Patents Represented by Law Firm Silverman & Cass
  • Patent number: 4560376
    Abstract: An applicator for positively directing discharge of medication only to an especially sensory circumferential area of the anal canal immediately inside the anus.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 16, 1984
    Date of Patent: December 24, 1985
    Inventor: Joseph P. Cannon
  • Patent number: 4560650
    Abstract: A two-reagent assay system for determination of gamma glutamyl transpeptidase enzyme activity in a biological fluid. Gamma glutamyl-p-nitroanalide substrate for the enzymatic reaction is provided in a first reagent which is a dry mixture of the substrate with a normally solid acid which is water soluble and a second reagent includes a buffer and a component selected for reception of the glutamyl product of the enzymatic reaction.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 8, 1983
    Date of Patent: December 24, 1985
    Assignee: Coulter Electronics, Inc.
    Inventors: Henry W. Bauer, III, Ravindra S. Shukla
  • Patent number: 4559093
    Abstract: A method for retreading vehicle tires. A carcass is provided with a prevulcanized tread and an unvulcanized tie-gum layer between the carcass and tread. A microwave applicator is located above the tread for emitting microwaves to the tire for creating heat energy in the tire. A reflector for microwaves comprising an electrically conductive material is attached in connection to or in the tie-gum layer to achieve high quality rapid vulcanization without heating the carcass.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 27, 1982
    Date of Patent: December 17, 1985
    Assignee: Q&Q Retreading System AB
    Inventors: Benny Berggren, Ninneh Gripenholt
  • Patent number: 4557583
    Abstract: Apparatus for transferring a toner image from a photoconductive coating to a print sheet (which is fixed on a drum) using an intermediate transfer sheet. A pair of axially parallel electrically polarized rollers are placed between the one side of photoconductor surface and the drum. A print sheet is mounted on the drum and a transfer sheet is mounted on the drum over the print sheet. The free end of the transfer sheet is fixed. The transfer sheet is rolled over the toned photoconductor surface in a first direction. A return movement is effected. The polarization is such that the toner is retained on the photoconductor surface during the first movement and during the return movement, the transfer sheet is wound on the drum with the top roller polarized to transfer the toner from the photoconductor to the transfer sheet. The bottom roller cooperates with the drum surface and is electrically polarized to retain the toner on the transfer sheet.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 11, 1983
    Date of Patent: December 10, 1985
    Assignee: Coulter Stork Patents B.V.
    Inventors: Milan Percic, Hubertus J. Schoonderbeek, Julia M. Alston
  • Patent number: 4557690
    Abstract: An accessory for use in pricking depth-indicating washers on to dental reamers comprises a body constituting a receptacle. The washers which are located in the receptacle are brought into a free space of the body within which they are juxtaposed. They successively engage a notch in a movable small plate, constituting a distributor element, which enables the washer located in the notch, by transverse sliding of the small plate, to be brought opposite to a hole of the body. The washer thus placed can easily be pricked by a dental canal reamer passing through a hole provided in the cover of the accessory and which is situated opposite to the hole of the body. The diameter of this hole is greater than that of the washers to allow the washer which is pricked on the spindle to be withdrawn from the receptacle.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 18, 1984
    Date of Patent: December 10, 1985
    Assignee: Les Fils d'Auguste Maillefer Societe Anonyme A. Ballaigues
    Inventor: Jean-Claude Randin
  • Patent number: 4557775
    Abstract: A tie-gum layer for retreading vehicle tires. In carrying forth retreading of a vehicle tire, a prevulcanized carcass is provided with a prevulcanized tread and an unvulcanized tie-gum layer between the carcass and tread. A microwave applicator is located above the tread for emitting microwaves to the tires for creating heat energy in the tire. A reflector for microwaves comprising an electrically conductive material is provided in association with the tie-gum layer for providing high quality rapid vulcanization without heating the carcass.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 13, 1984
    Date of Patent: December 10, 1985
    Assignee: Q & Q Retreading System AB
    Inventors: Benny Berggren, Ninneh Gripenholt
  • Patent number: 4556309
    Abstract: Apparatus and method for producing color proofs electrophotographically. A platen carrying an electrophotographic member is translated sequentially past functional stations including a charging station, an exposure station, a toning station, a transfer station and a cleaning station. Once toning is completed, the platen carrying the toner image is translated to the transfer station. An intermediate transfer medium is disposed at the transfer station as the sole receptor of the toner image from the electrophotographic member. A roller effects transfer engagement between the intermediate transfer medium and the toner image carrier. Direct transfer mode or offset transfer mode electively is provided at the transfer station. For offset mode, the toner image on the photoconductive layer involves first transfer to the intermediate transfer medium and from the latter to the transfer medium.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 29, 1982
    Date of Patent: December 3, 1985
    Assignee: Coulter Systems Corporation
    Inventors: Harold J. Weber, Manfred R. Kuehnle, Kenneth D. Fraser, Kenneth A. Lindblom
  • Patent number: 4554862
    Abstract: A roof ridge ventilator for the roof of a building having a shingled roof. The ventilator is formed substantially of zinc metal and has a longitudinally extending series of closely spaced drain hole punchings in the baffles thereof which are constructed and arranged to achieve flow of a substantially uniform sheet of a biostatic ionic solution of zinc across the shingled roof from opposite sides of the ventilator during rain, dew or melting snow conditions. Such a washing of the shingles prevents and retards fungus and bacterial growth which defaces the shingles.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 21, 1984
    Date of Patent: November 26, 1985
    Assignee: Air Vent Inc.
    Inventor: Clarke K. Wolfert
  • Patent number: 4553353
    Abstract: A latch for a pivotal window sash used in a double-hung window assembly. The latch is mounted internally in a sash frame member with its latch bolt protruding from the sash to engage in the guide rail of the master frame jamb of the window assembly. There is a finger manipulative control button external of the sash frame for releasing the bolt from said guide rail so that the window sash can be pivoted. The latch bolt is mounted under spring tension to maintain the bolt normally in a locked position.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 20, 1984
    Date of Patent: November 19, 1985
    Assignee: Ashland Products Company
    Inventor: Harold Simpson
  • Patent number: 4552823
    Abstract: A separator plate for the negative electrode of a lead-acid battery comprising a molded, synthetic plastic wall or planar member of generally rectangular configuration. A pair of like separator plates are vertically oriented in the battery casing to sandwich the negative electrode therebetween including juxtaposed retention mats common in such a negative electrode assembly. The sandwich provides a clear-through channel along opposite extremities of the electrode for flow of electrolyte. The sandwich assembly is maintained by means of cooperating locking and sealing formations integral with the separator plates of the assembly. Wrapping of the positive electrode thereby is rendered unnecessary when assembling the battery and enables automated assembly of the battery using the separator plate sandwich.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 5, 1984
    Date of Patent: November 12, 1985
    Inventor: Eugene Wozniak
  • Patent number: 4549908
    Abstract: The incorporation of organic and FD&C pigments that meet FDA specifications for food packaging materials into resinous articles is accomplished by dispersing the pigments into a non-toxic mineral or vegetable oil formulation which contains glycerol monooleate and zinc stearate, the formulation then being added to the resin and mixed. Resinous articles colored in this manner can be utilized safely as direct food contact packaging, for example, decorative grass, which enables candies to be placed directly on the grass without incurring the expense of overwrapping the candies with a resin film which meets FDA and USDA requirements and which eliminates the hazard involved when candies are inadvertently or unknowingly placed on the decorative grass. The resinous materials which may be colored by the organic and FD&C pigments include polyolefin resins.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 19, 1984
    Date of Patent: October 29, 1985
    Assignee: Highland Manufacturing & Sales Co.
    Inventors: Erwin H. Weder, Donald E. Weder, Herbert A. Weder
  • Patent number: 4548076
    Abstract: An improved selector provides for air paths between a meter and an air volume sensing manifold that are similar for both up and down flow of air through the apparatus thereof. This provides similar momentum losses in the air reaching the meter for both air up and down flow through the apparatus to obtain more accurate meter readings of the air flow volume. Separate throttling screws are provided for the throttling orifices, providing different range selections, and are independently adjusted to compensate for minor air passage differences in the selector, and air flow pattern differences in up and down flow. A calibrated area reducer in the form of a sheet of perforated stock is positioned upstream in the throat in contact with the manifold to extend the measuring range of the apparatus while minimally disturbing the air flow patterns through the apparatus.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 28, 1983
    Date of Patent: October 22, 1985
    Assignee: Alnor Instrument Company
    Inventors: Paul F. Haake, Price R. Hodson
  • Patent number: 4547061
    Abstract: Electrophotographic imaging apparatus, particularly for color proofing, is provided for normal daylight operation including a light-tight housing having a framework mounting plural spaced functional processing stations for charging, imaging, toning, transfer and, optionally, cleaning, all interior of the housing. A platen assembly mounting an electrophotographic member is translated along a linear path, the assembly being guided by a rail and a track secured along the entire length of the framework. A copyboard is disposed below the carriage within the imaging station and carries a transparency. The electrophotographic member is translated past the charging station for charging same and brought to the imaging station where the copyboard is raised, to establish an intimate engagement with the member established and exposed to an interior disposed radiant energy source.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 16, 1982
    Date of Patent: October 15, 1985
    Assignee: Coulter Systems Corporation
    Inventors: Harold J. Weber, Manfred R. Kuehnle, James C. Compton, John N. Poulakis, Michael J. Szymanski, Kenneth A. Lindblom, Donald S. Cleveland
  • Patent number: 4546809
    Abstract: A unitary dual track for retaining drapery panels each suspended from movable apertured lugs in the tracks. The tracks are offset so as to provide a clearance space which permits fasteners to be inserted through a top wall common to the tracks into a ceiling for mounting thereof, and shield means to bridge said space. An integrally formed master carrier member is slidably retained in each track which includes a plurality of depending lugs each having an aperture for receipt therein of hooks secured to the lead portion of a drapery panel, and a wand for moving the master carrier and the drape panel attached thereto with reduced stress on the lead portions of the drapery panels.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 25, 1983
    Date of Patent: October 15, 1985
    Inventor: Elden E. Hadfield
  • Patent number: 4544200
    Abstract: A wheelchair seat and back construction adapted to be removably mounted upon a conventional wheelchair frame. A chair base with seat and back member secured thereto is mounted to a chair support by springs positioned between the base and support with the support secured to the wheelchair frame such that the wheelchair user can rock in the chair by reason of the spring mounting between the chair support and chair base. Front and rear lock levers are provided to selectively secure the chair base with seat and back member attached relative to the wheelchair frame to maintain the seat and back in rigid, unrocking condition. The seat and back members are hingedly connected to each other with the seat member being slidably movable upon tracks mounted to the chair base to permit the back member to move into a reclining position for the user upon movement of the seat member.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 2, 1983
    Date of Patent: October 1, 1985
    Assignee: Philip Dunn
    Inventors: Philip Dunn, David A. King
  • Patent number: 4542999
    Abstract: A radially displaceable coupling between a printing disc and the drive shaft of a printing machine. A bracket having a planar surface is secured to the drive shaft, the bracket having a planar face. Clamps are provided on one of the disc and bracket faces for engagement with the other of said disc and face. A resilient arm, including a zig-zag configured portion terminating in a blade having an inclined lateral surface, is formed on one of the disc and bracket and a recess is provided in the other of the disc and bracket for receiving the resilient arm to effect securement therein in a wedgelike engagement. A lateral surface borders the recess and coacts with the lateral blade surface. The lateral surfaces are convergent relatively coacting when the arm is engaged within the recess to prevent angular movement of the disc and to cause the disc to bear against the drive shaft at a location diametrically opposite to the location of the recess.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 1, 1983
    Date of Patent: September 24, 1985
    Assignee: Caracteres S.A.
    Inventors: Eric Bauer, Blaise Moulin
  • Patent number: 4542979
    Abstract: A method and apparatus for electrophotographically forming a multi-color proof print using at least two color separations. Two toner images of different color are formed in registration with each other. The photoconductive coating for each toner image is charged to an identical final charge state. Development of the charge pattern on each color separation is commenced after correspondingly identical time periods.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 11, 1983
    Date of Patent: September 24, 1985
    Assignee: Coulter Stork Patents B.V.
    Inventor: Milan Percic
  • Patent number: 4542780
    Abstract: A wax profile for making a tooth for a dental bridge, the tooth having a cast gold alloy skeleton and porcelain coating, the skeleton being cast in a negative mold made from the wax profile and having the same shape as the wax profile. The wax profile having a wax, tooth-shaped body. The body having aligned upper and lower cavities connected vertically with a median channel to provide said porcelain coating filling the spaces of the cavities and channel with increased strength responsive to compressive forces applied vertically of the tooth.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 8, 1983
    Date of Patent: September 24, 1985
    Inventor: Bengt O. Almer
  • Patent number: 4541456
    Abstract: A valve assembly mountable in a debris strainer device installed in a steam piping system. The valve assembly includes a retractile valve stem cooperating with a conduit branch of the strainer device to form a short clearance chamber which restricts the amount of fluid which can collect in the chamber when the valve is closed. The valve stem is retractable initially to allow for substantially constant bleeding of discharge effluent prior to full retraction of the valve stem to fully open the valve for achieving "blow-off" or the blast of particulate discharge through the valve.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 7, 1984
    Date of Patent: September 17, 1985
    Assignee: Engineering Resources, Inc.
    Inventor: Michael Troy
  • Patent number: D280664
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 18, 1983
    Date of Patent: September 17, 1985
    Inventor: Masuo Ishida