Patents Examined by Martin P. Schwadron
  • Patent number: 4892003
    Abstract: An assembly for the self-adjustment of a casing of the type having a cable slideably mounted therein to remove excess slack from the casing. The cable extends between a lever of a vehicle temperature control module and a door movably mounted on a forward bulkhead of the vehicle. A first mounting member is attached adjacent the control module lever and is adapted for mounting a tang ring, a release bushing and a retaining insert therein, and for slideably receiving a movable end of the cable casing. The retaining insert retains the tang ring and the release bushing in the first mounting member. A second mounting member is attached adjacent the bulkhead door and immovably mounts the other end of the casing. The tang ring includes a plurality of tangs which are positioned to permit movement of the movable casing end therethrough in a first direction upon a predetermined amount of force being exerted on the casing for removing slack from the casing upon manual adjustment of the lever in a predetermined direction.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 27, 1988
    Date of Patent: January 9, 1990
    Assignee: Flex Technologies, Inc.
    Inventor: James T. Quinlan
  • Patent number: 4887958
    Abstract: A method and system are disclosed for providing fuel and air to a furnace. The furnace includes a plurality of burner assemblies, each with its own air valve for controlling the flow of combustion air therethrough. A sensing instrument for each burner assembly senses a condition reflecting the individual performance of that particular, separate burner assembly. A controller is coupled with the sensing instruments and with the air valves of the burner assemblies for controlling each individual air valve in response to the performance reflecting condition sensed by each sensing instrument. This results in individual control of the performance of each burner assembly of the set of burner assemblies feeding fuel and air to the furnace.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 10, 1986
    Date of Patent: December 19, 1989
    Inventor: Donald K. Hagar
  • Patent number: 4884630
    Abstract: A body having a bottom and first and second ends and a cavity therein. A plurality of substantially parallel spaced fins are positioned in the cavity. A liquid inlet is centrally positioned in the first end of the body and a liquid outlet is centrally positioned in the second end of the body where flowing cooling liquid between the fins from the first end to the second end with higher fluid flow between the fins in the center for preferentially cooling the center of the heat exchanger. A cross-sectional area of the liquid path in the body minimizes pressure drops and avoids abrupt direction changes and cross-sectional changes. The width, height and spacing of the fins may be varied to control the temperature of the areas in the bottom.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 14, 1988
    Date of Patent: December 5, 1989
    Assignee: Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation
    Inventors: Richard D. Nelson, Omkarnath R. Gupta
  • Patent number: 4884631
    Abstract: A high efficiency forced air heat sink assembly employs a split feed transverse flow configuration to minimize the length of the air flow path through at least two separated fin structures. Different embodiments use different fin structure material configurations including honeycomb, corrugated and serpentine. Each such embodiment uses a thermally conductive plate having opposed exterior surfaces; one for receiving a component to be cooled and one for receiving the fin structures. The serpentine structured fin embodiment employs a plurality of fin supports extending from the plate and forming a plurality of channels for receiving the fin structures. A high thermal conductivity bondant, such as metal-filled epoxy, may be used to bond the fin structures to either the plate or the fin supports. Dip brazing and soldering may also be employed depending upon the materials selected.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 17, 1988
    Date of Patent: December 5, 1989
    Assignee: California Institute of Technology
    Inventor: Wally E. Rippel
  • Patent number: 4881594
    Abstract: A heat exchanger header plate has a first set of strengthening ribs each located between adjacent tube slots which are formed in a second set of ribs that extend oppositely to the ribs in the first set.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 27, 1989
    Date of Patent: November 21, 1989
    Assignee: General Motors Corporation
    Inventors: Henry E. Beamer, William J. Buchanan
  • Patent number: 4878652
    Abstract: An improved plug valve wherein a novel shape for the valve plug and valve chamber provide mating surfaces for improved wear characteristics. The novel shape of the valve plug is a frustum of a body of revolution of a curved known as a tractrix, a solid shape otherwise known as a peudosphere.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 9, 1986
    Date of Patent: November 7, 1989
    Assignee: The United States of America as represented by the United States Department of Energy
    Inventor: John J. Wordin
  • Patent number: 4876987
    Abstract: In a heat exchange vessel which conducts a hot, pressurized synthetic gaseous stream carrying particulate matter through a central heat exchange chamber, a safety system for monitoring pressures within the vessel. Said heat exchange vessel includes a shell surrounding a water wall, defining an annulus therebetween. Pressure sensing means communicated with the respective heat exchange chamber and said annulus connects to means for determining the pressure differential between said points. A purge gas source communicated with the monitor system maintains the latter free of internal passage blockage caused by accumulations of particulate matter.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 27, 1988
    Date of Patent: October 31, 1989
    Assignee: Texaco, Inc.
    Inventors: Michael C. Martin, Beth E. McCracken, George M. Gulko
  • Patent number: 4874388
    Abstract: A dispenser for use in a fluid environment having a rigid housing containing a fluid activated driving member, a plurality of drug containing layers and an outlet means by which drug is dispensed to the environment. The housing adjacent to the layers is fluid impermeable and the housing adjacent to the driving member is fluid permeable or has an open area by which fluid can contact the driving member.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 25, 1987
    Date of Patent: October 17, 1989
    Assignee: ALZA Corporation
    Inventors: Patrick S. L. Wong, Felix Theeuwes, James B. Eckenhoff
  • Patent number: 4872472
    Abstract: The invention relates to a pressure-regulating valve with slide valve, comprising three decreasingly pressurized enclosures: an admission chamber, a discharge chamber and a return chamber. Said valve comprises means for creating a communication, in the intermediate position of the slide valve, between the discharge chamber and the return chamber, which means constitute a restriction whose dimensions are selected so that the fluid flowing therethrough is equal to the maximum value of the flow of fluid between the admission chamber and the discharge chamber. The present invention finds an application in the production of a stable hydraulic handling machine.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 10, 1981
    Date of Patent: October 10, 1989
    Assignee: Case Poclain
    Inventors: Jean-Claude A. Lefevre, Antoine T. Mauboussin
  • Patent number: 4872828
    Abstract: An integrated electronic control arrangement is disclosed in the illustrative environment of a gas-fired furnace. The control incororates a self-test feature which shuts down the furnace and displays a diagnostic fault code in the event of any one of a number of possible sensed faults. Self-testing occurs automatically before an attempt at ignition and during furnace operation. The self-test may also be initiated manually at any time the furnace is not operating. The control accepts digital information on daily temperature setback, weekend temperature setback and vacation setback in any one of several preset schedules and preset setback increments. The control has a multipurpose display for selectively showing component indicative failure codes, temperature setback schedules, time of day, and day of the week.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 10, 1987
    Date of Patent: October 10, 1989
    Assignee: Hamilton Standard Controls, Inc.
    Inventors: Eugene P. Mierzwinski, Michael T. Grunden, Stephen E. Youtz
  • Patent number: 4871015
    Abstract: A heat conducting thermal plate (55) is fixed to a thermal load (10) by means of fasteners (75). Bosses (60) on the thermal plate are received within bosses (75) on an adjacent heat exchanger (25) to maintain a sealed interengagement between those components as the thermal plate is drawn up into surface-to-surface contact with the load.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 13, 1988
    Date of Patent: October 3, 1989
    Assignee: United Technologies
    Inventors: John P. Foley, Gary P. Millas, Daniel L. Elliott
  • Patent number: 4871017
    Abstract: Inlet and outlet headers for a panel heat exchanger are disclosed. The headers are comprised of a distributor ring (31), which is located between the panels (22 and 23) of the panel heat exchanger, an inlet distributor nipple (30) and a mating flange (32). The inlet distributor nipple is adapted to pass through the distributor ring and be attached in a fluid-tight fit by means of the mating flange. The panel heat exchanger, including the inlet and outlet headers, are fabricated from thermoplastic polymers. The panel heat exchangers may be used in a wide variety of end-uses, including automotive end-uses.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 16, 1988
    Date of Patent: October 3, 1989
    Inventor: Anthony J. Cesaroni
  • Patent number: 4869667
    Abstract: A hygienic magnetic eruptor compelling and guiding the eruption of an impacted tooth fully embedded inside the jaw, through the gum and into a dental arch space. An intra-magnetic unit may be bonded to the tip of the impacted tooth inside the jaw bone or placed in the bony plate layer between the impacted tooth and the dental arch space. An intra-oral magnetic unit generating a greater magnetic force than the intra-bony magnetic unit is positioned in the dental arch space for pulling the impacted tooth toward the dental arch space. Initially, a surgical procedure is undertaken to provide a flap in the gum at the desired point of entry for accessing the impacted tooth, and thereafter some of the bone which interferes with the normal eruption of the impacted tooth is removed to provide a tunnel to the tip of the crown of the impacted tooth or to the bony plate adjacent to the impacted tooth.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 18, 1987
    Date of Patent: September 26, 1989
    Inventor: Alexander D. Vardimon
  • Patent number: 4869317
    Abstract: A heat exchanger comprises a matrix made up of alternate layers of generally planar sheets and generally corrugated sheets which cooperate to define a plurality of parallel passages for first and second heat exchange fluids. Alternate of the passages defined by each of the corrugated sheets and its adjacent planar sheets are adapted for the passage of a first heat exchange fluid and the remainder adapted for the passage of a second heat exchange fluid. The ony bonding together of the planar sheets and corrugated sheets is along those portions of their peripheries which are parallel with the defined passages.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 6, 1988
    Date of Patent: September 26, 1989
    Assignee: Rolls-Royce plc
    Inventors: Albert Jubb, Robert G. Ward, Eric W. Stansbury
  • Patent number: 4867133
    Abstract: A coupling arrangement between a manifold having nipples and a solar panel having nipple receiving orifices. Each nipple is formed with a plurality of primary circumferential projections adjacent to the free forward end and a supplemental circumferential projection adjacent to the manifold. The primary projections have radial surfaces as well as surfaces inclined in a first direction while the supplemental projection has a radial surface as well as a surface inclined in the opposite direction. The coupling arrangement further includes a circumferential recess in each interior orifice of the solar collector, shaped and located for receiving its associated additional projection. Also disclosed is an improved arrangement for coupling together manifolds or grooves and recesses.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 31, 1987
    Date of Patent: September 19, 1989
    Inventor: Charlton Sadler
  • Patent number: 4868726
    Abstract: A blind is disposed ahead of a reflector to intercept light of a low-beam bulb to prevent dazzle or glare to oncoming traffic. At least a portion of the blind is made of a translucent material having a low translucency such as translucent ceramics, ground glass, or the like. The blind may be partially coated with a black paint so as to have a translucent portion extending along an upper edge and an opaque portion coated with the paint.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 28, 1989
    Date of Patent: September 19, 1989
    Assignee: Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.
    Inventor: Toru Segoshi
  • Patent number: 4865591
    Abstract: The present invention relates to a device for dispensing a fluid from a container by means of the axial movement of a piston within the container under the influence of a plunger moved by the device, which device is adapted to receive the container on its forward end and to move the plunger axially forward towards or within the container so as to dispense a selected amount of fluid from the container upon each actuation of the device, characterized in that the device comprises:i. a disengageable drive mechanism adapted to be reciprocated axially of the device and adapted to positively engage the plunger whereby the plunger can be moved axially forward by the drive mechanism and to be disengaged from the plunger to permit relative axial movement between the drive mechanism and the plunger;ii. a disengagement means for selectively engaging or disengaging the drive means from the plunger;iii.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 10, 1988
    Date of Patent: September 12, 1989
    Assignee: Hypoguard (UK) Limited
    Inventor: Bernard Sams
  • Patent number: 4863380
    Abstract: A device for treating gums allows a treating solution to be injected into contact with the gums between the teeth. The device is a hand held unit having a reservoir and a tubular neck joined to it. A hollow rubber tip is secured to the upper end of the neck. The tip has a number of ports in its sidewall. The device has a check valve in it that prevents fluid in the mouth from entering into the neck. Squeezing the reservoir expels fluid through the tip into contact with the gums between the teeth. The tip is small enough to be inserted partially between the teeth into contact with the gums.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 25, 1987
    Date of Patent: September 5, 1989
    Inventor: Jill A. Creed
  • Patent number: 4856991
    Abstract: An orthodontic finishing positioner for maloccluded teeth to which are secured coupling members having portions protruding from the sides thereof, the positioner comprising an arcuate body of elastomer base material positioned about the teeth and coupling member of at least one dental arch and defining a recess for receiving teeth of at least one dental arch. The recess includes walls defining teeth-engaging surfaces shaped generally complementary to the surfaces of the teeth of the one dental arch when the teeth therein are positioned in a predetermined or ideal orientation. A series of indentations in the walls are disposed across the teeth-engaging surfaces, each indentation being shaped to nestingly accept a corresponding coupling member.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 5, 1987
    Date of Patent: August 15, 1989
    Assignee: Great Lakes Orthodontics, Ltd.
    Inventors: Peter R. Breads, Gerard P. Abbatte, Stephen P. Warunek
  • Patent number: 4856579
    Abstract: A hot and cold frostop for a food and salad bar in which the unit may be utilized to maintain food products at a predetermined serving temperature regardless of whether the food products are those which are desired to be heated or those which are desired to be cooled. The hot mode is used independently of the cold mode and the unit includes removable components and a selectively operable heating unit and refrigeration unit. The heating unit is operative by heating water that is in heat exchange relation to food pans mounted removably on the unit and the refrigeration unit is provided with heat exchange tubes associated with the upper end of the unit for cooling containers having food products therein by utilizing the natural tendency of cold air to migrate downwardly around the periphery of the containers for keep them cold.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 22, 1988
    Date of Patent: August 15, 1989
    Inventor: John J. Wolfe