Patents Examined by Francis S. Husar
  • Patent number: 4571234
    Abstract: A right angle folder gluer of the type having a pair of pressure nip rolls at the end of the first folding section and mechanism for transferring each individual and successive blank delivered from the nip into the transfer zone at right angles into the second folding zone, in a direction parallel to the axis of the nip has apparatus for preventing inadvertent re-entry of the blank into the nip during transfer in the form of sharp pointers riding on the upper surface of the blank in rear of the nip to slightly embed therein and unyieldably prevent re-entry while yieldably enabling movement of the blank in the transfer zone in the direction of the second folding section.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 9, 1984
    Date of Patent: February 18, 1986
    Inventor: Raymond A. Labombarde
  • Patent number: 4571237
    Abstract: A process and a device for folding a sheet longitudinally and transversely, in which the lower folds and the upper folds of a plurality of pairs of longitudinal folds of a Leporello fold are formed in sequence by fold straight edges that are movable towards each other, the front edges of the fold straight edges being moved along an arcuate path to the sheet in order that there is contact between them and the sheet only at the end of said movement. The longitudinally folded sheet is then laid on the parallel contact edges of the transverse fold plates that are arranged at intervals adjacent to each other, and pressed together therebetween, the areas between the transverse fold plates being pressed downwards by pressure elements which are moved upwards and out once again prior to the completion of the movement of the transverse fold plates towards each other. Thus it is possible to form all the transverse folds in one stage of the process.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 1, 1984
    Date of Patent: February 18, 1986
    Assignee: Falk-Verlag fur Landkarten und Stadtplane Gerhard Falk GmbH
    Inventor: Alfred Vogtlander
  • Patent number: 4569621
    Abstract: A method of manufacturing a bottle cap provided with a ring-pull is disclosed, in which a band is cut from a metal strip by shears and is simultaneously curled up, by shear bow, to form a cylindrical band with overlapping ends, while a bottle cap portion with a tab is prepared separately from another metal sheet. Then, the cylindrical band is firmly connected to the tab of the cap by rolling the cylindrical band up from one edge, to form a toroid while rolling the tab up into the band.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 30, 1984
    Date of Patent: February 11, 1986
    Assignee: Wicanders AB
    Inventors: Borje Sjogren, Jan Berglund
  • Patent number: 4569219
    Abstract: A cable bending device specifically adapted to form an expansion bend or loop in a cable television wire or cable to enable the cable television cable to expand and contract during temperature changes without undue tension, stress or buckling of the cable television cable. The bending device includes an elongated, generally vertical plate supported from the lasher cable at a point adjacent a supporting pole or the like with the plate including a pair of end shoes engaging the undersurface of the cable television cable and a center shoe engaging the top surface of the cable television cable. The center shoe can be adjusted vertically by a handcrank and screw threaded shaft arrangement and the two end shoes can be adjusted and locked by eccentric locking mechanism.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 23, 1984
    Date of Patent: February 11, 1986
    Inventors: Charles O. Threlkel, Delbert E. Neal
  • Patent number: 4569183
    Abstract: An apparatus for transferring elongated parts travelling on a first conveyor to a receptacle travelling on a second conveyor, the parts being placed singly in consecutive rows in the receptacle in a substantially vertical position. The apparatus comprises a part pick-up unit having a part pick-up member mounted on a slide. The part pick-up unit is positioned such as to enable the part pick-up member to pick up a part at the end of the first conveyor, and the part pick-up member, mounted on the output shaft of a rotary actuator, is rotated such as to rotate the part from a horizontal position to a vertical position during travel of the part pick-up unit and of the slide from the part pick-up position to the part-loading position.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 28, 1983
    Date of Patent: February 11, 1986
    Assignee: PTX-Pentronix, Inc.
    Inventor: Raymond P. DeSantis
  • Patent number: 4568321
    Abstract: A machine and method for making bags from two webs of film material with the bag being provided with a fitting having an access passageway therethrough and a flange that is heat sealed to the inner side of one wall of the bag. The two webs are advanced step by step from a feed station, the movement during each step being for lengths of the webs sufficient to provide portions for making a bag. The movement of the web is through successive stations with one web underlying an upper web. In the first of the successive station fittings are fed into a trackway having a downwardly sloped portion and a horizontal portion extending below the upper web. A hole is punched in the upper web and at the end of the horizontal position of the trackway is provided which serves to receive and align the fitting with a hole in the upper web, during a pause in the advancing movement of the webs.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 22, 1984
    Date of Patent: February 4, 1986
    Inventor: Rene J. Gaubert
  • Patent number: 4568322
    Abstract: There is disclosed a bag making machine for producing wave top bags from an elongate strip of plastic web material. The disclosure relates to various improvements in the bag making machine such as the apparatus for spreading cut web material in directions transverse to the direction of elongation of web material.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 7, 1984
    Date of Patent: February 4, 1986
    Assignee: PCL Packaging Limited
    Inventor: David C. Piggott
  • Patent number: 4567746
    Abstract: The disclosure relates to method and tools for making shells used in the manufacture of can ends. A first set of tools makes blank pre-forms having a substantially flat central panel and an upward-extending chuckwall about the edge of the panel. The junction area between the panel and the chuckwall has a relatively large radius of curvature at this time. A second set of tools forms on the blanks a lip extending outward from the upper end of the chuckwall and generally parallel to said panel; then the panel and the chuckwall are separately gripped, followed by relative movement between the panel and the chuckwall while wrapping the junction area around a forming punch to form a panel wall in the junction area extending upward from the inner part of the chuckwall. Then the lip is formed into a curl edge section which ends in an inner curl diameter that is round and concentric with the chuckwall.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 16, 1984
    Date of Patent: February 4, 1986
    Assignee: Dayton Reliable Tool & Mfg. Co.
    Inventors: Henry C. Bachmann, Ermal C. Fraze
  • Patent number: 4566503
    Abstract: This invention provides an apparatus and method of setting up apparatus for the automatic cutting and/or shaping of IC components carried in a tubular carrier and advanced for processing by gravity. A base plate is disposed at an angle of approximately forty degrees to the horizontal and provides a supporting means for gravitational feeding of these components from a removable U-shaped retainer to a guide and then to a die station. At this die station a resiliently tired feed wheel engages the body of the IC component which is metered and advanced with an intermittent motion. This motion is provided in a timed relationship with two rotating shafts which have pins moved in a precise orbit around a shaft centerline. These pins are one-hundred-eighty degrees out-of-phase with each other. The rotated feed wheel and attached tire are intermittently moved in a strict timed relationship to the movement of the two shafts by a one-way clutch driven by one of the shafts and by an eccentrically moved Pitman arm.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 13, 1983
    Date of Patent: January 28, 1986
    Assignee: Martin G. Heller
    Inventors: Martin G. Heller, Edward Pecha, Douglas Smith, Philip Alcock
  • Patent number: 4566299
    Abstract: In a rolling mill having a pair of upper and lower work rolls, defining a pressure gap therebetween through which a material is passed to be rolled, a method and apparatus for controlling the rolling mill under the different peripheral-speed rolling operation in which one of the rolls is driven at a predetermined peripheral speed by controlling the speed of a motor for driving the one roll, and the other roll is controlled to generate a torque corresponding to a difference, between a total torque required for the rolling operation and a torque generated by the one roll by controlling the torque of the motor for driving the other roll on the basis of a torque command corresponding to the torque difference.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 28, 1984
    Date of Patent: January 28, 1986
    Assignee: Hitachi, Ltd.
    Inventors: Hiroshi Koyama, Keiji Saito
  • Patent number: 4566828
    Abstract: A cutting tool is disclosed, particularly a ball track milling cutter, comprising a tool holder in which a turnover cutting disc is received that includes four cutting edges of circular arc segment shape. The cutting disc is received in a slot dividing the tool holder into two clamping jaws and is adapted to be clamped in position by a clamping screw which extends diametrically and passes through the cutting disc in the area of an opening. In addition to the clamping screw a thrust piece is provided to press the cutting disc with two cutting flanks axially against abutment faces at the bottom of the slot.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 13, 1983
    Date of Patent: January 28, 1986
    Assignee: Gottlieb Guhring
    Inventor: Josef Reinauer
  • Patent number: 4565228
    Abstract: The present invention is a strike template for use in combination with a hand-held router in order to guide the hand-held router in cutting an opening for a strike on a door jamb. The strike template includes a rectangular base having a substantially rectangular slot with an extended substantially rectangular tongue-cavity, a guide groove in its top surface and a replaceable guide plate disposed in the guide groove and securing mechanism which secures the rectangular base to the door jamb. The rectangular base also has a rectangular groove on its top surface with a pair of flat L-shaped members being disposed within the rectangular groove and being slidably and adjustably coupled thereto in order to vary the width of the opening for the strike.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 29, 1984
    Date of Patent: January 21, 1986
    Inventor: Felix C. Ponce
  • Patent number: 4565045
    Abstract: A wrapping device comprises a free wheeling film roll mounted on a frame, a film withdrawal slot to guide the film exterior of the frame, a detector to detect the withdrawn film length, a comparator which produces a locker signal each time when the film withdrawn accords with a predetermined length of the film by means of detector signal from the detector, a locker structure for locking the roll in the film withdrawal direction by means of the locker signal, and a press roller to seal the film about a wrapped goods-laden tray. The film on the roll is prevented from being unnecessarily withdrawn and thus allows and economical use of the film.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 7, 1983
    Date of Patent: January 21, 1986
    Inventor: Shigeru Ikemoto
  • Patent number: 4564139
    Abstract: A fluid packaging arrangement comprises tubular side walls and end walls disposed at the ends thereof, forming a bottom and a top, wherein the top comprises thermoplastic material without a carrier material, is injection moulded to the outer edge of the tube along that edge and has a pouring spout, and the bottom is quadrangular and has triangular flaps which are folded over to lie against at least one adjacent panel. In order to provide such a packaging arrangement with a particularly advantageous bottom, the invention proposes that at least two mutually oppositely disposed triangular flaps of the bottom are folded inwardly into the plane of the bottom or outwardly on to the side wall, about the lower edge between the bottom and the side wall, and fixed in that position.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 4, 1983
    Date of Patent: January 14, 1986
    Assignee: Tetra Pak Developpement S.A.
    Inventor: Wilhelm Reil
  • Patent number: 4563791
    Abstract: An apparatus for severing portions of the wings of a poultry carcass includes an elongated conveyor having a plurality of spaced carcass supports thereon for sequentially moving a poultry carcass through first and second cut-off stations. Spaced guide rails or bars extend along an upper run of the conveyor to engage the wings and guide them through the stations. The first cut-off station includes rotating knives which sever the wing tips. The second station includes a pair of pivotally mounted or swinging blades which sever the intermediate portions of the wings from the wing stubs. A wing positioning and holding assembly positions and holds the wing in position for cutting at the second station. A cam assembly moves at least a portion of the wing positioner from an operative position to an inoperative position to permit the carcass to move out of the second station.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 18, 1984
    Date of Patent: January 14, 1986
    Assignee: Favorite Manufacturing, Inc.
    Inventors: Eugene G. Martin, Harold C. Martin
  • Patent number: 4562878
    Abstract: This application is directed to an apparatus and process for producing a thin ribbon of semiconductor material. The apparatus includes a moving chill block. The material is deposited in a molten state onto the chill block. A device for generating a magnetic field shapes the deposited molten material on the chill block into the thin ribbon strip.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 27, 1984
    Date of Patent: January 7, 1986
    Assignee: Olin Corporation
    Inventor: Brian G. Lewis
  • Patent number: 4562686
    Abstract: To close folded cardboard boxes having different filling levels, the box content is detected by a sensing ram and, according to the data detected in this way, scoring is then carried out on the box closing tabs so that it can then be closed by folding the closing tabs along the score lines. Scoring blades are connected to the sensing ram via toggle levers in such a way that after the sensing ram has been set down on the box contents, the scoring blades are moved outwards against the inner face of the closing tabs.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 24, 1983
    Date of Patent: January 7, 1986
    Assignee: Focke & Co.
    Inventor: Heinz Focke
  • Patent number: 4562691
    Abstract: A machine for forming, filling and sealing bags from a flexible tubular web comprising a hollow rectangular mandrel over which the web passes, a pair of crimping jaws which crimp the web below the mandrel to form a flap, a knife mounted in at least one of the crimping jaws for severing the crimped web into individual bags, a shovel for folding the bottom flap of the bag and pressure heads for securing the ears to the sides of the bag.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 18, 1983
    Date of Patent: January 7, 1986
    Inventor: Gino Rapparini
  • Patent number: 4562692
    Abstract: A cartoner has a side seam gluer for forming flat folded cartons which are vertically oriented in a magazine for feeding into the cartoner. A conveyor having a horizontally-movable discharge chute feeds the flat folded cartons in a vertical orientation onto the feeder. The discharge chute moves horizontally to follow the increasing or decreasing supply of cartons and permits the accumulation of a supply of cartons sufficient to run the cartoner for about two minutes in the event of a jam in the side seam gluer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 31, 1983
    Date of Patent: January 7, 1986
    Assignee: R. A. Jones & Co. Inc.
    Inventors: Eric W. Scarpa, David Landsiedel
  • Patent number: 4561282
    Abstract: A diminishing arm toggle linkage has the work site within the toggle geometry and thereby provides exponential force enhancement. In preferred embodiments the mode of operation shifts on demand from a light-load-pivoting mode to a heavy-load-rolling element mode thereby easing operation and reducing friction and wear so as to provide prolonged durability and continuing dimensional accuracy. When the toggle linkage is embodied in a crimping tool an optional anti-reversing ratchet assembly prevents the tool from opening during use until a crimp is completed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 28, 1984
    Date of Patent: December 31, 1985
    Inventor: Edward L. Hadden, Sr.