Patents Examined by John Adee
  • Patent number: 4428841
    Abstract: A complete system for removing oil from produced water and deck drain fluids in an offshore facility includes a surge settler which receives the produced water from a three-phase separator. In the surge settler, the produced water flows crosswise through a corrugated plate assembly to separate free oil and solids from the produced water. A portion of the produced water which is relatively free of solid particles (less than 50 microns) is then treated in a water washer with a portion which is relatively rich in solid particles further treated in a solids cleaner. In the water washer 90% or more oil droplets (less than 50 microns) is removed from the produced water and the relatively oil free water is then disposed by way of a skim pile. A portion of fluid from the water washer is further treated in a high efficiency skimmer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 25, 1981
    Date of Patent: January 31, 1984
    Assignee: Engineering Specialties, Inc.
    Inventor: Uncas B. Favret, Jr.
  • Patent number: 4427555
    Abstract: A filter system wherein there is a first chamber containing fluid at a predetermined level, a shroud positioned in the first chamber immersed in the fluid, said shroud defining a downwardly-open second chamber, a quantity of discrete, buoyant bodies supported in the shroud by flotation, said discrete, buoyant bodies defining a filter media, a conduit connected to the top of the shroud for delivering fluid to the shroud at a pressure to displace the discrete, buoyant bodies downwardly therein as the fluid is forced downwardly into the shroud and into the lower part of the first chamber below the shroud, a second chamber surrounding the first chamber, a conduit connecting the top of the shroud with the second chamber, a conductor connected to the bottom of the second chamber providing an outlet from the bottom and valves in the several conduits operable on the one hand to admit fluid into the shroud and to permit fluid to be withdrawn from the third chamber while blocking flow of fluid from the first chamber to
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 27, 1982
    Date of Patent: January 24, 1984
    Assignee: Control Fluidics, Inc.
    Inventors: Robert L. Brown, Wesley M. Tufts
  • Patent number: 4427543
    Abstract: A tape filter device for the removal of solids from liquid media having a weir assembly, which enables solids to be carried out by the water flow, into which a tape head support member having filtrate passages therein is immersed, such that liquid media flows tangentially across its guide surface. A tape transport mechanism pulls the tape from a supply source across the support member and deposits it in a collecting means.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 20, 1982
    Date of Patent: January 24, 1984
    Assignee: Union Carbide Corporation
    Inventors: Charles E. Frick, Archie F. Skidmore, Isaac E. Williams
  • Patent number: 4427552
    Abstract: In the method of automatically controlling a continuously operating pressure filter, into which a suspension to be separated is introduced and from which a separated filtrate and a formed product, i.e. a concentrated suspension, are removed, a tolerated constant operating pressure is maintained in a filtering chamber of the pressure filter. During operation the transmission or throughput capacity of the filtering walls in the filtering chamber gradually decreases with increasing operating time of the pressure filter. To maintain, during operation, a constant ratio of the proportions of dry solid and liquid in the product the flow of suspension and the flow of product are regulated during operation in accordance with the result of measuring the transmission or throughput capacity of the filtering walls. Each time when a decrease is detected each of the two flows is reduced by the same coefficient which is directly proportional to the respectively detected decrease in the transmission capacity.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 27, 1983
    Date of Patent: January 24, 1984
    Assignee: Sulzer-Escher Wyss Limited
    Inventors: Jurg Lieberherr, Ernst Rebsamen, Felix Trachsel, Ludwig Huser
  • Patent number: 4427426
    Abstract: Ozonizer and water purifier. The ozonizer comprises at least one, preferably two or more, units each having an inner, rod-like electrode and an outer tubular electrode and a glass tube carrying the outer electrode. End plates are provided which are formed with sockets. Each inner electrode is seated in a pair of sockets with its ends abutting the closed ends of the sockets and clamped thereto by screws. The glass tube has its ends abutting shoulders in the sockets. A drier is provided for drying the air to be ozonized. Periodically hot air is passed through the drier to dry the dessicant material. Ambient air is sucked through the drier by a venturi device which also serves to mix ozonized air with the water to be purified.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 28, 1982
    Date of Patent: January 24, 1984
    Inventors: Ronald G. Johnson, Monte D. Barber
  • Patent number: 4426286
    Abstract: A skimming device which is arranged to be positioned within the wall of a receptacle for a body of water such as a swimming pool or spa, the device including a housing which has a horizontal inlet portion with an opening therein arranged to be positioned in open communication with the body of water, the housing having a downwardly extending vertical discharge chamber having an inlet which is of lesser cross-sectional area than the inlet of the horizontal inlet portion, a strainer basket proportioned to be received through the opening in the horizontal inlet and constructed and arranged to be snap-in seated in the vertical discharge portion, with a float pivotally secured to the strainer basket to substantially cover the basket when in a closed first position and also proportioned to be received through the opening, the float dimensions being larger than the opening to the vertical discharge chamber, the arrangement being such that the basket and the float are removable as a unit through the horizontal inlet p
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 16, 1981
    Date of Patent: January 17, 1984
    Assignee: Jacuzzi Inc.
    Inventors: Joe D. Puckett, Donald L. Bryant
  • Patent number: 4426284
    Abstract: A filter comprising a filter head, a canister secured to the filter head and a tubular filter within the canister. The filter head has inlet and outlet ports for connecting into a hydraulic conduit. A first passage normally delivers fluid from the inlet port to the outer cylindrical surface of the tubular filter element. A second passage delivers fluid from the interior of the filter element to the outlet port. The filter head has a sliding element between the inlet and outlet ports. The sliding element is spring biased which bias can be overcome by differential pressure across the filter element. An indicator is associated with said sliding element and extends through the filter head to the exterior thereof. The filter head has a butterfly valve in the second passage. A plunger slidably positioned in said filter head is spring biased to a first position in which it extends into the canister in the space normally occupied by the tubular filter element.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 3, 1983
    Date of Patent: January 17, 1984
    Assignee: Schroeder Brothers Corporation
    Inventors: Samuel S. Mitchell, Abbas F. Vijlee
  • Patent number: 4426292
    Abstract: A mixture of two or more fluid molecular species is resolved into its compartment parts by a selective separation process whereby the mixture is contacted with a solid particulate monomeric cyclodextrin. On contact, at least one of the molecular species is selectively sorbed onto the cyclodextrin, and thereafter the species is desorbed from the cyclodextrin. In a preferred aspect, the species to be separated are organic compounds.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 19, 1982
    Date of Patent: January 17, 1984
    Assignee: Exxon Research and Engineering Co.
    Inventors: David L. Wernick, Stephen Scypinski
  • Patent number: 4424127
    Abstract: Column for carrying out gas or liquid chromatography comprising several capillaries coupled in parallel the capillaries being arranged side by side or woven or pleated together in the form of a flat band-like device, whereby the column can be bent and rolled up without tensions arising in same.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 2, 1981
    Date of Patent: January 3, 1984
    Inventor: Johan Roeraade
  • Patent number: 4424125
    Abstract: Separator apparatus for separating a mixture of liquids and solids and having a separator tank, means for passing a mixture of liquids and solids to the tank, screen means in the separator tank dividing it into a mixture compartment, on one side, and a filtrate compartment on the other side, means for removing such mixture from the mixture compartment, liquid conduit means extending from the filtrate compartment of the separator tank, scraper means for moving solid materials from the screen, and being movable momentarily away from such screen.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 14, 1981
    Date of Patent: January 3, 1984
    Assignee: Axis Products Limited
    Inventor: Edward T. Martin
  • Patent number: 4422942
    Abstract: To stabilize flow rate in a single-stroke, syringe-type high pressure pump to a constant value after turn-on, a control system increases the pump speed until equilibrium conditions are reached and then pumps at the preset rate. In one embodiment, the control system senses the maximum rate of change of pressure, detects a pressure when the rate of change is two-thirds of the maximum, increases the pump rate until the pressure is three times that at the value of the detected pressure and begins pumping at the preset constant flow rate.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 9, 1981
    Date of Patent: December 27, 1983
    Assignee: Isco, Inc.
    Inventor: Robert W. Allington
  • Patent number: 4422941
    Abstract: Centrifugation chromatography columns including column members for containing a particle bed and a porous member underlying the bed. The column members have an upper receiving opening and a lower discharge opening. A receptacle is demountably secured to the column. Attachment is effected through cooperation between a lower portion of the column members and an upper portion of the receptacles. Support structures may be provided on the exterior of the column members to facilitate support thereof by a centrifuge. In another embodiment of the invention continuous column centrifugation chromatography is provided by means of a column rotor on which are mounted a plurality of columns. A collector rotor is provided with means for receiving material discharged from the columns. Relative synchronized movement between the column rotor and the collector rotor is provided. A distribution system for supplying liquid to be separated to the columns on a continuous basis is provided.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 8, 1980
    Date of Patent: December 27, 1983
    Assignee: University of Pittsburgh
    Inventors: Maurice H. Vaughan, Jr., Klaus B. Andersen
  • Patent number: 4422860
    Abstract: Apparatus and method for injection of samples directly onto a column in a gas chromatograph with injection occurring in a temperature controlled zone outside the oven. The apparatus combines a guide means and valve assembly in alignment with an injection and thermal transfer assembly. In the guide means and valve assembly a radial seal engages the injection means to seal the injection volume, thereby eliminating back flash. In the injection and thermal transfer assembly the capillary column is centered and held in fixed position within a duct means. Means is provided to lower the temperature of the capillary column to a temperature below the vaporization temperature of the liquid sample prior to injection. After injection, means is further provided to raise the temperature of the capillary column to a temperature above the volatilization temperature of the liquid sample to vaporize it and pass it into the capillary column.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 26, 1982
    Date of Patent: December 27, 1983
    Assignee: Varian Associates, Inc.
    Inventor: Paul L. Feinstein
  • Patent number: 4421650
    Abstract: There is provided a process for the separation of carbohydrates by use of hydrophobic interaction chromatography.The process according to the present invention can accomplish effective separation of carbohydrates, particularly mucopolysaccharides including heparin, heparan sulfate, chondroitin sulfates, dermatan sulfate, hyaluronic acid, keratan sulfate and chondroitin-polysulfates. As the hydrophobic ligand in the chromatographic support to be used in the present invention, there may particularly be mentioned and alkyl group; an alkyl group substituted with a hydroxyl group, a carboxyl group and/or an amino group; an aryl group; or an aralkyl group. The chromatographic support is selected from cross-linked and non-cross-linked agaroses and polyvinyl alcohols.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 26, 1983
    Date of Patent: December 20, 1983
    Assignee: Seikagaku Kogyo Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: Kinzo Nagasawa, Akira Ogamo
  • Patent number: 4420393
    Abstract: A reciprocating pump for liquid chromatography, particularly high-performance liquid chromatography, comprising at least one pump unit including a chamber, a valve-controlled inlet, a valve-controlled outlet, a single reciprocatory element arranged for reciprocating movement within the chamber, and varying means for varying the length of stroke of the said reciprocatory element. The pump further comprises a constant-speed driving means for driving the pump unit via its varying means. The driving means are such as to ensure reciprocating movement of the reciprocatory element at a constant frequency between 1 and 100 strokes per second.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 6, 1981
    Date of Patent: December 13, 1983
    Assignee: Applied Chromatograph Systems Limited
    Inventor: Sydney W. Smith
  • Patent number: 4419238
    Abstract: A juice extraction apparatus comprising a generally vertically extending structure having side walls defining a generally vertically extending enclosed space, a vertical passage extending through said space, at least a portion of said passage being defined by a screen so juice from crushed fruit located in said passage may drain therethrough, means to duct extracted juice from within said space, and means to regulate the flow of the crushed fruit through said passage.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 2, 1982
    Date of Patent: December 6, 1983
    Assignee: Lindeman (Holdings) Limited
    Inventor: Philip L. Shaw
  • Patent number: 4419237
    Abstract: This disclosure relates to a dialyzer primarily intended to be utilized as an artificial kidney and includes a plurality of blood and bath plates stacked in alternating relation with there being a membrane between adjacent plates. The membrane is preferably in the form of a continuous web arranged in pleated relation with respect to the plates. The stacked plates are arranged in a housing formed of side plates interlocked together and having flow controlling means for effecting flow into and out of flow passages defined by the plates and membranes on opposite sides of each membrane.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 9, 1977
    Date of Patent: December 6, 1983
    Inventor: William G. Esmond
  • Patent number: 4419229
    Abstract: A device for detecting cation saturation in an ion exchange filter includes electrodes disposed in an interchanging resin. One of the electrodes receives power from a source of supply, while the other electrode picks up a cation potential signal and through a tracking circuit comprising an operational system informs a comparator circuit having a fixed threshold valve which operates depending on the value emitted by the tracking circuit, activating a luminous and/or acoustic alarm system, all of which is optatively activated by means of a manually operated push-button.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 5, 1982
    Date of Patent: December 6, 1983
    Assignee: Bayard J.R. International S.A.
    Inventor: Roque Rubio Salas
  • Patent number: 4419230
    Abstract: Apparatus for confining a leakage of polychlorinated byphenyl (PCB) from an utdoor electrical substation while permitting rain water to be discharged into the outside environment when no PCB is present. The electrical equipment is disposed on a walled pad having sufficient containment volume to hold the maximum PCB leakage. The outlet from the containment volume is through a water/PCB separator float valve which is disposed vertically in a catch basin. The valve has a tubular body having a flow-through section with apertures which communicate with the catch basin and a converging section of circular cross-section above the flow-through section. A spherical float having a specific gravity between that of water and PCB is confined in the tubular body.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 26, 1982
    Date of Patent: December 6, 1983
    Assignee: The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy
    Inventors: Tommy A. Horton, Michael D. Augustyn
  • Patent number: 4417980
    Abstract: A filtration apparatus comprises a tiltably mounted container having a liquid permeable filter bottom, a wall opposite such bottom, and an inverted neck extending inwardly from that opposite wall. A power shaft extends through the inverted neck into the container and carries a mixing implement in the container. A guide bearing for the power shaft is located in the inverted neck. A drive for the mixing implement is supported on the container wall opposite the filter bottom for driving the power shaft. A lifting mechanism connected to said power shaft is also supported by that opposite wall for axially displacing the power shaft and mixing implement in said container. A support bearing at one side of the container and the frame has an apertured part rotatable with the tiltable container. Conduits are conducted through the apertured part for angular movement with the container, thereby avoiding a tangling of lines.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 8, 1981
    Date of Patent: November 29, 1983
    Assignee: Schenk Filterbau GmbH
    Inventors: Rolf Baur, Wolfgang Diemer