Patents Examined by Yewebdar Tadesse
  • Patent number: 7303633
    Abstract: A method for producing an optical information recording medium includes the steps of: coating a solution for forming a dye recording layer onto a surface of a rotating disc-shaped resin substrate; and discharging a cleaning solution from a nozzle onto a peripheral edge to remove the dye recording layer from the peripheral edge, wherein discharge of the cleaning solution is initiated 1.0 to 300 seconds after completion of the coating, and the nozzle is disposed on a plane that extends in a normal line direction of the substrate and includes a straight line representing a discharge direction of the cleaning solution, so that an angle defined by the discharge direction and the normal line is 0 to 60°.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 3, 2005
    Date of Patent: December 4, 2007
    Assignee: Fujifilm Corporation
    Inventors: Yoshihisa Usami, Koichi Kawai
  • Patent number: 7303634
    Abstract: The apparatus has a feed apparatus (10) and an evening-out apparatus (100) placed underneath the feed apparatus. The feed apparatus (10) has a feed chamber (12) with an inlet opening (13a), an outlet opening (13b), and a nozzle plate (18) with holes (19) and communicating with the outlet opening (13b) of the feed chamber. The evening-out apparatus (100) has at least one inclined surface (110) which forms a downwards sloping flow path (L1) for the treating agent. Jets discharge from the feed chamber (12) outlet opening (13b) through the nozzle plate (18) holes (19) to form a first treating agent flow (F1). One inclined surface (110) of the evening-out apparatus (100) receives the first treating agent flow (F1) and a second treating agent flow (F2) formed into an even laminar treating agent flow on the flow path (L1) of the evening-out apparatus (100) is passed onto a moving surface (200).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 15, 2003
    Date of Patent: December 4, 2007
    Assignee: Metso Paper, Inc.
    Inventor: Rauno Rantanen
  • Patent number: 7294206
    Abstract: An apparatus and method for simultaneously coating and measuring a part including a part support, a sprayer, a part measurer including a digital camera and a display device, all of which are positioned adjacent to the part support. The sprayer applies a coating to a section of the part while the part measurer continuously measures at least two dimensions of the section. The digital camera takes at least one picture of the entire section of the part while the part is being coated and enables a user to accurately determine the cross section of the part to the optimum finished part configuration and size and also detect defects, blemishes or coating irregularities formed on the section. The apparatus and method of the present invention significantly reduces the margin of error related to the application of coatings to parts, the number of defective parts and increases the overall efficiency.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 15, 2004
    Date of Patent: November 13, 2007
    Assignee: Dimension Bond Corporation
    Inventor: Bruce M. Nesbitt
  • Patent number: 7294204
    Abstract: An apparatus for painting traffic marks on a road surface without requiring any professional painting skills. The apparatus having: a first support and second support being parallel to each other and a coupling unit to couple the supports. There is also a gantry unit, having: at least one Y-axial gantry coupled to and being movable along the first and second support, and an X-axial gantry coupled to the Y-axial gantry to be movable in a direction perpendicular to the first support and second support. The apparatus further includes: a jet unit coupled to the X-axial gantry, with a jet nozzle to spray paint downwards; a feeding device, having a first feeding unit to move the Y-axial gantry and a second feeding unit to move the X-axial gantry. There may be a third feeding unit to move the jet unit. There is also a control unit to control operation of the apparatus.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 8, 2004
    Date of Patent: November 13, 2007
    Assignee: Korea Joongang Hak Wonco., Ltd
    Inventors: Daehie Hong, Jung Yup Kim, Hyun Ho Shin, Jae Bong Shin, Woo Chang Lee, In Ju Hwang, Tae Hyung-Kim
  • Patent number: 7291227
    Abstract: A processing equipment includes a chamber, an airflow generator which generates a downward airflow in the chamber, a stage in the chamber, a nozzle which is arranged above the stage. The nozzle has a protector which is arranged around a supply port of the nozzle. The protector protects the supply port form the downward airflow.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 26, 2004
    Date of Patent: November 6, 2007
    Assignee: Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd.
    Inventor: Akira Jonoshita
  • Patent number: 7288154
    Abstract: There is provided an apparatus for optical disc spin-coating, comprising a cap having a tapered protruding portion or a recess in its central lower portion; a turntable for rotation that has a tapered recess or protruding portion formed in an end of its central axis that is inserted into a center hole of an optical disc, wherein the tapered recess or protruding portion of the turntable is coupled with the tapered protruding portion or recess of the cap in a convexo-concave structure; and a vacuum hole formed in an optical disc support of the turntable. When the cap is eccentrically placed on the optical disc, the cap can be easily attached. In addition, the cap can be easily detached from the optical disc by using vacuum pressure. As a result, the operability and manufacturing efficiency can be increased.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 17, 2005
    Date of Patent: October 30, 2007
    Assignee: LG Chem. Ltd.
    Inventors: Tae-Sik Kang, Mi Young Han, Seongkeun Lee, Sung Hoon Jang, Hun Seo, Kwang Lyul Lee, Youngjun Hong
  • Patent number: 7279045
    Abstract: An apparatus for wetting an advancing filament bundle. A fluid is applied by means of a nozzle in the form of a fluid spray jet to the filament bundle advancing in spaced relationship with the nozzle. A portion of the spray jet is shielded before impacting upon the filament bundle, so that the application of fluid to the filament bundle is determined by the degree of shielding of the spray jet. With that, the invention is adapted for finely adjusting the fluid application to the filament bundle.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 18, 2006
    Date of Patent: October 9, 2007
    Assignee: Saurer GmbH & Co. KG
    Inventor: Matthias Strebe
  • Patent number: 7279044
    Abstract: An apparatus for fabricating a liquid crystal display panel includes a slit nozzle for applying a photo-resist liquid on a substrate, a nozzle driver for driving the slit nozzle, an air intake for inhaling air and/or impurities on the substrate through the slit nozzle before photo-resist is deposited on the substrate, and a gas supplier for supplying a gas through one or more channels in the slit nozzle to the substrate after the photo-resist is deposited on the substrate.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 4, 2004
    Date of Patent: October 9, 2007
    Assignee: LG. Philips LCD Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: Jeong Kweon Park, O Jun Kwon
  • Patent number: 7276119
    Abstract: Techniques for a cover layer with uniform thickness are disclosed. The cover layer is formed with a type of material, such as glue, in hardened form. In one embodiment, a certain amount of the material in liquid form is dispensed onto a dispensing structure. After the dispensing structure is engaged to hold a disc, the dispensing structure and the disc as a whole unit to be rotated at a predefined speed. The dispensed material on the dispensing structure is dispersed evenly onto the surface of the disc as result of the centrifugal force. A curing process (e.g., using UV lighting) is then engaged to harden the material near the edge of the disc to prevent the dispersed material from shrinking.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 15, 2005
    Date of Patent: October 2, 2007
    Assignee: Anwell Precision Technology (HK)
    Inventors: Kai Leung Fan, Ming Sang Yeung
  • Patent number: 7276118
    Abstract: Spin-coating apparatus for use in manufacturing a semiconductor device includes a spin-chuck for rotating a wafer or the like, and a baffle plate disposed under the spin chuck to collect and discharge residue spun off of the wafer as the wafer is rotated by the spin chuck. The inner periphery of the baffle plate and a portion of a clamping plate adjacent the inner periphery of the baffle plate are configured to prevent the baffle plate from moving up relative to the clamping plate. Also, an outer peripheral surface of the clamping plate and a portion of the baffle plate adjacent the outer peripheral edge of the clamping plate may be configured as a guide to seat the baffle plate on the clamping plate and prevent the baffle plate from moving laterally relative to the clamping plate.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 6, 2005
    Date of Patent: October 2, 2007
    Assignee: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
    Inventor: Seung-Jun Lim
  • Patent number: 7270711
    Abstract: For use in a rotational casting machine used for coating a rotating body with elastomer, such as polyurethane, there is provided a nozzle used for dispensing the liquid polyurethane onto the rotating body to be coated. The nozzle of the invention has a plurality of liquid-flow interior discharge-passageways each of which has an inlet connected to a sub-branch tube, which sub-branch tube is, in turn, is fluidly connected to a main branch that, in turn, is connected to a main inlet-passageway having the inlet that is directly connected to mixing head. Each discharge-passageway, or exit-passageway, changes in cross-sectional shape along the longitudinal axis thereof from its inlet to its outlet such that the cross-sectional area from the inlet to the outlet thereof gradually and minimally increases, whereby at least substantial laminar flow of the liquid is achieved with the concomitant reduced dwell-time of the liquid therein, in order to reduce in-nozzle reaction and subsequent clogging of the nozzle.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 7, 2004
    Date of Patent: September 18, 2007
    Assignee: Kastalon, Inc.
    Inventors: R. Bruce DeMent, Paul Werstler, Robert G. Snyder, III
  • Patent number: 7267723
    Abstract: A resin block has a treating solution channel extending between and opening at front and back surfaces thereof. Heat conductive members are face-bonded to the front and back surfaces of the resin block, respectively, for closing the channel. Consequently, no air is present between the resin block and heat conduction members, thereby improving the efficiency of heat exchange. A nozzle of simple construction is realized only by face-bonding the two heat conductive members to the open front and rear surfaces of the resin block. Temperature control plates hold the heat conductive members along with the resin block to effect a temperature control, whereby the temperature of a treating solution in the treating solution channel is controlled effectively through the heat conductive members. The treating solution adjusted to a desired temperature is delivered from a discharge opening to a substrate for performing substrate treatment with high accuracy.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 30, 2004
    Date of Patent: September 11, 2007
    Assignee: Dainippon Screen Mfg. Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: Shigehiro Goto, Hiroshi Kobayashi
  • Patent number: 7255747
    Abstract: An apparatus for dispensing fluid during semiconductor substrate processing operations. The apparatus includes a first processing chamber, a second processing chamber, and a dispense arm assembly. The apparatus further includes a dispense arm access shutter positioned between the first and second processing chambers and moveable between an open and a closed position. The dispense arm assembly can travel from the first processing chamber to the second processing chamber when the dispense arm assembly is in the open position.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 20, 2005
    Date of Patent: August 14, 2007
    Assignee: Sokudo Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: Tetsuya Ishikawa, Rick Roberts
  • Patent number: 7252048
    Abstract: For a coating device for coating, for example, lenticular or granular items, comprising a drum rotatably mounted about a horizontal axis for accommodation of the items during a coating process, a loading device for filling the items into the drum, a closeable opening in the drum for admission of the uncoated items into the same and for allowing discharge of the coated items from the same, and a spraying device disposed within the drum for coating said items, concurrent execution of the operational phases of unloading and cleaning said device is enabled by providing an unloading device beneath the drum for removing the coated items, and between the unloading device and the drum there is provided a reciprocatory screening element which can be moved back and forth between a first position screening off said unloading device and a second position opening said unloading device.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 25, 2002
    Date of Patent: August 7, 2007
    Assignee: Driam Anlagenbau GmbH
    Inventor: Oliver Nohynek
  • Patent number: 7247204
    Abstract: A device for the metered distribution of glue on an end edge of a log, a log or a core for log comprising a feed (26) for logs (19) or cores (25) towards a wire (12) wound in a closed circuit on at least two end pulleys (13), at least one of which is continuously rotated by a gearmotor (14), a means for the delivery of glue under pressure (30, 40) located above said wire (12) in a position upstream of a wire branch designed to release a strip (21) of glue on an end edge (18) of a log (19), a log (19) or a core (25) for log, in addition to an element (15) for recovery of the glue (20) arranged below a return branch of the wire.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 6, 2004
    Date of Patent: July 24, 2007
    Inventor: Giovanni Gambini
  • Patent number: 7247205
    Abstract: An apparatus for applying powder coating material onto large objects such as automotive, truck or other vehicle bodies includes a powder spray booth defining a controlled area within which to apply powder coating material onto the vehicle bodies, a powder kitchen located at a remote position from the powder spray booth, and, a number of feed hoppers located proximate the booth which receive powder coating material from the powder kitchen and supply it to automatically or manually manipulated powder spray guns associated with the booth. Oversprayed powder coating material is removed from the booth interior by a powder collection and recovery system which transmits the oversprayed powder back to the powder kitchen for recirculation to the powder spray guns.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 22, 2006
    Date of Patent: July 24, 2007
    Assignee: Nordson Corporation
    Inventors: Jeffrey R. Shutic, John F. Carlson, Thomas E. Hollstein, Keith E. Williams, Ernest J. Fena, Harry J. Lader
  • Patent number: 7241344
    Abstract: An apparatus and method for electrostatic spray deposition of small targets, such as medical devices like stents. The apparatus includes a target holder which applies a first electrical potential to the target, and an electrostatic dispensing nozzle which applies a second potential sufficient to attract the coating fluid from the nozzle toward the target. Because the entire dispensing nozzle is conductive, the coating fluid may receive a greater charge than may be obtained with internal electrode-type nozzles. Electrostatic attraction of the coating fluid to the target is enhanced by the combination of higher charge density imparted to the coating fluid by the conductive nozzle, and application of a momentary voltage spike to the target to provide consistent conductivity between the target and its holder, thereby ensuring the target is presents the full first potential applied to the holder. The voltage spike may also be used independently of the conductive nozzle.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 10, 2004
    Date of Patent: July 10, 2007
    Assignee: Boston Scientific Scimed, Inc.
    Inventors: Robert Worsham, James G. Hansen
  • Patent number: 7241343
    Abstract: A liquid droplet ejecting apparatus of the present invention includes a cleaning unit, a regular flushing unit, capping unit, and an ejection-amount measuring unit as droplet ejecting head maintenance units used for function maintenance, function recovery, adjustment, or inspection of a liquid ejecting head. The droplet ejecting head maintenance units are arranged in a group in a movable platen as a maintenance-unit installing section. The movable platen is supported by an accessory stand physically separated from a main body.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 10, 2005
    Date of Patent: July 10, 2007
    Assignee: Seiko Epson Corporation
    Inventor: Kenji Kojima
  • Patent number: 7241342
    Abstract: According to one aspect of the invention, a dispense head for a wafer processing apparatus is provided. The dispense head may include an inlet, at least one outlet, a drain, and a passageway therethrough interconnecting the inlet, the outlet, and the drain. The inlet may be at a first height above a bottom of the passageway, the outlet may be at a second height above the bottom, and the drain may be at a third height above the bottom. A first valve may be connected to the inlet, and a second valve may be connected to the drain. When the first valve is opened and the second valve is closed, fluid flows into the inlet and out of the outlet. When the second valve is opened and the first valve is closed, fluid from the passageway flows out of the drain. A pump may be connected to the drain.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 22, 2003
    Date of Patent: July 10, 2007
    Assignee: ASML Holding N.V.
    Inventor: Andrew P. Nguyen
  • Patent number: 7241339
    Abstract: A rotatable vacuum chamber receives an optical connector having an output face on which an optical gel is applied substantially without entrapped air. Opposite the output face is placed a gel dispenser with its opened nozzle pointing towards the output face. Uncured gel components contained in the dispenser are outgased prior to application of the gel on the output face while a vacuum is maintained in the chamber. Outgasing takes place at a first chamber orientation with the nozzle pointing upwards through which the outgasing air ventilates. The gel is applied at a second chamber orientation where the output face is horizontal and upwards pointing. Immediately following the gel application, the vacuum is unmade to prevent cooking of the mixed and uncured gel. A glass plate is then pressed against the applied fluid gel.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 4, 2005
    Date of Patent: July 10, 2007
    Assignee: Intel Corporation
    Inventor: Janusz Liberkowski