Patents Assigned to Allis-Chalmers Corporation
  • Patent number: 4116458
    Abstract: A sway limiting device for a three-point hitch on a tractor having reversible sway limiting blocks. The sway limiting blocks in one position permit sway of the hitch and implement under field operating conditions and in another position eliminate sway of the hitch throughout the fulllift range of the hitch by interchanging the right and left-hand sway blocks and using the reverse side of the sway blocks.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 21, 1977
    Date of Patent: September 26, 1978
    Assignee: Allis-Chalmers Corporation
    Inventor: David A. Berg
  • Patent number: 4113044
    Abstract: A differential lock release on a four-wheel drive articulating vehicle having a cam operated mechanism to operate the differential clutch when the vehicle is articulated.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 15, 1976
    Date of Patent: September 12, 1978
    Assignee: Allis-Chalmers Corporation
    Inventors: Douglas W. Williams, George E. Kaiser
  • Patent number: 4108150
    Abstract: A cylinder cage of an axial flow combine has radial openings about its circumference permitting threshed material to leave the cage as the threshing cylinder is rotated. An agitator mechanism is provided to dislodge threshed material tending to accumulate on the top side of the cylinder cage. Once dislodged, the threshed material will fall to a distribution aguer which in turn delivers the threshed material to accelerator rolls disposed beneath the threshing cylinder and cylinder cage. The agitator includes a plurality of curved ribs or fingers spaced axially along and adjacent the outer periphery of the cylinder cage. The agitator fingers are rigidly secured to a backbone member, which in turn is supported on the main frame of the combine by a pair of parallel links. An oscillating device is connected to one of the parallel links causing it to swing horizontally back and forth which in turn effects oscillating movement of the agitator in the axial direction of the cylinder cage.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 23, 1977
    Date of Patent: August 22, 1978
    Assignee: Allis-Chalmers Corporation
    Inventor: J. Lyle Shaver
  • Patent number: 4106707
    Abstract: A feeder distributor is mounted above an annular crushing chamber of a gyratory crusher and operates to distribute feed uniformly around the entire circumference rather than at one revolving point. A rotating cylinder has a rotating bottom plate of larger diameter connected to it by ribs leaving a circumferential opening between the cylinder and the plate. The circumferential opening is sized to prevent the flow of material when the cylinder and plate are not rotating. When rotating, the material is thrown off of the plate around the entire circumference of the plate by centrifugal force. This provides good continuous distribution of material around the entire crusher chamber regardless of the feed rate into the cylinder.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 17, 1977
    Date of Patent: August 15, 1978
    Assignee: Allis-Chalmers Corporation
    Inventor: Robert H. Kemnitz
  • Patent number: 4106272
    Abstract: The four-wheel lawn and garden tractor has an underslung two blade mower unit and a rear mounted grass catcher. The multiple spindle mower unit incorporates special baffling to improve lateral movement of cut grass from the mower housing. The conduit between the mower housing discharge opening and the rear mounted grass catcher includes a unique elbow part having a configuration which facilitates efficient movement of the grass from the mower to the catcher. The grass catcher is vented so that there is very little back pressure in the interior of the grass catcher. Venting is accomplished by provision of a downwardly facing opening along the rear of the grass catcher cover, the latter being molded of an impervious plastic material. The grass catcher cover has a downwardly extending skirt at the front thereof with a pair of laterally spaced semicircular notches adapted to receive a discharge conduit. Thus the cover may be used on tractor mowers discharging to either their left or right side.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 6, 1976
    Date of Patent: August 15, 1978
    Assignee: Allis-Chalmers Corporation
    Inventors: James F. Peterson, Edward Freier, Jr., Gerald C. Burmesch
  • Patent number: 4106269
    Abstract: Side-to-side leveling of a mower is facilitated by a two part lever connected to a ground roller axle. The ground rollers are rotatably mounted on a single horizontal transverse axle which in turn is connected to the rear of the mower housing through a pair of laterally spaced arms secured to a transverse rock shaft. One of the arms includes a first part rigidly secured to the transverse rock shaft and a second part which is pivotally connected to the transverse rock shaft and connected to the first part by a bolt and nut. The part rigidly secured to the rock shaft includes a slot through which the bolt extends which permits the second arm part to be angularly adjusted about the rock shaft axis relative to the first arm part. This permits one end of the roller axle to be adjusted vertically relative to the other end.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 30, 1976
    Date of Patent: August 15, 1978
    Assignee: Allis-Chalmers Corporation
    Inventor: Henry T. Knudson
  • Patent number: 4106649
    Abstract: A grain bin adapted to be mounted on the upper part of an agricultural combine is provided with at least one "floating" bin side wall extension which is automatically movable into substantially vertical grain-retaining position as the bin approaches and reaches a full condition. Clean grain which has been separated from the straw, chaff or the like is conveyed by an elevating conveyor which discharges the grain via a chute into the intake end of an elongated "floating" bin loading conveyor which is pivotally mounted for angular movement in a vertical plane. In the illustrated embodiment, the bin loading conveyor is an auger conveyor and the rotatable shaft of the floating auger conveyor is driven by a suitable drive means through a universal joint.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 22, 1977
    Date of Patent: August 15, 1978
    Assignee: Allis-Chalmers Corporation
    Inventors: John P. Nelson, Roger D. Hanaway
  • Patent number: 4104982
    Abstract: A transmission shift lever position indicator for shifting gear ratios in a transmission from the control console whereby the indicator correlates the shift lever position with the gear ratio of the transmission to indicate to the operator the position of the shift lever and transmission gear ratio.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 11, 1977
    Date of Patent: August 8, 1978
    Assignee: Allis-Chalmers Corporation
    Inventor: Norbert R. Hegemann
  • Patent number: 4103878
    Abstract: Apparatus for removing solids such as iron oxide pellets and fines from the rotating water seal trough of an annular material cooler by periodically operating an air ejector pump, which is suspended in the trough and operated at predetermined intervals and for a predetermined time; the ejector pump has associated with it a sensing apparatus both being pivotally mounted and suspended within the trough; an abnormal build-up of pellets and fines in the trough or large foreign bodies within the trough is sensed by the sensing means which actuates emergency means to override the normal pump operating cycle and maintain the pump operating and simultaneously alerting personnel to the emergency condition.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 8, 1977
    Date of Patent: August 1, 1978
    Assignee: Allis-Chalmers Corporation
    Inventor: Richard W. Graef
  • Patent number: 4103691
    Abstract: A combine is provided with a threshing cylinder which rotates within a foraminous cage with a concave causing the grain to be separated from the severed crop. The separated grain chaff, and other small lightweight portions of the crop being harvested, pass through the concave and other parts of the cage and thence through a transverse slot. The material passing through the transverse slot is accelerated downwardly by a pair of counter-rotating accelerator rolls at substantially right angles to a rearward directed sheet or layer of air which serves to separate the lightweight material from the kernels of grain. The lightweight material is blown rearwardly over the cleaning shoe assembly of the combine and the heavier grain kernels continue in their downwardly direction impacting with the grain pan below the accelerator rolls.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 11, 1976
    Date of Patent: August 1, 1978
    Assignee: Allis-Chalmers Corporation
    Inventor: J. Lyle Shaver
  • Patent number: 4103478
    Abstract: A support for a rear mounted flexible grass catcher container is mounted directly to the mower body and is free to pivot back for clearing the container from the mower shroud, when necessary for service purposes, without disconnecting the support from the mower. The support pivot is disposed in a manner that the applied load from the grass catcher container causes a resulting moment which tends to hold the container rear support in operative position without the necessity of providing clamps or catches. In addition, the rear support serves as a barrier for the container preventing its engagement with the adjacent rear wheels of the mower.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 3, 1977
    Date of Patent: August 1, 1978
    Assignee: Allis-Chalmers Corporation
    Inventor: Daniel W. Schaefer
  • Patent number: 4103141
    Abstract: A device for monitoring the electrical arc voltage and arc current being supplied by a welding apparatus. The device includes means, as for instance an electronic circuit, for integrating each electrical quantity being utilized over a selectively variable time period to provide a running weighted average indication of said quantity. The device also includes a means, as for instance an electronic circuit, to provide a memory so that a welder can measure his own parameters.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 23, 1977
    Date of Patent: July 25, 1978
    Assignee: Allis-Chalmers Corporation
    Inventor: Cecil C. Wristen
  • Patent number: 4097794
    Abstract: Electrical potentials are induced in the rotating shaft of many rotary electrical machines because of stray flux that exists in the machines. Unless provided with adequate ground insulation to interrupt the circuit, currents can flow through the machine bearings and other parts to ground and thereby expose the machine to severe damage. The device of this invention provides a sandwich-like ground insulation with a conductor therebetween and measures the voltage across that portion of the insulation between the conductor and either the bearing housing or ground to indicate if there is a circuit for excessive current leakage from the bearing to ground.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 15, 1976
    Date of Patent: June 27, 1978
    Assignee: Allis-Chalmers Corporation
    Inventor: Joe H. Burrus, Jr.
  • Patent number: 4096367
    Abstract: A gas insulated circuit breaker arrangement incorporating a modular interrupter structure and having a centrally disposed single opening pull-rod and stopping means for both ends of the pull-rod stroke for controlling the movement of all of the masses of the moving parts. The acceleration spring always opposes the closing force thereby insuring that the pull-rod is in tension. Compression structure is provided to resist the tension force applied by the pull-rod and also to stabilize the interrupter structure.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 24, 1975
    Date of Patent: June 20, 1978
    Assignee: Allis-Chalmers Corporation
    Inventors: Henry L. Peek, Maurice J. Taylor, John J. Abdou, Amrut R. Patel
  • Patent number: 4095200
    Abstract: A DC contactor providing increased magnetic efficiency, reduced contact bounce, and shorter arc time has a movable contact carrier bar pivotally mounted relative to a clapper armature so as to prevent tilting about its longitudinal axis and eliminate rotational bounce; a pre-loaded contact pressure spring which resiliently urges the contact carrier bar against the armature; an armature retainer spring which resiliently urges the pivoted end of the armature backward and downward against the yoke so as to displace dirt accumulated in the pivot area and prevent jamming of the armature; a generally hyperbolic magnetic pull characteristic with the knee at approximately the one-half armature travel position and the magnetic pull at the two-thirds armature travel position being approximately twice the magnetic pull at the knee to thus provide relatively high magnetic pull per ampere in the region above the knee; the magnet gap between armature and core at the point of contact engagement being less than that at the k
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 22, 1976
    Date of Patent: June 13, 1978
    Assignee: Allis-Chalmers Corporation
    Inventor: Paul M. Gallatin
  • Patent number: 4094401
    Abstract: Each end of a catenary carrier for an endless conveyor belt is supported by a quick release mechanism operable to drop the catenary rollers out of operation. The quick release mechanism includes a link which has an elongated slot wth an enlarged annular end portion. Supports at opposite ends of the catenary carrier carry a rotatable support pin for the link which has a head portion and a neck portion. The neck portion is annular except for two flats formed on radially opposite sides thereof. When the neck of the pin is disposed in the annular end portion of the slot, the link will be locked against movement relative to the pin in the direction toward the carrier if the flats are transverse to the slot. When the support pin is rotated to present the narrow width of the neck in alignment with the slot, the weight of the carrier will cause the link to move relative to the pin whereby the neck of the pin will be disposed in the opposite end of the slot from said annular portion.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 17, 1976
    Date of Patent: June 13, 1978
    Assignee: Allis-Chalmers Corporation
    Inventor: Gerald D. Sanderson
  • Patent number: 4093051
    Abstract: A hydraulic control system including a plurality of individual clutch valves for selective operation for controlling clutches in a power shift transmission. A modulating valve and a clutch valve release mechanism are included for modulating the clutch engaging pressure and the clutch disengaging pressure automatically. A single source of pressurized fluid provides pressurized fluid for operating the hydraulic actuators through the clutch valves and pressurized fluid to lubricate the power shift transmission having wet clutches which operate in hydraulic fluid.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 2, 1976
    Date of Patent: June 6, 1978
    Assignee: Allis-Chalmers Corporation
    Inventor: Ernest A. Kreitzberg
  • Patent number: 4091964
    Abstract: A vertical rotating disc has perforated seed pockets which pick up individual kernels of seed from an air pressurized cavity of a planter housing. Air flowing through the perforated pockets creates a pressure differential which moves a kernel into each pocket as the pocket moves on an arcuate path upwardly through the cavity. The pocket then moves into axially confronting relation with a flat sealing surface of a resilient air cutoff pad which sealingly engages the seed disc to prevent escape of air and holds the seed in the pocket as the disc rotates further to bring the pocket to the lower part of the housing where the seed falls by gravity into the soil. The air cutoff pad is arcuate in shape and is held in place by a pair of screws. Thin sheets of plastic material are bonded to the front and back sides of the pad and stiffening material, such as plastic cement, is added to the radially outer edge of the pad.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 18, 1976
    Date of Patent: May 30, 1978
    Assignee: Allis-Chalmers Corporation
    Inventor: Paul H. Harrer
  • Patent number: 4091905
    Abstract: A sump oil transfer system which harnesses the kinetic energy of the oil slung from the clutch discs of a wet clutch to induce flow from one sump to another sump in a tractor transmission.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 27, 1976
    Date of Patent: May 30, 1978
    Assignee: Allis-Chalmers Corporation
    Inventors: Gerald E. Sieren, LLoyd F. Sippel, George A. VandenHeuvel
  • Patent number: 4091877
    Abstract: A subassembly for use in a position in draft control linkage for operation by cables connected to position and draft control levers. The subassembly includes a mechanical hydraulic valve operating linkage and a position and draft load and sensing linkage sensing position draft and load of the hitch on a tractor. The subassembly is removably mounted as a unit on the vehicle chassis and can be adjusted prior to positioning on the tractor.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 9, 1976
    Date of Patent: May 30, 1978
    Assignee: Allis-Chalmers Corporation
    Inventor: David A. Berg