Patents Assigned to Paper, Inc.
  • Patent number: 7713382
    Abstract: A method and an apparatus for processing wood chips, wherein the wood chips are treated with steam in a gas removal apparatus. The condensate formed in the gas removal apparatus is removed from the gas removal apparatus and the wood chips are treated with a processing solution in order to remove metal ions from the wood chips. Condensate formed in the gas removal apparatus is used as processing solution.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 16, 2005
    Date of Patent: May 11, 2010
    Assignee: Metso Paper, Inc
    Inventors: Rami Lampinen, Lasse Hernesniemi, Antti Tuominen
  • Patent number: 7703259
    Abstract: An assembly for moving paper, board and cellulosic web rolls in a roll packaging system includes a plurality of roll handling stations incorporating at least one receiving station for the entry of rolls into the system, one wrapping station for winding at least one wrapper course on the periphery of the rolls, and at least one other station, and an indexing conveyor having a car for moving the rolls which is adapted to move synchronously into positions coinciding with each one of said roll handling stations. The car of the indexing conveyor is adapted to move on at least three different elevation levels named as a base elevation level 0, a first elevation level and a second elevation level. Additionally, at least a portion of the car coinciding with one station is on an elevated level in regard to the other parts of the car coinciding with the other stations.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 11, 2005
    Date of Patent: April 27, 2010
    Assignee: Metso Paper Inc.
    Inventor: Harri Lindberg
  • Patent number: 7704351
    Abstract: A processing device and method applying the same for processing a coated or uncoated fibrous web is provided. The device comprises a belt configured to extend around a guiding element, at least one counter-element being disposed outside said belt to provide a contact area with the belt, such that the belt and the counter-element establish therebetween a web processing zone for passing a web to be processed therethrough. The processing zone length is defined by the disposition of the belt's guiding element and/or by the configuration of the counter-elements. The contact pressure applied to a web in the processing zone is within the range of between about 0.01 MPa and about 200 MPa.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 29, 2003
    Date of Patent: April 27, 2010
    Assignee: Metso Paper, Inc.
    Inventors: Juha Lipponen, Vilho Nissinen, Pekka Koivukunnas, Mika Viljanmaa, Henri Vaittinen, Reijo Pietikäinen, Kari Hasanen, Risto Sutti, Eero Suomi, Pekka Linnonmaa, Markku Kyytsönen, Matti Tervonen, Heikki Kettunen, Kari Holopainen
  • Publication number: 20100099566
    Abstract: An aqueous composition is provided having a pH of from about 2.0 to about 12.8 and comprising boron or persulfate ion-crosslinked polyvinyl alcohol microcapsules. A method of delivering an agriculture active to a substrate is further provided comprising applying to the substrate an aqueous composition comprised of agriculture active containing, boron or persulfate ion-crosslinked, polyvinyl alcohol microcapsules, as well as a method of treating a substrate to protect from pests or promote crop growth comprising applying to the substrate an aqueous treating composition comprised of agriculture active containing, boron or persulfate ion-crosslinked, polyvinyl alcohol microcapsules.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 9, 2009
    Publication date: April 22, 2010
    Applicant: Appleton Papers Inc.
    Inventor: Robert Stanley Bobnock
  • Patent number: 7698876
    Abstract: The invention relates to a method and arrangement for packaging paper, pulp, or board reels (1). In the method the reel (1) is brought to a wrapping station, which comprises supporting elements (2, 2?) for supporting the reel (1) during wrapping end shields (7) are brought to the ends of the reel (1), wrapping material is wrapped around the reel (1), and the reel (1) is moved away from the wrapping station. According to the invention, the end shields (7) are brought to the ends of the reel (1) from the same side of the supporting elements (2, 2?) as the wrapping material.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 27, 2005
    Date of Patent: April 20, 2010
    Assignee: Metso Paper, Inc.
    Inventor: Jukka Mäkinen
  • Publication number: 20100089313
    Abstract: A rod cradle for a film, coating, or dam rod includes a frame profile (12) equipped with an insert groove (14), an insert (16) fitted into the insert groove, and the insert having a rod groove (18) and a rod (28) therein. The device has locking elements (24) for locking the insert (16) into the frame profile (12). There are, on the sides of the insert groove, edges (20) through which the insert passes into the insert groove when the rod is not present. On the sides of the rod groove(16) there are opposing lips (22). The lips (22) have vertices (74) through which the rod (28) can pass without damage to the rod or the insert so that the rod can be inserted in to the rod groove (18) and lock the insert (16) in the insert groove (14) of the frame profile.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 28, 2006
    Publication date: April 15, 2010
    Applicant: METSO PAPER, INC.
    Inventors: Arto Karusalmi, Ari-Pekka Kautto, Sami Kuparinen, Vesa Lamberg, Pekka Ylönen
  • Publication number: 20100090048
    Abstract: A knife system of a disc chipper, the knife in said system being clamped to its operation position between a wear plate and a press block. The wear plate is supported to the knife disc adjustably for the inclination with respect to the surface of the knife disc. The adjustability is provided by means of a hinge and an adjustment strip. The hinge strip is located adjacent a knife and the adjustment strip is located at the next chip opening. A convergent space is provided for the adjustment strip. The adjustment strip is correspondingly wedge-shaped and has a position adjustable and locking means.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 10, 2009
    Publication date: April 15, 2010
    Applicant: Metso Paper, Inc.
    Inventor: Arvo JONKKA
  • Publication number: 20100089525
    Abstract: A method of forming an opaque image on a substrate is generally provided. The method generally includes the use of three papers: a toner printable sheet, a coating transfer sheet, and an opaque transfer sheet. Toner printing can be utilized to print an image on the toner printable sheet, and then the toner ink can be utilized to remove a portion of a melt coating layer from the coating transfer sheet to form an intermediate imaged coated transfer sheet. This intermediate intermediate imaged coated transfer sheet and the opaque transfer sheet can then be utilized to form an image, defined by the opaque areas, on a substrate.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 14, 2008
    Publication date: April 15, 2010
    Applicant: Neenah Paper, Inc.
    Inventor: Frank J. Kronzer
  • Patent number: 7694646
    Abstract: A coating apparatus, has a nozzle unit (1) with at least one feeding chamber (12) extending in the longitudinal direction (W) of the coating apparatus. Coating color is conveyed into the chamber by feeding means (4), and a nozzle slot (30) in flow communication with the said feeding chamber, the slot also extending in the longitudinal direction (W) of the coating apparatus. The flow communication between the at least one feeding chamber (12) and the nozzle slot (30) is formed by feed holes (14; 18) made in one wall of the feeding chamber, through which the coating color can be conveyed to the nozzle slot. The nozzle unit has means (15, 16; 19) by which the effective area of the feed holes (14; 18) can be adjusted in order to accomplish transverse profiling of the amount of coating color.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 30, 2004
    Date of Patent: April 13, 2010
    Assignee: Metso Paper, Inc.
    Inventors: Heikki Vatanen, Tapio Pitkäniemi
  • Patent number: 7695591
    Abstract: A washing arrangement for washing and dewatering of cellulose pulp is disclosed, comprising a rotatable drum having a plurality of outer compartments defined by axial compartment walls distributed along the circumference of the drum, a stationary cylindrical casing that encloses the drum, whereby an annular space is defined between the casing and the drum and longitudinal seals extending in the axial direction of the drum divide the annular space into zones for forming, washing and discharge of the pulp. The function of the longitudinal seals is optimized by units for seal adjustment having force sensors for measuring a force acting on one of the longitudinal seals in the direction from the drum, and positioners for automatically moving the longitudinal seal substantially in the radial direction of the drum according to a predetermined pattern based on the measured force.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 31, 2006
    Date of Patent: April 13, 2010
    Assignee: Metso Paper, Inc.
    Inventors: Jörgen T. Lundberg, Stefan Mattsson, Johan Bylander, Magnus Henriksson
  • Patent number: 7691235
    Abstract: Apparatus for separating steam from a mixture of steam and fibers is disclosed, comprising an elongated feeding compartment having an inlet and a feeding device for feeding a mixture through the inlet. The feeding device comprises a tubular section which is curved such that the mixture in the tubular section is separated under the influence of centrifugal forces in a heavy steam-less fraction of fibers in a outer layer and in a light fiber-free fraction of steam in a inner layer. The tubular section is arranged in such a way that a heavy fraction of fibers is fed through the inlet peripherally. The separated light fraction of steam is fed against the center of the compartment and removed through an outlet of the apparatus.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 17, 2003
    Date of Patent: April 6, 2010
    Assignee: Metso Paper, Inc.
    Inventor: Baltsar Lundgren
  • Patent number: 7685937
    Abstract: A composite doctor blade to be installed in a blade holder (11) containing a throat (15) has a rear part (14) made of a composite material which has a profiling (16) which protrudes beyond the plane (18) defined by the doctor blade in order to retain the doctor blade in the blade holder (11). At a distance from the rear part (14), part (17) of the profiling (16) protrudes from the plane (18) to one side only. Moreover, the part (17) is higher than its width in the cross-sectional plane of the doctor blade.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 15, 2005
    Date of Patent: March 30, 2010
    Assignee: Metso Paper, Inc.
    Inventors: Mikko Karioja, Ari Närhi, Harri Ruotsalainen
  • Publication number: 20100074724
    Abstract: The invention relates to method of supporting a unloading conveyor bridge extending substantially horizontally at the bottom level of a bulk material pile storage, implemented as supports in the area of the bridge ends as well as in at least one point therebetween. At least one of the supports is positionally adjusted in the vertical direction. The support force is thereby kept substantially constant at the actual support point. For the adjustment can be used spring loading, fluid pressure loading or gravity loading, for example.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 1, 2009
    Publication date: March 25, 2010
    Applicant: Metso Paper, Inc.
    Inventors: Ilkka Saari, Arvo Jonkka
  • Publication number: 20100071480
    Abstract: A load measuring device for measuring a load acting on an elastically deformable member, has a distance sensor for measuring a length change in response to a deformation of the deformable member under a load. The sensor has a sensing element and a reference element arranged such that a portion of the elastically deformable member is interposed between the sensing element and the reference element. For paper manufacturing or finishing, two members between which the load is measured are cooperating rolls, at least one of which is provided with an elastic cover. One of the rolls includes the sensing element and the other roll includes the reference element. Alternatively, the two members are a roll and a cooperating belt, one having an elastic cover. Also, the sensing element and the reference element may be formed in one and the same member.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 17, 2007
    Publication date: March 25, 2010
    Applicant: METSO PAPER, INC.
    Inventors: Reijo Pietikäinen, Rob Stapels, Timo Brander, Tony Lehto, Jani Yli-Alho
  • Patent number: 7682489
    Abstract: A frame for a twin-wire press is disclosed including pairs of side members including upper and lower side members arranged on opposite sides of the press, between which upper and lower rolls are attached, a plurality of transverse beams arranged between the pairs of side members which themselves are sections of flat sheet metal and spacers for mutually releasably connecting the side members with the sheet metal being formed so that it permits a degree of curing in the vertical plane to facilitate access to the space between the upper and lower rolls. A method for exchanging wire in a twin-wire press of this type is also disclosed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 3, 2005
    Date of Patent: March 23, 2010
    Assignee: Metso Paper, Inc.
    Inventors: Leif Odmark, Peter Svedberg, Anders Löfstrand, Hans Lövgren
  • Patent number: 7681327
    Abstract: A vacuum belt conveyor of a web forming machine for transferring a threading tail has at least two turning rolls (16, 17) and an air-permeable belt loop (20), arranged around the turning rolls (16, 17). The vacuum belt conveyor also has vacuum means (22) for creating a vacuum effect on both the section of the belt loop (20) conveying the threading tail (23) and in connection with the first turning roll (16) of the turning rolls (16, 17). Arranged in connection with the first turning roll (16) in the travel direction of the threading tail (23) there is at least one cross-directional dividing structure (24) for creating at least two axial vacuum zones (25).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 24, 2006
    Date of Patent: March 23, 2010
    Assignee: Metso Paper, Inc.
    Inventors: Veli-Pekka Koljonen, Matti Lehtonen
  • Publication number: 20100065239
    Abstract: An apparatus for the repair or maintenance of a papermaking headbox has two devices, one of which is used on the tending side and one of which is used on the drive side of the headbox. Each device has three parts, a lower bracket mounted to the headbox frame, an upper bracket mounted to the headbox slice beam, and a carriage which moves on a track formed on the lower bracket. The carriage is adjustably mounted to the upper bracket, and supports the slice beam which is attached to the upper bracket, and allows the slice beam to be precisely raised and lowered with respect to the headbox, so as to disconnect the slice beam from the headbox. Once separated, the slice beam is moved on the track, displacing it in the machine direction from the head box.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 15, 2008
    Publication date: March 18, 2010
    Applicant: METSO PAPER, INC.
    Inventor: Larry John Alf
  • Patent number: 7678234
    Abstract: A dewatering arrangement in the press section of a web-forming machine having a press suction roll (10) and a press fabric (13) arranged to run via the press suction roll (10). The dewatering arrangement has a saveall (15), which is installed in conjunction with the press suction roll (10), and drainage facilities (18) for removing the collected water from the saveall (15). The saveall (15) has a concave guide surface (19) which in the cross direction is located on a partial distance of the circumference of the press suction roll (10) and at a distance from the surface of the press suction roll (10) in order to accomplish a vacuum effect and to hence remove water from the press suction roll (10).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 18, 2006
    Date of Patent: March 16, 2010
    Assignee: Metso Paper, Inc.
    Inventors: Risto Haiko, Erkki Hietamäki, Mikko Kauppinen, Reijo Koivuranta, Kauno Kujala, Pekka Petrilä, Timo Pirinen, Esa Rajala, Markku Salo, Sampo Vörgren
  • Patent number: 7678847
    Abstract: The invention teaches an encapsulated curable adhesive composition especially adapted for use as a structural adhesive. The adhesive composition enables formation of a thin layer reactive composition of microcapsules and a two-part curative. The adhesive composition comprises a first population of microcapsules encasing a monomer and a first-part curative comprising an initiator. The adhesive composition further comprises a second-part curative. The second-part curative comprises an activator and a catalyst. At least the activator of the second-part curative is preferably encapsulated in a second population of microcapsules. The catalyst and the second population of microcapsules can be dispersed in a binder material, along with the first population of microcapsules. The first population of microcapsules contain encapsulated within the core a monomer having a Tg 35° C. or less and the first-part curative. The first population microcapsules contain encapsulated within the core a monomer having a Tg 35° C.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 13, 2006
    Date of Patent: March 16, 2010
    Assignee: Appleton Papers Inc.
    Inventors: Nianxi Yan, Peggy Dorothy Sands, Sandra Jacqueline Guinebretiere
  • Publication number: 20100051736
    Abstract: The present invention relates to a reeling apparatus (1) for fiber web by which fiber web may be wound to successive reels (4). The reeling apparatus has cutting devices (6) for cutting the web during a reel change, the cutting device being provided with at least one cutting head (6.2) disposed movable in a direction essentially transverse to the web direction to cut the web. A contactless web supporting arrangement (7) is been provided in operational connection with the cutting device to maintain the running of the web stable in a controlled manner during the cutting.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 9, 2008
    Publication date: March 4, 2010
    Applicant: METSO PAPER, INC.
    Inventors: Petri Enwald, Teppo Kojo, Per-Olof Malmqvist