Abstract: A new Clematis plant with a compact growth habit, profuse, near white flowers, and continuous summer flowering. The variety successfully propagates from softwood cuttings and is suitable for cultivation in commercial nursery culture. This new and distinct variety has shown to be uniform and stable in the resulting generations from asexual propagation from vegetative cuttings.
August 20, 2015
Date of Patent:
September 19, 2017
Mogens Nyegaard Olesen, Raymond J. Evison
Abstract: A new Clematis plant with a compact growth habit, profuse, violet purple flowers, and continuous summer flowering. The variety successfully propagates from softwood cuttings and is suitable for cultivation in commercial nursery culture. This new and distinct variety has shown to be uniform and stable in the resulting generations from asexual propagation from vegetative cuttings.
Abstract: A chrysanthemum plant named ‘Zanmublush’ characterized by its medium sized blooms with dark red ray florets and prolific branching; natural season flowering date September 21; blooming for a period of 5 weeks.
December 23, 2015
Date of Patent:
September 19, 2017
Chrysanthemum Breeders Association Research B.V.
Abstract: A new and distinct Crassula cultivar named ‘Crasmada’ which is characterized by the combination of dark green foliage, incurved margin deflection, an upward curling of the distal portion of the lamina, large foliage, a large plant size, and the stability of all characteristics from generation to generation. The new variety is a Crassula, typically produced as an indoor ornamental plant.
Abstract: A chrysanthemum plant named ‘Zanmukey’ characterized by its small sized blooms with light green blooms and a dark green center, with prolific branching; natural season flowering date September 28; blooming for a period of 5 weeks.
December 23, 2015
Date of Patent:
September 26, 2017
Chrysanthemum Breeders Association Research B.V.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Calibrachoa plant named ‘Balcabinsta’, characterized by its deep pink-colored flowers having a yellow and cream star-pattern, medium green-colored foliage, and moderately vigorous, mounded to trailing growth habit, is disclosed.
Abstract: A new Lobelia plant named ‘LOBZ0010’ particularly distinguished by large, white flowers, strong stems with long inflorescences, medium green foliage, narrow leaves, medium sized, free branching, tight, mounding plant habit with upright directed stems.
Abstract: A new pelargonium plant particularly distinguished by light lavender flowers with a large purple eye and an upright growth habit, is disclosed.
Abstract: A new walnut variety (Juglans regia) designated as ‘Durham’ is provided. This variety has a harvest date 10 days earlier than walnut variety ‘Chandler’, and produces a walnut that is jumbo in size with light colored kernels.
January 27, 2016
Date of Patent:
October 17, 2017
The Regents Of The University Of California
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Chrysanthemum plant named ‘Fidaysofla’, characterized by its upright to outwardly spreading and uniformly mounded plant habit; moderately vigorous growth habit; freely branching habit; dense and full plant form; uniform and freely flowering habit; medium-size decorative-type inflorescences with yellow and orange red bi-colored ray florets; early season flowering habit; and good garden performance.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of an ornamental Ipomoea plant named ‘Balspotack’, characterized by dark purple-colored foliage, and moderately vigorous, compact, mounded to trailing growth habit, is disclosed.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of an ornamental Ipomoea plant named ‘Balspotred’, characterized by bronzed-burgundy foliage, and moderately vigorous, compact, mounded to trailing growth habit, is disclosed.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of an ornamental Ipomoea plant named ‘Balspotime’, characterized by lime-green colored foliage, and moderately vigorous, compact, mounded to trailing growth habit, is disclosed.
Abstract: A new and unique plant cultivar of perennial carnation or pinks, Dianthus plant named ‘Cranberry Cocktail’ with numerous, large, fully-double, fragrant flowers, on well-branched stems having up to 8 flowers per stem. Petals are hot magenta pink with coarse serrations. Plant has vigorous compact habit with gray-green foliage. The petals have a margin of light pink becoming nearly white. Dianthus ‘Cranberry Cocktail’ is tolerant of high temperatures and resists center die-out.
Abstract: A chrysanthemum plant named ‘Zanmuskyfa White’ characterized by its small sized blooms with white ray floret and a cream center, and prolific branching; natural season flower date October 19 (week 43); blooming for a period of 5 weeks.
December 23, 2015
Date of Patent:
November 7, 2017
Chrysanthemum Breeders Association Research B.V.
Abstract: A new and distinct Hemerocallis plant named ‘Orange Smoothie’ characterized by winter-hardy compact habit with clean medium-green foliage that goes dormant in the winter; rounded, fragrant, single flowers of orange-mango-colored base with light rose eye, pink midrib and light green throat; tepals with consistent and considerable wavy margins and recurved at apex giving more color from flower backside; scapes of up to 60 cm tall with four-way branching and 32 flowers beginning about mid-July and with repeating scapes through summer for about seven weeks.
Abstract: ‘KP03’ is a distinctive cultivar of Anigozanthos hybrid plant which is characterized by the combination of a compact growth habit, broad foliage, excellent disease resistance, and an abundance of large golden yellow flowers. The new variety propagates successfully by division and tissue culture and has shown to be uniform and stable in the resulting generations from asexual propagation.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Quercus, ‘Woodside Splendor’, that is characterized by its relatively narrow plant habit and its autumn foliage coloration that is deep red in color and appears early in the season and is retained for a long period of time.
Abstract: A new Clematis plant with a compact growth habit, profuse, lavender purple flowers with a distinct purple central bar, and continuous summer flowering. The variety successfully propagates from softwood cuttings and is suitable for cultivation in commercial nursery culture. This new and distinct variety has shown to be uniform and stable in the resulting generations from asexual propagation from vegetative cuttings.
Abstract: A new Lobelia plant named ‘LOBZ0005’ particularly distinguished by large, white flowers, strong stems with long inflorescences, dark green foliage, medium sized leaves, medium plant size, free branching, and mounding to trailing plant habit.