Patents Assigned to Drägerwerk AG
  • Patent number: 9885653
    Abstract: A device analyzes an anesthesia ventilation gas with an infrared radiation source and includes a gas cuvette, a Fabry-Perot interferometer with a band pass filter function, adjustable with respect to a central transmission wavelength as a function of a control signal, a detector providing a measured signal and a computing and control unit providing the control signal and detecting the measured signal. The computing and control unit is configured to actuate the Fabry-Perot interferometer in a first operating mode by the control signal such that the central transmission wavelength scans a predefined wavelength range, to detect a presence in the ventilation gas sample potential types of anesthetic gases based on the measured signal. In a second operating mode, the control unit controls the central transmission wavelength within a subrange of the predefined wavelength range and determines a plurality of concentration values at consecutive times for detected types of anesthetic gases.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 2, 2017
    Date of Patent: February 6, 2018
    Assignee: Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA
    Inventors: Ralf Buchtal, Livio Fornasiero, Robert Jahns, Heike Vöhringer
  • Patent number: 9872632
    Abstract: An electric impedance tomography device with chest electrodes, a display and a control and analyzing unit to determine a time series of a global ventilation curve from the sequence of reconstructed matrices as a time series of the mean impedance change or of a measured respiration volume, to divide an inspiration or expiration phase into a number of steps of equal volume change, to determine the times corresponding to these steps, to determine the change in local impedance between these times for each image element, the ratio of this local change in impedance to the global ventilation curve to form a local sequence of relative impedance changes of the image element as a function of the steps of equal volume change, to determine a scalar indicator characteristic as a function of the steps of equal volume change and to display each image element based on the respective scalar indicator.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 4, 2014
    Date of Patent: January 23, 2018
    Assignee: Draegerwerk AG & Co. KGaA
    Inventors: Yvo Gärber, Ola Stenqvist
  • Patent number: 9869451
    Abstract: An illuminating device (10) for illuminating an illuminated area (110), especially an operating area, has at least one light source (20) with at least one laser (22) for the emission of laser light (L) and at least one exciting medium (30). The exciting medium is excited while absorbing at least part of the laser light (L) and emits emission light (E) of a wavelength that differs at least partly from the wavelength of the laser light (L).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 19, 2013
    Date of Patent: January 16, 2018
    Assignee: DRÄGERWERK AG & CO. KGAA
    Inventors: Livio Fornasiero, Hanno Kretschmann
  • Patent number: 9863874
    Abstract: A method for signal detection with a gas analysis system (1, 1?) includes a radiation source (3); a gas measuring section (9) containing gas to be measured; a Fabry-Perot interferometer (13); a thermal sensor (17) configured to cause a change in voltage between electrodes with electromagnetic radiation falling thereon and arranged such that radiation released by a second interferometer mirror falls on the thermal sensor. The method includes irradiating the gas measuring section with radiation source radiation, continuously increasing or decreasing a distance of interferometer mirrors during a generating of time signal pulses at a constant period of time from one another. After a predefined number of time signal pulses, the voltage generated between the electrodes is detected and stored as a measured signal value. After a further predefined number of time signal pulses, the voltage generated between the electrodes is detected again and stored as a measured signal value.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 23, 2016
    Date of Patent: January 9, 2018
    Assignee: Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA
    Inventors: Peter Dreyer, Livio Fornasiero, Arne Tröllsch, Robert Jahns
  • Patent number: 9855399
    Abstract: An air humidifier for generating humidified breathing air for a patient includes a boiling pot for receiving a defined water volume. The air humidifier has a partition, the partition having at least one perforation. The partition with perforation is designed to be arranged above a water surface of the defined water volume in the boiling pot.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 12, 2013
    Date of Patent: January 2, 2018
    Assignee: DRÄGERWERK AG & CO. KGAA
    Inventor: Renè Caspary
  • Patent number: 9826931
    Abstract: A device (13) is provided for use with a treatment device for treating a patient. The device (13) includes a detection device (17) for detecting at least one transition of the patient's treatment from a first phase of treatment to a second phase of treatment. A signal device (25) for sending at least one signal when the transition is detected. It proposes, furthermore, a workstation equipped herewith.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 20, 2015
    Date of Patent: November 28, 2017
    Assignee: DRÄGERWERK AG & CO. KGAA
    Inventors: Frank Franz, Jürgen Manigel, Michael Wilkening, Wilfried Buschke
  • Patent number: 9820906
    Abstract: A heat therapy device including a care unit presenting a lying surface for supporting an infant, a hood which is moveable between a closed position covering the care unit and an opened position clearing the top of the care unit, a radiation heater arranged to irradiate the lying surface in the opened position of the hood, a convection heater, and control units which are configured and arranged to control the operation of the radiation and convection heaters, wherein the control units are configured and arranged to control the operation of the convection heater as a primary heater when the hood is in the closed position and to control the operation of the radiation heater as the primary heater when the hood is in the opened position.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 27, 2012
    Date of Patent: November 21, 2017
    Assignee: DRÄGERWERK AG & CO. KGAA
    Inventors: Jochim Koch, Ulf Timme
  • Patent number: 9821172
    Abstract: A thermotherapy device for treatment of neonates has a bordered lying surface (5) for receiving a neonate, a vertical support column (8) arranged adjacent to the head end of the lying surface (5) and radiant heaters (3, 4), supported by the column, directed at the lying surface (5). A control unit controls the heating output of each of the radiant heaters (3, 4). At least one first radiant heater (4) is directed at a head end half of the lying surface (5). At least one second radiant heater (3) is directed at the other half of the lying surface. The control unit (9) adjusts the heating output of the first radiant heater and the second radiant heater in such that, with the lying surface (5) arranged horizontally, the heating output of the second radiant heater (3) is greater by a predefined factor than that of the first radiant heater (4).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 18, 2013
    Date of Patent: November 21, 2017
    Assignee: DRÄGERWERK AG & CO. KGAA
    Inventors: Jochim Koch, Arne Tröllsch
  • Patent number: 9802016
    Abstract: Respiration system for non-invasive positive-pressure respiration, with a pressure source providing respiratory gas, with a control and evaluation unit connected to sensors detecting a leakage volume, spontaneous respiration frequency, tidal volume and the inspiration time. The control and evaluation unit I) checks the leakage volume and reduces the inspiratory pressure assistance proceeding to ii) or triggers an alarm and returns to I), ii) checks the frequency and triggers an alarm and returns to I) or reduces or increases the inspiratory pressure and returns to I) or proceeds to step iii), iii) checks the volume and reduces or increases the inspiratory pressure and returns to I) or leaves the pressure assistance unchanged proceeding to step iv), iv) adjusts the time period of the pressure assistance, depending on the inspiration time, the time period being left unchanged if the inspiration time lies in the predefined inspiration time interval, and returns to I).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 29, 2013
    Date of Patent: October 31, 2017
    Assignee: Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA
    Inventors: Stefan Mersmann, Thomas Katschewitz, Andreas Neumann, Philippe Jolliet
  • Patent number: 9788801
    Abstract: A process for the control of a gas analyzer, respirator or anesthesia device (10), a control module (19) and a gas analyzer, respirator or anesthesia device (10) are provided with a control module (19). The process is used for the output of online help and for guiding the user via a sequence of operating steps that are executed via defined operational controls (17). Each operational control (17) is designed with a selection signal generator and with an activation signal sensor in order to make possible a visual selection of the respective operational control. The selection may be coupled with the output of a visual indication on the graphical user interface (13).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 23, 2014
    Date of Patent: October 17, 2017
    Assignee: DRÄGERWERK AG & CO. KGAA
    Inventor: Ulrike Gerder-Kallisch
  • Patent number: 9770569
    Abstract: A method for measuring the anesthetic agent consumption in a ventilation system has a breathing circuit which contains a gas mixer (1) and an anesthetic agent metering device (2). The anesthetic agent quantity, which is consumed over a pregiven time interval in the ventilation system, is determined from the sum of the determined anesthetic gas volume flows in the ventilation system which are integrated over the pregiven time interval.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 31, 2007
    Date of Patent: September 26, 2017
    Assignee: DRÄGERWERK AG & CO. KGAA
    Inventor: Ralf Heesch
  • Patent number: 9772077
    Abstract: An operating lamp has a lamp body with a lamp surface directed towards a light projection surface. The lamp body has a central axis and the light projection plane extends at a preferred working distance from the lamp surface and at right angles to the central axis. The operating lamp has N light modules arranged on the lamp surface on a first circle with a centroid that coincides with the central axis. The light modules are aligned to each emit a light bundle with a respective principal axis towards the light projection plane—the principal axes forming, with the light projection plane N intersections, an ellipse with a centroid coinciding with the central axis. One of the light modules rotates about a rotation axis that passes through the light module, intersects the central axis has a light bundle principal axis that does not intersect the central axis.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 19, 2016
    Date of Patent: September 26, 2017
    Assignee: Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA
    Inventor: Hanno Kretschmann
  • Patent number: 9744299
    Abstract: A data processing device is provided for an anesthesia device for feeding an intravenously administered hypnotic, a volatile hypnotic, and an opioid such that the volume flow can be adjusted. The device determines and standardizes the effective concentrations of the anesthetics. A pharmacokinetic model adds up the standardized concentrations of the hypnotics to a total hypnotic concentration. An isobole is calculated based on a coordinate plane with a total hypnotic concentration axis and an opioid concentration axis, as a function of the currently determined concentrations. The system displays a two-dimensional action diagram with the y-axis as an indicator of the total hypnotic concentration and the x-axis as an indicator of the standardized opioid concentration. The calculated standardized total hypnotic concentration and opioid concentration and the isoboles determined are displayed. The display is adapted to changes occurring in the isoboles determined in the course of time.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 15, 2013
    Date of Patent: August 29, 2017
    Assignee: DRÄGERWERK AG & CO. KGAA
    Inventors: Jürgen Manigel, Martin Luginbühl
  • Patent number: 9737265
    Abstract: A patient monitoring device and method that determines and monitors at least one patient parameter is provided. A configuration processor generates configuration information in response to a first input signal and an adaptive notch filter receives a second input signal. The second input signal includes a signal of interest and an interference signal in a predetermined frequency range. The adaptive notch filter automatically estimates the interference signal within the second input signal based on a filter parameter and removes the estimated interference signal from the second input signal to generate a target signal. A step processor is electrically coupled between the configuration processor and the adaptive notch filter and sets a value of the filter parameter based on the configuration information, wherein the adaptive notch filter uses the filter parameter to reduce a ringing artifact on the target signal below a threshold level.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 20, 2012
    Date of Patent: August 22, 2017
    Assignee: Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA
    Inventors: Ling Zheng, Yu Chen
  • Patent number: 9737451
    Abstract: A heat therapy appliance for treatment of neonates has a lying surface on a platform bordered by side walls, a hood movable between a closed incubator position, bearing on the side walls and covering the lying surface, and an open nursing care position, a radiant heater secured on the appliance structure and directed at the lying surface, lifting devices acting on the platform, and a control device actuating the lifting devices to adjustably set an angle of inclination of the platform with respect to the horizontal. The platform is mounted so as to be adjustable in height. The control device also actuates the lifting devices in the same direction, to adjust the vertical position of the platform with respect to the side walls between a first position and a second position higher than the first position.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 22, 2013
    Date of Patent: August 22, 2017
    Assignee: Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA
    Inventors: Markus Hampe, Markus Kater, Claudia Kohnke
  • Patent number: 9730607
    Abstract: An EIT device has a plurality of electrodes (4) that can be arranged on a body in order to reconstruct the impedance distribution of the body with a reconstruction algorithm. The control unit (10) of the EIT device is set up by suitable programming to continuously determine at least one property (e1, . . . , eM) each from the measured signals (U1, . . . , UM) of all measuring channels and to correct measured signals of the measuring channels on the basis of the properties or to adapt the reconstruction algorithm on the basis of the properties.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 12, 2012
    Date of Patent: August 15, 2017
    Assignee: DRÄGERWERK AG & CO. KGaA
    Inventor: Yvo Gärber
  • Patent number: 9731091
    Abstract: An elbow (1), for a respiration mask for the artificial respiration of a patient, includes an angular tube (30), which defines a breathing gas duct (10), with a tube port (11) with an inlet opening (12) for connecting a breathing tube (7) and with a mask port (13) with an outlet opening (14) for connecting the respiration mask (9). The elbow also includes an anti-suffocation valve (18) and carbon dioxide expiration openings (19). The elbow (1) is able to be switched, while being able to be handled in a simple manner, in different open and closed states for the anti-suffocation valve (18) and the carbon dioxide expiration openings (19). The elbow (1) includes only one (a single) switching member (20) for activating and deactivating the anti-suffocation valve (18) and the carbon dioxide expiration openings (19).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 25, 2013
    Date of Patent: August 15, 2017
    Assignee: Draegerwerk AG & Co. KGaA
    Inventors: Oliver Wallnewitz, Krisztina Soltész, Alexandra Gawrysch
  • Patent number: D790756
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 12, 2015
    Date of Patent: June 27, 2017
    Assignee: Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA
    Inventors: Robert Elfring, Christian Vry, Christian Elsenbach, Hanno Kretschmann
  • Patent number: D806721
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 30, 2016
    Date of Patent: January 2, 2018
    Assignee: Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGAA
    Inventor: Sebastian Fischer
  • Patent number: D812088
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 30, 2016
    Date of Patent: March 6, 2018
    Assignee: DRÄGERWERK AG & CO. KGAA
    Inventors: Benedikt Weiβ, Sebastian Fischer