Patents by Inventor Arun Munje

Arun Munje has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 7945248
    Abstract: A computer readable medium encoded with computer executable instructions thereon for execution by a processor of a mobile communication device (116) comprises a code segment (216) for message processing, which may include a code segment for rule comparison, a code segment for message routing and a code segment for default message handling. The message processing code segment (216) processes an incoming message received via a data service network (400). The message processing code segment (216) subsequently compares a portion of each incoming message to at least one criterion contained in at least one message routing rule having a message database object (418, 420) associated with it, stores each incoming message meeting each criterion for a message routing rule in the message database object (418, 420) associated with that message routing rule, and stores all messages not routed to a message database object (418, 420) according to a message routing rule into a default message database object (422).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 7, 2007
    Date of Patent: May 17, 2011
    Assignee: Research In Motion Limited
    Inventors: Michal A. Rybak, Arun Munje
  • Publication number: 20110099241
    Abstract: The disclosure relates to a system, method and device for providing information relating to a received communication for a device. The method comprises generating and providing a message on a display of the device indicating receipt of an inbound communication, after determining that the device is to receive the inbound communication while the device is composing an outbound communication and after determining the inbound communication is related to the outbound communication by an analysis of information of the inbound communication against information of the outbound communication. The message provides options for processing the inbound communication depending on whether the outbound communication is initiated as either a reply to the inbound communication or a forwarding of the inbound communication.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 5, 2011
    Publication date: April 28, 2011
    Inventors: Arun MUNJE, Andrew TURCOTTE, David VANDEN HEUVEL
  • Publication number: 20110058519
    Abstract: A method for provisioning a mobile communications device comprises sending a registration request for registration with a registration server, the registration request including a request for a personal information number; receiving a response from the registration server, the response including the personal information number; sending a provisioning request to a network node, the request including the personal information number and at least one device identifier associated with the mobile communications device; receiving a response from the network node, the response including a URL and a session ID based upon the personal information number and the at least one device identifier associated with the mobile communications device; and launching an application on the mobile communication device to establish a communication session between the mobile communication device and a provisioning system.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 15, 2010
    Publication date: March 10, 2011
    Inventors: Arun Munje, Christopher Smith
  • Patent number: 7894809
    Abstract: The present disclosure discloses a scheme for sharing data among multiple applications within a mobile communications device. The scheme involves performing a remote database inquiry with respect to a remote database accessible via a wireless packet data service network, wherein the remote database inquiry is performed as part of a first application available on the mobile communications device. The information resulting from the remote database inquiry is then stored in a local common database object that is accessible to a second application available on the mobile communications device.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 25, 2005
    Date of Patent: February 22, 2011
    Assignee: Research In Motion Limited
    Inventor: Arun Munje
  • Patent number: 7890589
    Abstract: The invention relates to a system, method and device for providing information relating to a received communication for a device. For the method, it comprises: while the device is composing an outbound communication, monitoring for receipt of an inbound communication; if the inbound communication is directed to the device, evaluating the inbound communication to determine whether it is related to the outbound communication; and if the inbound communication is related to the outbound communication, providing a message to the device indicating receipt of the inbound communication.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 4, 2007
    Date of Patent: February 15, 2011
    Assignee: Research in Motion Limited
    Inventors: Arun Munje, Andrew Turcotte, David Vanden Heuvel
  • Patent number: 7885615
    Abstract: In a push-to-talk device having two processors where one of the processors is a radio chip and one of the processors is a microprocessor, a method and apparatus for synchronizing the microprocessor and the radio chip includes the steps of checking the status of a radio push-to-talk key on the radio chip when a user push-to-talk button is turned on or off on the microprocessor; if the user push-to-talk button is on and the radio push-to-talk key is off, performing the steps of sending a command to the radio chip to turn on the radio push-to-talk key; and waiting for a response from the radio chip, and if the response indicates the radio push-to-talk key is on, remaining in this synchronized state, otherwise repeating the sending and waiting steps; if the user button is off and the radio push-to-talk key is on, performing the steps of: sending a command to the radio chip to turn off the radio push-to-talk key; and waiting for a response from the radio chip, and if the response indicates the radio push-to-talk k
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 27, 2009
    Date of Patent: February 8, 2011
    Assignee: Research In Motion Limited
    Inventors: Padakandla Krishna Rao, Arun Munje, Xiaona An
  • Publication number: 20110014934
    Abstract: Embodiments described herein provide a user with the ability to download a selected attachment document that is associated with a message received on a mobile device. Attachment data corresponding to the selected attachment document can be downloaded according to at least one of a native application attachment content handling option and a client-server attachment content handling option.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 27, 2010
    Publication date: January 20, 2011
    Inventors: Rafal Rybak, Rodney Bylsma, Arun Munje, Kenneth J. Liang
  • Patent number: 7835722
    Abstract: A mobile communications device includes logic means operable to generate a request that is transmitted to a first network node. The request includes a personal information number and at least one device identifier associated with the mobile communications device. The mobile communications device also includes logic means operable to receive a response from the first network node. The response includes a URL and a session ID based upon the personal information number and the at least one device identifier associated with the mobile communications device. The mobile communications device further includes logic means operable to establish a communication session with a second network node to provision at least one aspect of the mobile communications device by transmitting the URL and the session ID to the second network node.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 4, 2004
    Date of Patent: November 16, 2010
    Assignee: Research In Motion Limited
    Inventors: Arun Munje, Christopher Smith
  • Patent number: 7831258
    Abstract: An electronic message server (400) including a message receipt module (408) operable to receive at least one electronic message (500) having a message size from at least one sender (402); a message size comparison module (410) operable to compare the message size to at least one message size limit; a message parsing module (412) operable to parse at least one message having a message size larger than at least one message size limit into at least a first message portion (504) and a second message portion (506); a message portion forwarding module (414) operable to forward the first message portion (504) to a mobile communication device (116) via a wireless link; and a message portion return module (416) operable to return the second message portion (506) to the sender (402).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 28, 2006
    Date of Patent: November 9, 2010
    Assignee: Research In Motion Limited
    Inventors: Risvan Coskun, Arun Munje
  • Publication number: 20100272079
    Abstract: Methods and devices are provided to aid in the control of a channel used in communicating data packets between a first communication device and a communication device with which the first communication device is communicating. For an open session occurring on the channel, the channel can be in an active state or a dormant state. Controlling when the channel is brought down to the dormant state can help improve operating conditions such as battery life of a communication device. Time-out parameters associated with the communication device, each open session and packets being sent and received on the channel are used in determining when the channel is brought up to the active state or brought down to the dormant state.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 6, 2010
    Publication date: October 28, 2010
    Inventor: Arun Munje
  • Patent number: 7809383
    Abstract: Embodiments described herein provide a user with the ability to download a selected attachment document that is associated with a message received on a mobile device. Attachment data corresponding to the selected attachment document can be downloaded according to at least one of a native application attachment content handling option and a client-server attachment content handling option.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 22, 2009
    Date of Patent: October 5, 2010
    Assignee: Research In Motion Limited
    Inventors: Rafal Rybak, Rodney Bylsma, Arun Munje, Kenneth Liang
  • Patent number: 7778269
    Abstract: Methods and devices are provided to aid in the control of a channel used in communicating data packets between a first communication device and a communication device with which the first communication device is communicating. For an open session occurring on the channel, the channel can be in an active state or a dormant state. Controlling when the channel is brought down to the dormant state can help improve operating conditions such as battery life of a communication device. Time-out parameters associated with the communication device, each open session and packets being sent and received on the channel are used in determining when the channel is brought up to the active state or brought down to the dormant state.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 7, 2005
    Date of Patent: August 17, 2010
    Assignee: Research In Motion Limited
    Inventor: Arun Munje
  • Publication number: 20100135218
    Abstract: A mobile communications device including a processor operable to conduct with a wireless packet data service network a PDP context associated with a first application running on the mobile communications device. The processor is further operable to release the PDP context associated with the first application and establish with the wireless packet data service network a PDP context associated with a second application running on the mobile communications device responsive to the second application requesting a PDP context. The processor is further operable to reestablish the PDP context associated with the first application responsive to one of the second application releasing the second PDP context, data transmission within the second PDP context ceasing for a first time period, and a second time period.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 2, 2010
    Publication date: June 3, 2010
    Inventors: Arun Munje, Kenneth Liang, Mahmud-Ul Hassan
  • Publication number: 20100122350
    Abstract: Systems and methods for operation upon a mobile device to handle a duress situation caused by another person. An input password is received from a user. The input password is decoded by the device. Responsive to the input password being a duress indication, a duress operation is performed to protect data on the mobile device.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 20, 2010
    Publication date: May 13, 2010
    Inventors: Arun Munje, Trevor Plestid
  • Patent number: 7685233
    Abstract: A mobile communications device including a processor operable to conduct with a wireless packet data service network a PDP context associated with a first application running on the mobile communications device. The processor is further operable to release the PDP context associated with the first application and establish with the wireless packet data service network a PDP context associated with a second application running on the mobile communications device responsive to a first input received from a user of the device. The processor is further operable to reestablish the PDP context associated with the first application responsive to a second input received from the user.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 8, 2008
    Date of Patent: March 23, 2010
    Assignee: Research In Motion Limited
    Inventors: Arun Munje, Kenneth Liang, Mahmud-Ul Hassan
  • Patent number: 7684791
    Abstract: A method and improved mobile device for providing context sensitivity for application usage in a mobile device having multiple keyboards, the method comprising the steps of: receiving a keystroke at the mobile device; checking a state the mobile device is in; comparing the state the mobile device is in with a state an application expects; if the comparing step determines the state the mobile device is in differs from the state an application expects, and mapping the keystroke from the state the mobile device is in to a keystroke in the state the application expects.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 13, 2005
    Date of Patent: March 23, 2010
    Assignee: Research In Motion Limited
    Inventors: Trevor Plestid, Arun Munje
  • Publication number: 20100058217
    Abstract: A method for creating a structured data collection comprising collecting at least two data components using a data capture device assigning the same unique identifier to all of the data components whereby the items of data identified by the same unique identifier form a bundle of data.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 31, 2009
    Publication date: March 4, 2010
    Applicant: VAYYOO, INC.
    Inventors: Arun Munje, Shailesh Kaul
  • Patent number: 7665146
    Abstract: Systems and methods for operation upon a mobile device to handle a duress situation caused by another person. An input password is received from a user. The input password is decoded by the device. Responsive to the input password being a duress indication, a duress operation is performed to protect data on the mobile device.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 14, 2005
    Date of Patent: February 16, 2010
    Assignee: Research In Motion Limited
    Inventors: Arun Munje, Trevor Plestid
  • Publication number: 20100017433
    Abstract: A method for creating a structured data collection comprising collecting at least two data components using a data capture device assigning the same unique identifier to all of the data components whereby the items of data identified by the same unique identifier form a bundle of data.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 20, 2009
    Publication date: January 21, 2010
    Applicant: VAYYOO, INC.
    Inventors: Arun Munje, Shailesh Kaul
  • Publication number: 20090258662
    Abstract: Embodiments described herein provide a user with the ability to download a selected attachment document that is associated with a message received on a mobile device. Attachment data corresponding to the selected attachment document can be downloaded according to at least one of a native application attachment content handling option and a client-server attachment content handling option.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 22, 2009
    Publication date: October 15, 2009
    Inventors: Rafal Rybak, Rodney Bylsma, Arun Munje, Kenneth J. Liang