Patents Represented by Attorney Stallman & Pollock LLP
  • Patent number: 6913794
    Abstract: A method of encapsulating an integrated-circuit component supported on a substrate comprises depositing on the component a thermally curable liquid organic matrix in sufficient quantity to form a layer covering the component. The liquid matrix layer is irradiated by laser radiation having a wavelength between about 600 and 1000 nanometers. The liquid matrix includes one or more additive materials that are strongly absorbing for the wavelength of the laser radiation. The liquid matrix layer is irradiated with the laser radiation for a time period sufficient to cure the matrix layer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 14, 2002
    Date of Patent: July 5, 2005
    Assignee: Coherent, Inc.
    Inventors: Anthony P. Hoult, Scott J. Crane
  • Patent number: 6908833
    Abstract: A process and structure for forming electrical devices. The process and structure provide for forming an insulating layer on a substrate. A conductive region is then formed in the insulating layer by implanting silicon atoms into the insulating layer. Further, a plurality of different conductive regions can be formed in the insulating layer. An electrical device such as a transistor or a diode can then be formed in each of the conductive regions. Because the conductive regions are formed in a conductive region which is largely electrically isolated from other conductive regions there is little possibility for adjacent devices to cause interference.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 14, 2003
    Date of Patent: June 21, 2005
    Assignee: National Semiconductor Corporation
    Inventor: Kamesh Gadepally
  • Patent number: 6909507
    Abstract: An optical measurement system for evaluating a sample has a motor-driven rotating mechanism coupled to an azimuthally rotatable measurement head, allowing the optics to rotate with respect to the sample. A polarimetric scatterometer, having optics directing a polarized illumination beam at non-normal incidence onto a periodic structure on a sample, can measure optical properties of the periodic structure. An E-O modulator in the illumination path can modulate the polarization. The head optics collect light reflected from the periodic structure and feed that light to a spectrometer for measurement. A beamsplitter in the collection path can ensure both S and P polarization from the sample are separately measured. The measurement head can be mounted for rotation of the plane of incidence to different azimuthal directions relative to the periodic structures. The instrument can be integrated within a wafer process tool in which wafers may be provided at arbitrary orientation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 28, 2004
    Date of Patent: June 21, 2005
    Assignee: Therma-Wave, Inc.
    Inventors: Adam E. Norton, Abdurrahman Sezginer, Fred E. Stanke
  • Patent number: 6905929
    Abstract: Leakage of a single-poly EPROM cell is prevented by eliminating field oxide isolating the source, channel, and drain from the control gate n-well, and by replacing field oxide surrounding the cell with a heavily doped surface isolation region. The EPROM cell also utilizes a floating gate having an open-rectangular floating gate portion over the control gate region, and a narrow floating gate portion over the channel and intervening silicon substrate. The surface area of the open-rectangular floating gate portion ensures a high coupling ratio with the control gate region. The small width of the narrow floating gate portion prevents formation of a sizeable leakage path between the n-well and the source, channel, and drain. To conserve surface area, the EPROM cell also eliminates the p+ contact region and the PLDD region in the control gate well of the conventional EPROM design.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 28, 2002
    Date of Patent: June 14, 2005
    Assignee: National Semiconductor Corporation
    Inventors: Richard B. Merrill, Albert Bergemont, Min-hwa Chi
  • Patent number: 6903979
    Abstract: A method of programming a PMOS stacked gate memory cell is provided that utilizes the correlation between injection current and substrate current during the programming cycle to provide a feedback correction to the control gate of the memory cell to compensate for the negative potential shift on the floating gate as a result of its charging time.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 17, 2003
    Date of Patent: June 7, 2005
    Assignee: National Semiconductor Corporation
    Inventors: Yuri Mirgorodski, Vladislav Vashchenko, Peter J. Hopper, Douglas J. Brisbin
  • Patent number: 6903978
    Abstract: A method of programming a PMOS stacked gate memory cell is provided that utilizes a sequence of control gate pulses to obtain the desired potential on the floating gate.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 17, 2003
    Date of Patent: June 7, 2005
    Assignee: National Semiconductor Corporation
    Inventors: Yuri Mirgorodski, Vladislav Vashchenko, Peter J. Hopper
  • Patent number: 6898231
    Abstract: A laser includes an Nd:YVO4 crystal end-pumped with diode-laser light having a wavelength at which the absorption coefficient for Nd:YVO4 is less than about 0.35 (35%) of the absorption coefficient at 808 nm.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 20, 2002
    Date of Patent: May 24, 2005
    Assignee: Coherent, Inc.
    Inventor: Stuart David Butterworth
  • Patent number: 6898596
    Abstract: An optical metrology includes a library, a metrology tool and a library evolution tool. The library is generated to include a series of predicted measurements. Each predicted measurement is intended to match the measurements that a metrology device would record when analyzing a corresponding physical structure. The metrology tool compares its empirical measurements to the predicted measurements in the library. If a match is found, the metrology tool extracts a description of the corresponding physical structure from the library. The library evolution tool operates to improve the efficiency of the library. To make these improvements, the library evolution tool statistically analyzes the usage pattern of the library. Based on this analysis, the library evolution tool increases the resolution of commonly used portions of the library. The library evolution tool may also optionally reduce the resolution of less used portions of the library.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 14, 2002
    Date of Patent: May 24, 2005
    Assignee: Therma-Wave, Inc.
    Inventors: David M. Aikens, Youxian Wen, Walter Lee Smith
  • Patent number: 6894781
    Abstract: A method and apparatus are disclosed for accurately and repeatably determining the thickness of a thin film on a substrate. A rotating compensator ellipsometer is used which generates both 2? and 4? output signals. The 4? omega signal is used to provide an indication of the temperature of the sample. This information is used to correct the analysis of the thin film based on the 2? signal. These two different signals generated by a single device provide independent measurements of temperature and thickness and can be used to accurately analyze a sample whose temperature is unknown.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 6, 2003
    Date of Patent: May 17, 2005
    Assignee: Therma-Wave, Inc.
    Inventors: Lanhua Wei, Jon Opsal, Allan Rosencwaig
  • Patent number: 6891574
    Abstract: A video amplifier having an on-screen display (OSD) capability uses one channel of an OSD input video signal to generate a blanking signal for blocking output of a video signal. When the blanking signal is asserted, the OSD channels provide the on-screen display. The blanking signal is generated in a high speed mixer circuit including an emitter-coupled differential pair for amplifying the OSD input signal about an operating DC offset voltage and a pull down circuit for providing the blanking signal.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 4, 1998
    Date of Patent: May 10, 2005
    Assignee: National Semiconductor Corporation
    Inventor: Ronald W. Page
  • Patent number: 6888632
    Abstract: An apparatus for scatterometry measurements is disclosed. The apparatus includes a modulated pump source for exciting the sample. A separate probe beam is directed to interact with the sample and the modulated optical response is measured. The measured data is subjected to a scatterometry analysis in order to evaluate geometrical sample features that induce light scattering.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 28, 2003
    Date of Patent: May 3, 2005
    Assignee: Therma-Wave, Inc.
    Inventor: Walter Lee Smith
  • Patent number: 6885019
    Abstract: Systems and methods for operating an optical measurement system are disclosed which permit measurements to be made more uniformly in regions close the edge of a sample, such as a wafer. An optical measurement system can include a probe beam that is focused to an elliptically shaped spot on the surface of the sample. Improved measurements near the edge of the sample can be obtained by rotating the wafer with respect to the measurement spot to ensure that the short axis of the ellipse is perpendicular to the wafer edge.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 28, 2004
    Date of Patent: April 26, 2005
    Assignee: Therma-Wave, Inc.
    Inventors: Jeffrey T. Fanton, Craig Uhrich
  • Patent number: 6882424
    Abstract: An apparatus for characterizing multilayer samples is disclosed. An intensity modulated pump beam is focused onto the sample surface to periodically excite the sample. A probe beam is focused onto the sample surface within the periodically excited area. The power of the reflected probe beam is measured by a photodetector. The output of the photodetector is filtered and processed to derive the modulated optical reflectivity of the sample. Measurements are taken at a plurality of pump beam modulation frequencies. In addition, measurements are taken as the lateral separation between the pump and probe beam spots on the sample surface is varied. The measurements at multiple modulation frequencies and at different lateral beam spot spacings are used to help characterize complex multilayer samples. In the preferred embodiment, a spectrometer is also included to provide additional data for characterizing the sample.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 10, 2004
    Date of Patent: April 19, 2005
    Assignee: Therma-Wave, Inc.
    Inventors: Jon Opsal, Li Chen
  • Patent number: 6882421
    Abstract: Systems and methods are disclosed for evaluating nitrogen levels in thin gate dielectric layers formed on semiconductor samples. In one embodiment, a tool is disclosed which includes both a narrow band ellipsometer and a broadband spectrometer for measuring the sample. The narrowband ellipsometer provides very accurate information about the thickness of the thin film layer while the broadband spectrometer contains information about the nitrogen levels. In another aspect of the subject invention, a thermal and/or plasma wave detection system is used to provide information about the nitrogen levels and nitration processes.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 7, 2004
    Date of Patent: April 19, 2005
    Assignee: Therma-Wave, Inc.
    Inventors: Jon Opsal, Youxian Wen
  • Patent number: 6882413
    Abstract: An ellipsometric apparatus provides a rotating focused probe beam directed to impinge a sample in any direction. A rotating stage rotates the wafer into a linear travel range defined by a single linear axis of a single linear stage. As a result, an entire wafer is accessed for measurement with the single linear stage having a travel range of only half the wafer diameter. The reduced single linear travel results in a small travel envelope occupied by the wafer and consequently in a small footprint of the apparatus. The use of a rotating probe beam permits measurement of periodic structures along a preferred direction while permitting the use of a single reduced motion stage.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 13, 2002
    Date of Patent: April 19, 2005
    Assignee: Therma-Wave, Inc.
    Inventor: Barry R. Bowman
  • Patent number: 6878213
    Abstract: Semiconductor substrates, particularly metallized substrates such as partially processed wafers, are rinsed with an aqueous medium, preferably deionized water, which further contains an anti-corrosive chemical agent or agents selected so as to minimize corrosion of metals resulting from contact with the water. The amount of anti-corrosive chemical agent is maintained in a controlled manner at a predetermined level or within a predetermined range preferably the rinsing with aqueous medium containing anticorrosive chemical agent is also carried out for a specified time, followed by further rinsing with deionized water alone. The rinsing may be combined, either in the same vessel or in a different vessel, with a subsequent drying step, such as a drying process utilizing a drying vapor introduced into the rinse tank or into a downstream vessel.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 29, 1999
    Date of Patent: April 12, 2005
    Assignee: SCP Global Technologies, Inc.
    Inventors: John J. Rosato, Jane Fahrenkrug, Curtis R. Olson, Paul G. Lindquist
  • Patent number: 6879449
    Abstract: The subject invention relates to broadband optical metrology tools for performing measurements of patterned thin films on semiconductor integrated circuits. Particularly a family of optical designs for broadband, multi-wavelength, DUV-IR (185<?<900 nm) all-refractive optical systems. The designs have net focusing power and this is achieved by combining at least one positively powered optical element with one negatively powered optical element. The designs have small spot-size over the wavelength range spanning 185-900 nm with substantially reduced spherical aberration, axial color, sphero-chromatism and zonal spherical aberration. The refractive optical systems are broadly applicable to a large class of broadband optical wafer metrology tools including spectrophotometers, spectroscopic reflectometers, spectroscopic ellipsometers and spectroscopic scatterometers.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 2, 2003
    Date of Patent: April 12, 2005
    Assignee: Therma-Wave, Inc.
    Inventors: David Y. Wang, David M. Aikens
  • Patent number: 6872183
    Abstract: A system and method for detecting perforations in a body cavity. In accordance with the method of the invention, a fluid (liquid or gas) is delivered into a body cavity to slightly pressurize the cavity. A pressure sensing system monitors the pressure within the cavity for a predetermined test period. If cavity pressure is not substantially sustained during the test period, the physician is alerted to further assess the cavity for perforations before initiating treatment within the cavity. In a preferred form of the system, a medical treatment system such as an RF ablation system is provided with perforation detection functionality. The system preferably includes a pre-test and post-test lockout system.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 24, 2004
    Date of Patent: March 29, 2005
    Assignee: Cytyc Surgical Product
    Inventors: Russell M. Sampson, Mike O'Hara, Csaba Truckai, Dean T. Miller
  • Patent number: 6870621
    Abstract: An ellipsometer capable of generating a small beam spot is disclosed. The ellipsometer includes a light source for generating a narrow bandwidth probe beam. An analyzer is provided for determining the change in polarization state of the probe beam after interaction with the sample. A lens is provided having a numerical aperture and focal length sufficient to focus the beam to a diameter of less than 20 microns on the sample surface. The lens is formed from a graded index glass wherein the index of refraction varies along its optical axis. The lens is held in a relatively stress free mount to reduce stress birefringence created in the lens due to changes in ambient temperature. The ellipsometer is capable of measuring features on semiconductors having a dimensions as small as 50×50 microns.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 26, 2004
    Date of Patent: March 22, 2005
    Assignee: Therma-Wave, Inc.
    Inventor: Lanhua Wei
  • Patent number: 6870617
    Abstract: The invention is a method and apparatus for determining characteristics of a sample. The system and method provide for detecting a monitor beam reflected off a mirror, where the monitor beam corresponds to the intensity of light incident upon the sample. The system and method also provide for detecting a measurement beam, where the measurement beam has been reflected off the sample being characterized. Both the monitor beam and the measurement beam are transmitted through the same transmission path, and detected by the same detector. Thus, potential sources of variations between the monitor beam and the measurement beam which are not due to the characteristics of the sample are minimized. Reflectivity information for the sample can be determined by comparing data corresponding to the measurement beam relative to data corresponding the monitor beam.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 9, 2004
    Date of Patent: March 22, 2005
    Assignee: Therma-Wave, Inc.
    Inventors: Adam Norton, Abdurrahman Sezginer, Fred E. Stanke, Rodney Smedt