Patents Assigned to Avalanche Technology, Inc.
  • Patent number: 8526234
    Abstract: An embodiment of the invention includes a mass storage device with a storage media that includes magnetic random access memory (MRAM) devices with a NAND flash interface and NAND flash memory devices that are coupled to the MRAM devices. The storage media is partitioned into a hybrid reserved area made of a combination of MRAM array NAND array and hybrid user area made of a combination of MRAM array and NAND array and further includes a controller with a host interface and flash interface coupled to the MRAM and NAND flash memory devices through a flash interface.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 7, 2012
    Date of Patent: September 3, 2013
    Assignee: Avalanche Technology, Inc.
    Inventor: Mehdi Asnaashari
  • Publication number: 20130223141
    Abstract: A multi-state low-current-switching magnetic memory element (magnetic memory element) comprising a free layer, two stacks, and a magnetic tunneling junction is disclosed. The stacks and magnetic tunneling junction are disposed upon surfaces of the free layer, with the magnetic tunneling junction located between the stacks. The stacks pin magnetic domains within the free layer, creating a free layer domain wall. A current passed from stack to stack pushes the domain wall, repositioning the domain wall within the free layer. The position of the domain wall relative to the magnetic tunnel junction corresponds to a unique resistance value, and passing current from a stack to the magnetic tunnel junction reads the magnetic memory element's resistance. Thus, unique memory states may be achieved by moving the domain wall.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 5, 2013
    Publication date: August 29, 2013
    Applicant: Avalanche Technology, Inc.
    Inventor: Avalanche Technology, Inc.
  • Patent number: 8519496
    Abstract: A spin-transfer torque magnetic random access memory (STTMRAM) element is configured to store a state when electrical current is applied thereto. The STTMRAM element includes first and second free layers, each of which having an associated direction of magnetization defining the state of the STTMRAM element. Prior to the application of electrical current to the STTMRAM element, the direction of the magnetization of the first and second free layers each is in-plane and after the application of electrical current to the STTMRAM element, the direction of magnetization of the second free layer becomes substantially titled out-of-plane and the direction of magnetization of the first free layer switches. Upon electrical current being discontinued, the direction of magnetization of the second free layer remains in a direction that is substantially opposite to that of the first free layer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 25, 2011
    Date of Patent: August 27, 2013
    Assignee: Avalanche Technology, Inc.
    Inventors: Yuchen Zhou, Yiming Huai, Rajiv Yadav Ranjan, Roger Klas Malmhall
  • Publication number: 20130215673
    Abstract: A magnetoresistive logic cell (MRLC) is described that includes two MTJs in series that share a common free layer (CFL). The relative magnetization orientations of the CFL and the switchable reference layer (SRL) in MTJ-1 dominate the overall resistance of the MRLC without regard to the fixed magnetization orientation of the nonswitchable reference layer in MTJ-2. High and low resistance states of the MRLC occurs based on the relative magnetization orientations of SRL and CFL. This behavior allows the MRLC to be used as a logical comparator. The CFL is switched by STT effect by application of selected relatively short voltage pulses that do not switch the SRL. A voltage-induced switching principle can be used with MRLC embodiments of the present invention to switch the SRL to parallel or anti-parallel with respect to the magnetization CFL in both perpendicular and in-plane anisotropy embodiments.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 22, 2013
    Publication date: August 22, 2013
  • Patent number: 8508984
    Abstract: A non-volatile magnetic memory element includes a fixed layer, a barrier layer formed on top of the fixed layer, and a free layer formed on top of the barrier layer, wherein the electrical resistivity of the barrier layer is reduced by placing said barrier layer under compressive stress. Compressive stress is induced by either using a compressive stress inducing layer, or by using inert gases at low pressure during the sputtering process as the barrier layer is deposited, or by introducing compressive stress inducing molecules into the molecular lattice of the barrier layer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 29, 2008
    Date of Patent: August 13, 2013
    Assignee: Avalanche Technology, Inc.
    Inventors: Rajiv Yadav Ranjan, Parviz Keshtbod, Roger Klas Malmhall
  • Patent number: 8498150
    Abstract: A non-volatile magnetic memory element includes a number of layers one of which is a free layer which is graded. The graded free layer may include various elements with each element having a different anisotropy or it may include nonmagnetic compounds and magnetic regions with the non-magnetic compounds forming graded contents forming a unique shape such as cone shaped, diamond shaped or other shapes and whose thickness is based on the reactivity of the magnetic compound.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 21, 2012
    Date of Patent: July 30, 2013
    Assignee: Avalanche Technology, Inc.
    Inventors: Rajiv Yadav Ranjan, Parviz Keshtbod, Roger Klas Malmhall
  • Patent number: 8498148
    Abstract: A non-volatile magnetic memory element includes a number of layers one of which is a free layer which is graded. The graded free layer may include various elements with each element having a different anisotropy or it may include nonmagnetic compounds and magnetic regions with the non-magnetic compounds forming graded contents forming a unique shape such as cone shaped, diamond shaped or other shapes and whose thickness is based on the reactivity of the magnetic compound.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 18, 2012
    Date of Patent: July 30, 2013
    Assignee: Avalanche Technology, Inc.
    Inventors: Rajiv Yadav Ranjan, Parviz Keshtbod, Roger Klas Malmhall
  • Patent number: 8498149
    Abstract: A non-volatile magnetic memory element includes a number of layers one of which is a free layer which is graded. The graded free layer may include various elements with each element having a different anisotropy or it may include nonmagnetic compounds and magnetic regions with the non-magnetic compounds forming graded contents forming a unique shape such as cone shaped, diamond shaped or other shapes and whose thickness is based on the reactivity of the magnetic compound.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 21, 2012
    Date of Patent: July 30, 2013
    Assignee: Avalanche Technology, Inc.
    Inventors: Rajiv Yadav Ranjan, Parviz Keshtbod, Roger Klas Malmhall
  • Patent number: 8493779
    Abstract: A non-volatile magnetic memory element includes a number of layers one of which is a free layer which is graded. The graded free layer may include various elements with each element having a different anisotropy or it may include nonmagnetic compounds and magnetic regions with the non-magnetic compounds forming graded contents forming a unique shape such as cone shaped, diamond shaped or other shapes and whose thickness is based on the reactivity of the magnetic compound.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 18, 2012
    Date of Patent: July 23, 2013
    Assignee: Avalanche Technology, Inc.
    Inventors: Rajiv Yadav Ranjan, Parviz Keshtbod, Roger Klas Malmhall
  • Patent number: 8493780
    Abstract: A non-volatile magnetic memory element includes a number of layers one of which is a free layer which is graded. The graded free layer may include various elements with each element having a different anisotropy or it may include nonmagnetic compounds and magnetic regions with the non-magnetic compounds forming graded contents forming a unique shape such as cone shaped, diamond shaped or other shapes and whose thickness is based on the reactivity of the magnetic compound.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 21, 2012
    Date of Patent: July 23, 2013
    Assignee: Avalanche Technology, Inc.
    Inventors: Rajiv Yadav Ranjan, Parviz Keshtbod, Roger Klas Malmhall
  • Patent number: 8493777
    Abstract: A non-volatile current-switching magnetic memory element includes a bottom electrode, a pinning layer formed on top of the bottom electrode, and a fixed layer formed on top of the pinning layer. The non-volatile current-switching magnetic memory element further includes a tunnel layer formed on top of the pinning layer, a first free layer with a perpendicular anisotropy that is formed on top of the tunnel layer, a granular film layer formed on top of the free layer, a second free layer formed on top of the granular film layer, a cap layer formed on top of the second layer, and a top electrode formed on top of the cap layer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 23, 2012
    Date of Patent: July 23, 2013
    Assignee: Avalanche Technology, Inc.
    Inventors: Rajiv Yadav Ranjan, Parviz Keshtbod
  • Patent number: 8493778
    Abstract: A non-volatile magnetic memory element includes a number of layers one of which is a free layer which is graded. The graded free layer may include various elements with each element having a different anisotropy or it may include nonmagnetic compounds and magnetic regions with the non-magnetic compounds forming graded contents forming a unique shape such as cone shaped, diamond shaped or other shapes and whose thickness is based on the reactivity of the magnetic compound.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 18, 2012
    Date of Patent: July 23, 2013
    Assignee: Avalanche Technology, Inc.
    Inventors: Rajiv Yadav Ranjan, Parviz Keshtbod, Roger Klas Malmhall
  • Patent number: 8492860
    Abstract: A STTMRAM element includes a magnetization layer made of a first free layer and a second free layer, separated by a non-magnetic separation layer (NMSL), with the first and second free layers each having in-plane magnetizations that act on each other through anti-parallel coupling. The direction of the magnetization of the first and second free layers each is in-plane prior to the application of electrical current to the STTMRAM element and thereafter, the direction of magnetization of the second free layer becomes substantially titled out-of-plane and the direction of magnetization of the first free layer switches. Upon electrical current being discontinued to the STTMRAM element, the direction of magnetization of the second free layer remains in a direction that is substantially opposite to that of the first free layer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 4, 2011
    Date of Patent: July 23, 2013
    Assignee: Avalanche Technology, Inc.
    Inventors: Yuchen Zhou, Yiming Huai, Jing Zhang, Rajiv Yadav Ranjan, Roger Klas Malmhall
  • Patent number: 8488376
    Abstract: A non-volatile magnetic memory element includes a number of layers one of which is a free layer which is graded. The graded free layer may include various elements with each element having a different anisotropy or it may include nonmagnetic compounds and magnetic regions with the non-magnetic compounds forming graded contents forming a unique shape such as cone shaped, diamond shaped or other shapes and whose thickness is based on the reactivity of the magnetic compound.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 21, 2012
    Date of Patent: July 16, 2013
    Assignee: Avalanche Technology, Inc.
    Inventors: Rajiv Yadav Ranjan, Parviz Keshtbod, Roger Klas Malmhall
  • Patent number: 8477530
    Abstract: A non-uniform switching based non-volatile magnetic memory element includes a fixed layer, a barrier layer formed on top of the fixed layer, a first free layer formed on top of the barrier layer, a non-uniform switching layer (NSL) formed on top of the first free layer, and a second free layer formed on top of the non-uniform switching layer. Switching current is applied, in a direction that is substantially perpendicular to the fixed layer, barrier layer, first free layer, non-uniform switching layer and the second free layer causing switching between states of the first free layer, second free layer and non-uniform switching layer with substantially reduced switching current.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 28, 2011
    Date of Patent: July 2, 2013
    Assignee: Avalanche Technology, Inc.
    Inventors: Rajiv Yadav Ranjan, Petro Estakhri, Mahmud Assar, Parviz Keshtbod
  • Patent number: 8477529
    Abstract: A magnetic random access memory (MRAM) cell includes an embedded MRAM and an access transistor. The embedded MRAM is formed on a number of metal-interposed-in-interlayer dielectric (ILD) layers, which each include metal dispersed therethrough and are formed on top of the access transistor. An magneto tunnel junction (MTJ) is formed on top of a metal formed in the ILD layers that is in close proximity to a bit line. An MTJ mask is used to pattern the MTJ and is etched to expose the MTJ. Ultimately, metal is formed on top of the bit line and extended to contact the MTJ.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 19, 2012
    Date of Patent: July 2, 2013
    Assignee: Avalanche Technology, Inc.
    Inventors: Parviz Keshtbod, Ebrahim Abedifard
  • Publication number: 20130149797
    Abstract: A method of making a magnetic random access memory cell includes forming a magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) on top of a wafer, depositing oxide on top of the MTJ, depositing a photo-resist layer on top of the oxide layer, forming a trench in the photo-resist layer and oxide layer where the trench has a width that is substantially the same as that of the MTJ. Then, the photo-resist layer is removed and a hard mask layer is deposited on top of the oxide layer in the trench and the wafer is planarized to remove the portion of the hard mask layer that is not in the trench to substantially level the top of oxide layer and the hard layer on the wafer. The remaining oxide layer is etched and the MTJ is etched to remove the portion of the MTJ which is not covered by the hard mask layer.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 8, 2013
    Publication date: June 13, 2013
    Inventor: Avalanche Technology, Inc.
  • Patent number: 8456897
    Abstract: A multi-state current-switching magnetic memory element has a magnetic tunneling junction (MTJ), for storing more than one bit of information. The MTJ includes a fixed layer, a barrier layer, and a non-uniform free layer. In one embodiment, having 2 bits per cell, when one of four different levels of current is applied to the memory element, the applied current causes the non-uniform free layer of the MTJ to switch to one of four different magnetic states. The broad switching current distribution of the MTJ is a result of the broad grain size distribution of the non-uniform free layer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 24, 2011
    Date of Patent: June 4, 2013
    Assignee: Avalanche Technology, Inc.
    Inventors: Rajiv Yadav Ranjan, Parviz Keshtbod, Roger Klas Malmhall
  • Publication number: 20130119498
    Abstract: A spin-torque transfer magnetic random access memory (STTMRAM) element employed to store a state based on the magnetic orientation of a free layer, the STTMRAM element is made of a first perpendicular free layer (PFL) including a first perpendicular enhancement layer (PEL). The first PFL is formed on top of a seed layer. The STTMRAM element further includes a barrier layer formed on top of the first PFL and a second perpendicular reference layer (PRL) that has a second PEL, the second PRL is formed on top of the barrier layer. The STTMRAM element further includes a capping layer that is formed on top of the second PRL.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 9, 2013
    Publication date: May 16, 2013
    Applicant: Avalanche Technology, Inc.
    Inventors: Yiming Huai, Yuchen Zhou, Jing Zhang, Roger Klas Malmhall, Ioan Tudosa, Rajiv Yadav Ranjan
  • Patent number: 8440471
    Abstract: A method of flash-RAM memory includes non-volatile random access memory (RAM) formed on a monolithic die and non-volatile page-mode memory formed on top of the non-volatile RAM, the non-volatile page-mode memory and the non-volatile RAM reside on the monolithic die. The non-volatile RAM is formed of stacks of magnetic memory cells arranged in three-dimensional form for higher density and lower costs.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 6, 2012
    Date of Patent: May 14, 2013
    Assignee: Avalanche Technology, Inc.
    Inventors: Rajiv Yadav Ranjan, Parviz Keshtbod, Mahmud Assar