected to the ground terminal block are disconnected.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 16, 1986
    Date of Patent: November 17, 1987
    Assignees: Daiichi Denshi Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha, Hitachi, Ltd.
    Inventors: Matsuo Kato, Tomonari Ohtsuki, Kazuya Hashimoto, Masami Nakaide
  • Patent number: 4706835
    Abstract: A closure for a container with a top cut tamper evident feature and including an overcap rotatably attached to a container end portion. The container end portion is provided with an integral, hollow raised annular rib having a first truncated end and a second, inclined end, the two ends separated by a weakened hinge portion. The overcap is provided with a raised, open-bottomed, channel with a first open end and a second inclined end forming a knife blade, the channel overlaying and engaging the raised rib so that when the overcap is rotated, the knife blade severs the rib and moves it up the inclined end. Once the entire rib is severed, the combined container end and overcap may be detached from the container by tearing the hinge. The overcap and closure may be provided with cooperating means to permit the closure to be reattached to the container.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 16, 1987
    Date of Patent: November 17, 1987
    Assignee: Courtesy Mold & Tool Corporation
    Inventor: Walter J. Kreiseder
  • Patent number: 4707026
    Abstract: A mobile rockable wheelchair having releasable locking means for locking the chair seat thereof in a substantially non-inclined position for exiting from the chair. The means for enabling rocking movement of the chair seat is achieved by a parallel four bar linkage assembly connected between the mobile pedestal, seat and backrest unit of the chair. A releasing lever arrangement is located within convenient reach of the chair's occupant. Adjustable and removable arm rest members are provided mounted on a common support frame for the seat and backrest unit of the chair. The support frame is suitable for mounting a variety of different chair seat and backrest units.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 2, 1986
    Date of Patent: November 17, 1987
    Inventor: Paul J. Johansson
  • Patent number: 4704602
    Abstract: An indicating device (31) of a highly permeable material is detected by emitting and receiving a magnetic field, wherein two coils (1,2) are caused to emit a high-frequency magnetic alternating field, and a first one of the coils (1) emits an alternating field with a frequency (f.sub.1) different from the frequence (f.sub.2) of the field emitted by the second one of the coils (2), and at least one difference and/or sum frequency n.multidot.f.sub.1 +m.multidot.f.sub.2 occurring by intermodulation by means of the indicating device (31), where n and m are positive or negative integers, is caused to be received by one or several coils (9). A third low-frequency magnetic alternating field is caused to be emitted in said zone with a frequency (f.sub.3) substantially lower than the frequencies (f.sub.1,f.sub.2), which low-frequency field has a field intensity sufficiently high, independently of the fields with the frequencies f.sub.1 and f.sub.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 1, 1985
    Date of Patent: November 3, 1987
    Assignee: Intermodulation and Safety System AB
    Inventor: Leif Asbrink
  • Patent number: 4704669
    Abstract: A ring surrounding the clip which secures the body of an LED diode lamp to a bracket is provided with inner longitudinal grooves which reduce the thickness of the wall of the ring and confer thereto an elasticity which is sufficient for permitting its engagement on clips of different diameters. The manufacture of diode lamps does not provide the bodies of these lamps with very precise or consistent diameters, so that relatively important variations of these diameters can occur, which have an influence on the diameter of the clip when engaged on the lamp. Owing to the present arrangement, diode lamp holders can absorb such variations of diameter of the lamps, and still be secured to a panel or other structure by the ring of the invention.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 12, 1986
    Date of Patent: November 3, 1987
    Assignee: Universo S.A.
    Inventor: Jean Brunner
  • Patent number: 4702889
    Abstract: A liquid diluting and transfer valve has disc like valve elements provided with faces frictionally engaged. The valve further includes passageways for passing both sample liquid and rinse liquid and a continuous groove formed in one of the respective faces. This continuous groove effectively isolates the passageway openings to the faces and is capable of blocking passage of leakage material along the face to the periphery of the engaged face.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 16, 1986
    Date of Patent: October 27, 1987
    Assignee: Coulter Electronics Inc.
    Inventors: Pedro P. Cabrera, Humberto A. Berra, Edward N. Doty
  • Patent number: 4700625
    Abstract: A needle-carrying head for a printing machine has needles controlled by electro-magnets. The coils of the electro-magnets are soldered to pins carried by support ears for the coils. The pins pass through printed circuit boards to which they are soldered. The coils are engaged on cores constituted by limbs of respective fork-shaped members the second limb of which serves to complete the magnetic circuit. The two limbs of each fork-shaped member are interconnected by means of a transverse portion constituting a yoke, secured by setting into one or the other of two plates forming, with a central plate made of plastics material, a cage-shaped frame of the needle-carrying head. The printed circuit boards are thus interposed between the electro-magnets and the front plate of the frame on the one hand, and between the electro-magnets and the rear plate on the other hand.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 16, 1985
    Date of Patent: October 20, 1987
    Assignee: Caracteres S.A.
    Inventor: Eric Bauer
  • Patent number: 4700416
    Abstract: An improved patient transfer mat for aiding the moving of a patient who cannot move oneself. The mat includes a center section and a pair of wing sections hingedly attached thereto and adapted to be placed under the patient. The sections are hingedly attached by flexible web material hinges molded into the edges thereof and extending between the sections. The mat including grasping openings in each end with slots adjacent thereto for securing a strap therethrough to secure the patient to the mat. A pair of mats are placed under the patient forming a system to move the patient by sliding or lifting.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 2, 1986
    Date of Patent: October 20, 1987
    Inventor: Paul J. Johansson
  • Patent number: 4699384
    Abstract: The training device for improving the golf swing includes a base provided with spatially positioned guide means for interaction with the face of a golf club head. The base has two rods disposed at an angle to each other, one rod being in the form of an arc segment and the other rod being straight and extending parallel to the target line. The guide means includes an obliquely upwardly extending barrier rail mounted on the arcuate rod and delineating the path of the upstroke of the golf swing.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 4, 1986
    Date of Patent: October 13, 1987
    Inventors: Jurgen Bechler, Toni Feldmeier
  • Patent number: 4697745
    Abstract: A conical crusher having a power draw of approximately 1,000 Hp and capable of being installed in a conventional crusher foundation is provided with an annular frame shell with support means capable of withstanding the higher than normal crushing forces, a hydraulic circuit capable of counterbalancing the crusher bowl while it is in a raised position to allow material to be cleared from a jammed crusher, and a mechanical anti-spin head bushing. A method is provided for increasing the production of conical crushers by altering head throw and diameter, increasing the power draw and increasing the internal volume of the crusher.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 24, 1986
    Date of Patent: October 6, 1987
    Assignee: Rexnord Inc.
    Inventors: Ulhas S. Sawant, Vijia K. Karra, Dean M. Kaja
  • Patent number: 4696410
    Abstract: A tamper evident closure for a container having a closed endcap with an overcap to coaxially rotate thereabout. The overcap is provided with an integrally formed knife blade which is constructed and arranged to engage a weakened annular band in the container wall near the endcap. The knife blade is located within a well which is an integral part of the overcap. As the overcap is rotated, the knife blade engages and severs the annular band, and separates the closure including the endcap and the rotatable cap from the body of the container. An annular channel may also be provided to support the overcap during rotation and thus maintain the alignment of the blade with the weakened annular band.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 26, 1987
    Date of Patent: September 29, 1987
    Assignee: Courtesy Mold & Tool Corporation
    Inventor: Walter J. Kreiseder
  • Patent number: 4695914
    Abstract: An electronic card connecting circuit comprises a first contact pin for earthing a ground terminal of an electronic card, a second contact pin for electrically contacting the ground terminal to detect the ground terminal being earthed by the first contact pin, and detection control means including an active element which detects the second contact means being connected through the ground terminal to the first contact pin and controls a power source circuit to supply power to the electronic card. With this arrangement, when the first and second contact pins are in contact with the ground terminal of the electronic card, the detection control means detects the second contact pin being earthed to produce a control signal to apply power of source to the electronic card. In this manner, before the ground terminal of the card is earthed, the power source is prevented from being connected to the electronic card.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 22, 1986
    Date of Patent: September 22, 1987
    Assignee: Daiichi Denshi Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha
    Inventors: Tomonari Ohtsuki, Kazuyoshi Tsurumaki
  • Patent number: 4694125
    Abstract: A collector device for trolley-assisted vehicles having a pantograph operating circuit acting to deenergize the pantograph operating electromagnetic valve, when a driver inadvertently intends to leave the vehicle while pantographs are in the working position by automatically bringing the pantographs down to leave overhead contact wire thus to avoid electric shock accident.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 17, 1986
    Date of Patent: September 15, 1987
    Assignee: Toyo Denki Seizo Kabushiki Kaisha and Komatsu Ltd.
    Inventors: Hidetoshi Takei, Teruo Minami
  • Patent number: 4690494
    Abstract: A ferrule holding device is used for holding a ferrule accommodating optical fibers therein. Two ferrules are inserted in a sleeve extending in two connector bodies of the connector to bring the optical fibers to be in aligned and close contact with each other by spring means urging the ferrules toward each other. According to the invention, the device comprises a spring urged sleeve consisting of a cylindrical body having an outer diameter somewhat smaller than an inner diameter of each the connector body. The cylindrical body is provided at plural locations with resilient curved pieces having hooks outwardly extending but depressible inwardly of an outer periphery of the cylindrical body. The connector body is formed with anchoring apertures into which the hooks of the resilient curved pieces extend so as to hold the spring urged sleeve in the connector to support the spring means urging the ferrule.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 1, 1985
    Date of Patent: September 1, 1987
    Assignee: Daiichi Denshi Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha
    Inventors: Takao Hirose, Norio Kumekawa
  • Patent number: 4686868
    Abstract: A soundproofed gear box, in particular a toothed wheel gear box with moving mechanical parts connected with a housing over bearing carriers, whereby the housing is provided with mounting feet. The bearing carrier (5, 6) is only connected with the area of the housing remote from the mounting feet (20).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 5, 1986
    Date of Patent: August 18, 1987
    Inventor: Gunther Heidrich
  • Patent number: 4688034
    Abstract: Paging system comprising a transmitter and one or more paging receivers, where said transmitter may transmit a communication comprising a first data block to all receivers. Each receiver comprises a first memory comprising up to five registers for storing therein component data blocks of said first data block, of which a second component representing a receiver address or select code in register, a third component, possibly composed of fifth and sixth subcomponents representing a message code and a message identification code in registers respectively, a fourth component representing a control code in register, and a seventh component representing an alternative message identification code in register 18.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 27, 1985
    Date of Patent: August 18, 1987
    Assignee: Ericsson Paging Systems B.V.
    Inventor: Cornelis C. de Graaf
  • Patent number: 4687309
    Abstract: A device for transporting a camera and for reducing camera shake and arm fatigue by stabilizing the camera against the torso of a person. The device includes an arm that telescopes to a length suitable for the user to position the end of the arm upon which the camera is mounted adjacent his face. A bulbous, generally arcuate-shaped bumper is located at the end of the arm opposite that on which the camera is mounted and permits the use of the camera at various angles relative to the user's torso. Further, a neck strap is pivotally located adjacent the bumper such that when the neck strap is worn about the person's neck, and the camera is in use, the arm of the device is raised to place the camera at the person's eye level and the bumper rests against the person's torso but when the camera is not in use, the arm is lowered to allow the camera to be conveniently carried in front of or to one side of the user.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 6, 1986
    Date of Patent: August 18, 1987
    Assignee: Sima Products Corporation
    Inventor: Steven M. Breslau
  • Patent number: 4684335
    Abstract: A screw displacement pump (10) for comingled material has a body (11) defining a chamber (12'). Inlets are provided for the admission of fluid to the chamber and an outlet is provided for discharge of fluid from the chamber (12') intermeshing screw members (40) are mounted for rotation within the chamber (12') for transporting comingled material from the inlet to the outlet, the threads (41,42) of the intermeshing screw members (40) being of opposite hand. The pitch of the screws (40) at the outlet end thereof is smaller than the pitch of the screws (40) at the inlet end thereof to cause compression of gaseous material being transported. Clearance is provided between the screws (40) and between the screws (40) and the walls of the chamber (12') to allow sufficient leakage of the material towards the inlet, when the material is in the liquid phase, to avoid a liquid lock.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 24, 1985
    Date of Patent: August 4, 1987
    Assignee: Stothert & Pitt PLC
    Inventor: Raymond A. L. Goodridge
  • Patent number: 4683362
    Abstract: A plurality of cells installed in a microwave oven reflect the microwaves and improve temperature uniformity of food heated in the oven. The cell includes a reflector which moves with variation in the response of a temperature sensor and varies the concentration of reflected microwaves incident on the food.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 14, 1985
    Date of Patent: July 28, 1987
    Inventor: Roger A. Yangas