Patents Examined by Casmir A. Nunberg
  • Patent number: 4104749
    Abstract: In combination with a bed, a lifting frame inserted between the box-spring and the head section of the mattress for raising the head section to various angular positions relative to the remaining part of the mattress. Two lifting levers are pivotally connected to the lateral elements of the bed frame. On one side of the pivotal points, lifting levers are connected to the lifting frame. The opposite side is pulled down by way of a cable wound around a electrically powered shaft located under the bed frame and extending across the width of the bed. A barrier secured to the box-spring prevent the foot end of the mattress from slipping off the end of the bed when the head section is raised.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 6, 1977
    Date of Patent: August 8, 1978
    Assignee: Siesta Industries
    Inventor: Anthony F. Grundler
  • Patent number: 4103376
    Abstract: Raisable safety side apparatus for one or both sides of a hospital bed comprising in each instance a corresponding side frame pivotally connected to lever means, e.g. a pair of spaced apart or parallel levers, adapted to be mounted operatively on a bed to move the side frame from a lower or inoperative position to an upper or operative position with respect to the bed, and resilient biasing means operatively interposed between the frame and the lever means to urge normally the frame to the upper position, e.g.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 29, 1977
    Date of Patent: August 1, 1978
    Assignee: InterRoyal Corporation
    Inventors: Roland A. Benoit, Edmund P. Guillot
  • Patent number: 4103375
    Abstract: A modular decorative waterbed frame including a pair of side walls and a pair of end walls of uniform cross-sectional configuration. The uniformity of cross-section of the walls enables the walls to be produced by high volume production methods, and thence cut into different lengths for later assembly into frames of various sizes. The cross-section of the walls is in the shape of an I-beam. The upper and lower cross pieces of the I have opposing lips which form a support channel for decorative panels. The decorative panels, which may be configured to be compatible with any style or period of furniture, are fixed to the vertical portion of the I beam by any readily releasable fastener means. The side walls and end walls are interconnected by uniform corner members which also have decorative panels fixed thereto.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 10, 1977
    Date of Patent: August 1, 1978
    Inventor: Philip J. Santo
  • Patent number: 4101990
    Abstract: A bed comprising a mattress supporting frame supported on two pair of legs, the lower end of each pair being provided with an extendable portion so that the height of the frame above the floor may be varied, an operating shaft associated with each pair of legs, each shaft being rotatably mounted on or adjacent the associated pair of legs, an arm fixed to and projecting radially from the operating shaft, the arm being connected to the extendable portion of the legs associated with the operating shaft by one or more connecting links so that when a turning force is applied to the operating shaft to effect rotation thereof the height of each of the pair of legs associated therewith is decreased or increased and the mattress supporting frame is lowered or raised.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 13, 1977
    Date of Patent: July 25, 1978
    Assignee: Avion Australia Pty Ltd.
    Inventor: John Anthony Holland
  • Patent number: 4102586
    Abstract: A metallic clip for holding the end bar of a sinuous cushion-supporting spring in position on the wooden rail of an article of furniture and having a horizontal base portion which seats on the top surface of the rail and a downturned flange which lies flush with the outside face of the rail, such flange having rail-penetrating anchor prongs which, when the clip is applied enters the wood transversely of the general plane of the wood grain, preferably at a right angle so as to inhibit splitting of the rail. The clip is formed from a flat metal blank by a punch press stamping operation in such a manner so that each prong is shorter than the width of the blank with the two prongs interfitting so that when they are bent out of the plane of the flange.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 27, 1977
    Date of Patent: July 25, 1978
    Assignee: Hartco Company
    Inventors: Kenneth Carlton Pearson, Harrison Church Lingle
  • Patent number: 4101994
    Abstract: A combination beach bag and blanket construction comprising a rectangular bag portion having a stiffening member on the bottom side and receptive of gear for holding same and to alternatively provide a pillow. A flexible planar portion is connected to the bag portion and foldable into a rectangular configuration similar to that of the bag portion. A flexible carrying handle is connected to the top side of the bag portion with one end extendable around the folded blanket for use with the other end to carry the construction as a beach bag.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 1, 1977
    Date of Patent: July 25, 1978
    Inventor: F. Russell Hoyt
  • Patent number: 4101992
    Abstract: The combination with a spring assembly of pairs of structures designed to be applied transversely to the top and bottom supporting surfaces at one or more longitudinally spaced intervals to enhance resistance to sinking of the supporting surfaces, bowing at the longitudinal sides and collapse between the surfaces at the longitudinal sides due to pressure applied perpendicular to the supporting surfaces, said structures each comprising a stiff, inextensible wire of circular or flat cross section resistant to flexing and at one end a compression-resistant spring, said structures being disposed in pairs with the one structure crossing the top and the other crossing the bottom and with the compression-resistant spring of one situated between the supporting surfaces at one side and of the other situated between the supporting surfaces at the other side and fasteners connecting the structure to the assembly.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 17, 1977
    Date of Patent: July 25, 1978
    Assignee: Webster Spring Co. Inc.
    Inventors: Alexander M. Levine, Henry R. Ramsey
  • Patent number: 4101993
    Abstract: The entire assembly includes an upper supporting panel, a base, and spring body means between the panel and base. The panel comprises a rectangular border frame and a grid made up of a series of grid wires extending longitudinally and another series extending laterally to define rows of rectangular openings serving as spring seats. The spring body means comprise coil spring bodies and attachment heads made up of single lengths of wire. The heads are bent to U-shape with a rectangular pattern similar in size and shape to the spring seats, and portions are offset to resiliently grip the grid wires defining a selected spring seat above and below the grid and lock the head in place. The rectangular engagement of the spring components with the spring seats prevents rotation in their mountings.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 22, 1977
    Date of Patent: July 25, 1978
    Assignee: Steadley Company, Inc.
    Inventors: Chester Robert Yates, Guy E. Hall
  • Patent number: 4102556
    Abstract: A rear support structure for a cabinet is disclosed. The support structure includes provision for automatically adjusting the level of the rear of a cabinet to compensate for a supporting surface which slopes from side to side. The support structure comprises mounting means affixed to the rear, underside of the cabinet and extending transversely of the cabinet. In a preferred embodiment, a cylindrical roller having an axial bore therein encircles an axle and is rotatable on the axle to facilitate movement of the cabinet. Either the axle or the bore of the roller or both are arcuate in shape lengthwise of the roller to permit tilting of the roller relative to the axle which in turn permits tilting of the rear of the cabinet with respect to the supporting surface while insuring that the full length of the roller contacts the supporting surface.In another embodiment, the rear support structure comprises an ellipsoidal member mounted to a channel member affixed to the rear of the cabinet.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 3, 1977
    Date of Patent: July 25, 1978
    Assignee: General Electric Company
    Inventor: William M. Webb
  • Patent number: 4101995
    Abstract: A water bed mattress comprised of upper and lower flexible sheets which are provided with peripherally extending downwardly and upwardly struck flaps, respectively, at their outer peripheral ends. These flaps are sealed to each other in order to form a completely enclosed mattress. A tapered, angularly struck inner peripheral wall extends effectively between the upper and lower walls of the water bed mattress in such manner that the upper end of the inner peripheral wall extends to the outer peripheral margin of the upper wall and the lower end of the inner peripheral wall terminates inwardly of the outer peripheral margin of the lower wall. In this way, the inner peripheral wall operates in conjunction with the upper wall in order to form an inner water chamber which is essentially coextensive with the entire upper surface of the upper wall. An air chamber is formed by the other side of the inner peripheral wall, the outer wall and the lower wall.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 8, 1976
    Date of Patent: July 25, 1978
    Inventor: Raymond M. Phillips
  • Patent number: 4102470
    Abstract: A drawer file folder stop for securing file folders or other objects in place in a drawer includes a plate configured to hook the stop over the top edge of the back or either side or an adjustable divider within the drawer. An elongated, generally planar holder is mounted on and extends outwardly from the plate across part but not all of the width of the drawer between the opposite sides or the length of the drawer between the front and back, and a pin mounted on the plate opposite the holder for engagement in a groove running along the inside surface of the side or back on which the plate is mounted. With the holder free of file folders or other objects the plate is free to slide along the side or back on which it is mounted so as to firmly position the holder against file folders or other objects to be secured within the drawer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 28, 1977
    Date of Patent: July 25, 1978
    Assignee: Hiebert, Inc.
    Inventor: Jay Timmons
  • Patent number: 4101182
    Abstract: A record player hood having a pair of raised strips thereon and a pair of stops projecting upwardly from the strips near the side about which the hood pivots so as to prevent record jackets from sliding off the hood when it is raised. A channel is formed in the hood underneath one of the strips and serves to house the electrical cable for a lamp which is mounted to the hood.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 18, 1976
    Date of Patent: July 18, 1978
    Inventors: Josef Vavrina, Benedikt Strausak
  • Patent number: 4100631
    Abstract: This invention consists of a low cost box-spring assembly for use on a conventional bed frame under the mattress to provide comfort and additional resiliency as weight is placed upon the mattress.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 13, 1976
    Date of Patent: July 18, 1978
    Inventor: Norman Slone
  • Patent number: 4100635
    Abstract: Improved water bed construction where, in one embodiment, two spaced inflatable members are positioned along the two lateral edges within a water bed frame with a separate water filled mattress being positional thereover with the conventional safety or water liner, wherein the inflatable members are filled with liquid or gas so as to have less resiliency than the water filled mattress portion, whereby ease of entry and exit onto the water mattress is facilitated. In another embodiment a liquid or gas supply means with appropriate controls is utilized so as to selectively and preferentially fill the lateral inflatable members to desired pressure, or alternately, to deflate same to selectively alter the resiliency thereof to facilitate supporting conditions of the water mattress.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 31, 1977
    Date of Patent: July 18, 1978
    Inventors: Michael W. Mitchell, James C. Hauser
  • Patent number: 4100630
    Abstract: A reclining furniture having rest surfaces formed in at least two parts, having rest surface sections hingedly connected with one another, and arranged adjustable in inclination to achieve a seating position of such type that the gore disposed in the range of the hinge axis is lowered during the raising of one of the rest surface sections. The border frame of the reclining furniture has opposite inner surfaces on which two opposite mountings are arranged which support the raiseable rest surface section such that the pivot axle of the raiseable rest surface section, which is mounted under the latter and spaced by a distance from the gore is mounted on a lever, the latter being arranged in pendulum manner at a second axle, and at least the pendulum movement of the lever is blockable.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 21, 1977
    Date of Patent: July 18, 1978
    Inventors: Odo Klose, Alfred VON Schuckmann
  • Patent number: 4099806
    Abstract: A combined opthalmic lens pattern rack and dispenser having a shelved housing and a plurality of pattern receiving compartments on each shelf. The compartments are open at each end so as to be accessible from the front of the housing and in communication with a chute at the back of the housing. A pattern selecting and ejecting member is slidably carried on the housing in front of each shelf for desired location in register with a compartment. A movable arm on the selecting and ejecting member serves to push it into the chute for dispensing purposes.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 21, 1977
    Date of Patent: July 11, 1978
    Inventor: Milton B. Savage
  • Patent number: 4099809
    Abstract: A device for providing work surfaces for writing, typing or other such activities, that collapses to an easily storable position and readily reassembles for use. The device includes a plurality of hinged work surfaces of shelves, which are connected to a rear support wall and in the assembled position are also connected to side support walls. The side support walls are, in turn, also connected to the rear support wall. In addition, partition extension walls can be connected and disconnected from the side support walls to provide increased seclusion from adjoining areas when the device is used in a crowded area.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 13, 1976
    Date of Patent: July 11, 1978
    Inventor: Samuel S. Leotta
  • Patent number: 4099808
    Abstract: A security cabinet designed for use in the home for storage of guns or other valuable articles includes an upright generally rectangular enclosure of plate steel construction having an open front and with a rectangular door frame weldably secured to the walls of the enclosure at the open front side thereof to reinforce and strengthen the enclosure and provide a strong and unyielding supporting frame surrounding the door. A door, also of plate steel construction, is hingedly mounted in the door frame by recessed hinges which are located interiorly of the enclosure and inaccessible to tampering when the door is in the closed position. A locking bracket is welded to the door frame and has a portion which extends through an opening provided in the door and to which a lock is fastened for securing the door in the closed position. A gun rack is provided inside the cabinet, the gun rack being rotatably mounted to provide ready access to all of the guns inside the cabinet.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 8, 1977
    Date of Patent: July 11, 1978
    Assignee: ECO Industries, Inc.
    Inventors: Ervin Carvis Oakley, George Robert Bell, William Eugene Poole
  • Patent number: 4099812
    Abstract: An improved insulated cabinet, such as a refrigerator or freezer cabinet, is constructed by first manfuacturing a rigid structural frame to close tolerances and then loosely attaching the remaining components of the outer shell of the cabinet by mechanical connections which permit some relative movement between the main frame and the other outer shell components. The outer shell, with an innershell positioned within it in spaced relationship to define an insulating cavity, is then placed in a jig which positions precisely the components of the outer shell in their desired final relationship. The loose connections between the outer shell components permit them to be shifted by the contacting surfaces of the jig into the precise relative positions desired, and while the outer shell components are so supported by the jig, a hardenable insulating material is introduced into the cavity, where, upon hardening, it fixes the outer shell components and the inner shell in their desired positions relative to each other.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 18, 1977
    Date of Patent: July 11, 1978
    Assignee: Hobart Corporation
    Inventor: Paul H. Morphy
  • Patent number: 4099277
    Abstract: Hammock portion of a tiltable stretcher supports the lower half of patient at a first elevation in prone position while a tray portion of the stretcher supports head, arms and shoulders at lower elevation until stretcher is swung to a near-vertical position where tray may be adjusted to a suitable angle facilitating reading, eating, playing games and the like. The device may be provided with handrims which drop below level of stretcher in horizontal position to eliminate obstacles during patient transfer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 30, 1975
    Date of Patent: July 11, 1978
    Inventor: Mervyn M. Watkins