Patents by Inventor James G. Fujimoto

James G. Fujimoto has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 6501551
    Abstract: An imaging system for performing optical coherence tomography includes an optical radiation source; a reference optical reflector; a first optical path leading to the reference optical reflector; and a second optical path coupled to an endoscopic unit. The endoscopic unit preferably includes an elongated housing defining a bore; a rotatable single mode optical fiber having a proximal end and a distal end positioned within and extending the length of the bore of the elongated housing; and an optical system coupled to the distal end of the rotatable single mode optical fiber, positioned to transmit the optical radiation from the single mode optical fiber to the structure and to transmit reflected optical radiation from the structure to the single mode optical fiber.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 5, 1999
    Date of Patent: December 31, 2002
    Assignee: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    Inventors: Guillermo Tearney, Stephen A. Boppart, Brett E. Bouma, Mark Brezinski, Eric A. Swanson, James G. Fujimoto
  • Patent number: 6485413
    Abstract: An imaging system for performing forward scanning imaging for application to therapeutic and diagnostic devises used in medical procedures. The imaging system includes forward directed optical coherence tomography (OCT), and non-retroreflected forward scanning OCT. Also interferometric imaging and ranging techniques and fluorescent, Raman, two-photon, and diffuse wave imaging can be used. The forward scanning mechanisms include a cam attached to a motor, pneumatic devices, a pivoting device, piezoelectric transducers, electrostatic driven slides for substantially transverse scanning; counter-rotating prisms, and offset lenses are used for arbitrary scanning. The imaging system of the invention is applied to hand held probes including probes integrated with surgical probes, scalpels, scissors, forceps and biopsy instruments. Hand held probes include forward scanning lasers.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 6, 1998
    Date of Patent: November 26, 2002
    Assignee: The General Hospital Corporation
    Inventors: Stephen A. Boppart, Gary J. Tearney, Brett E. Bouma, Mark E. Brezinski, James G. Fujimoto, Eric A. Swanson
  • Patent number: 6421164
    Abstract: An apparatus for performing high speed scanning of an optical delay and its application for performing optical interferometry, ranging, and imaging, including cross sectional imaging using optical coherence tomography, is disclosed. The apparatus achieves optical delay scanning by using diffractive optical elements in conjunction with imaging optics. In one embodiment a diffraction grating disperses an optical beam into different spectral frequency or wavelength components which are collimated by a lens. A mirror is placed one focal length away from the lens and the alteration of the grating groove density, the grating input angle, the grating output angle, and/or the mirror tilt produce a change in optical group and phase delay. This apparatus permits the optical group and phase delay to be scanned by scanning the angle of the mirror. In other embodiments, this device permits optical delay scanning without the use of moving parts.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 13, 2001
    Date of Patent: July 16, 2002
    Assignee: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    Inventors: Guillermo Tearney, Brett E. Bouma, James G. Fujimoto
  • Publication number: 20010036002
    Abstract: An apparatus for performing high speed scanning of an optical delay and its application for performing optical interferometry, ranging, and imaging, including cross sectional imaging using optical coherence tomography, is disclosed. The apparatus achieves optical delay scanning by using diffractive optical elements in conjunction with imaging optics. In one embodiment a diffraction grating disperses an optical beam into different spectral frequency or wavelength components which are collimated by a lens. A mirror is placed one focal length away from the lens and the alteration of the grating groove density, the grating input angle, the grating output angle, and/or the mirror tilt produce a change in optical group and phase delay. This apparatus permits the optical group and phase delay to be scanned by scanning the angle of the mirror. In other embodiments, this device permits optical delay scanning without the use of moving parts.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 13, 2001
    Publication date: November 1, 2001
    Inventors: Guillermo Tearney, Brett E. Bouma, James G. Fujimoto
  • Patent number: 6282011
    Abstract: An apparatus for performing high speed scanning of an optical delay and its application for performing optical interferometry, ranging, and imaging, including cross sectional imaging using optical coherence tomography, is disclosed. The apparatus achieves optical delay scanning by using diffractive optical elements in conjunction with imaging optics. In one embodiment a diffraction grating disperses an optical beam into different spectral frequency or wavelength components which are collimated by a lens. A mirror is placed one focal length away from the lens and the alteration of the grating groove density, the grating input angle, the grating output angle, and/or the mirror tilt produce a change in optical group and phase delay. This apparatus permits the optical group and phase delay to be scanned by scanning the angle of the mirror. In other embodiments, this device permits optical delay scanning without the use of moving parts.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 26, 2000
    Date of Patent: August 28, 2001
    Assignee: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    Inventors: Guillermo Tearney, Brett E. Bouma, James G. Fujimoto
  • Patent number: 6134003
    Abstract: An imaging system for performing optical coherence tomography includes an optical radiation source; a reference optical reflector; a first optical path leading to the reference optical reflector; and a second optical path coupled to an endoscopic unit. The endoscopic unit preferably includes an elongated housing defining a bore; a rotatable single mode optical fiber having a proximal end and a distal end positioned within and extending the length of the bore of the elongated housing; and an optical system coupled to the distal end of the rotatable single mode optical fiber, positioned to transmit the optical radiation from the single mode optical fiber to the structure and to transmit reflected optical radiation from the structure to the single mode optical fiber.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 27, 1996
    Date of Patent: October 17, 2000
    Assignee: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    Inventors: Guillermo Tearney, Stephen A. Boppart, Brett E. Bouma, Mark Brezinski, Eric A. Swanson, James G. Fujimoto
  • Patent number: 6111645
    Abstract: An apparatus for performing high speed scanning of an optical delay and its application for performing optical interferometry, ranging, and imaging, including cross sectional imaging using optical coherence tomography, is disclosed. The apparatus achieves optical delay scanning by using diffractive optical elements in conjunction with imaging optics. In one embodiment a diffraction grating disperses an optical beam into different spectral frequency or wavelength components which are collimated by a lens. A mirror is placed one focal length away from the lens and the alteration of the grating groove density, the grating input angle, the grating output angle, and/or the mirror tilt produce a change in optical group and phase delay. This apparatus permits the optical group and phase delay to be scanned by scanning the angle of the mirror. In other embodiments, this device permits optical delay scanning without the use of moving parts.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 15, 1998
    Date of Patent: August 29, 2000
    Assignee: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    Inventors: Guillermo Tearney, Brett E. Bouma, James G. Fujimoto
  • Patent number: 5553093
    Abstract: A laser resonant cavity defined by a set of reflective end elements positioned to together form a closed optical path, again medium positioned along the closed optical path, means for exciting the gain medium to produce a laser beam within the cavity, at least one focusing element positioned within the cavity in optical alignment with the gain medium, and a prism positioned as one of the end elements of the cavity and providing angular dispersion of the laser beam. The prism, end elements, gain medium, and focusing elements are positioned with respect to each other such that the resonant cavity supports a coexistence of several monochromatic laser modes, each mode having a distinct propagation axis. Propagation axes of modes having relatively longer wavelengths traverse more of the prism than propagation axes of modes having relatively shorter wavelengths, resulting in the addition of a negative component to the group velocity dispersion of the laser cavity.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 5, 1995
    Date of Patent: September 3, 1996
    Assignee: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    Inventors: Mailini Ramaswamy, James G. Fujimoto
  • Patent number: 5459570
    Abstract: A method and apparatus for performing various optical measurements is provided utilizing an optical coherence domain refrectometer (OCDR). A short coherence optical radiation source applies optical radiation through like optical paths to a sample and an optical reflector. The optical reflector is movable in accordance with a predetermined velocity profile to permit interferometric scanning of the sample, the resulting output having a Doppler shift frequency modulation. This output may be demodulated and detected to obtain desired measurements and other information. Additional information may be obtained by applying radiation from two or more sources at different wavelengths to the sample and reflector and by separately demodulating the resulting outputs before processing.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 16, 1993
    Date of Patent: October 17, 1995
    Assignee: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    Inventors: Eric A. Swanson, David Huang, James G. Fujimoto, Carmen A. Puliafito, Charles P. Lin, Joseph S. Schuman
  • Patent number: 5321501
    Abstract: A method and apparatus for performing optical imaging on a sample wherein longitudinal scanning or positioning in the sample is provided by either varying relative optical path lengths for an optical path leading to the sample and to a reference reflector, or by varying an optical characteristic of the output from an optical source applied to the apparatus. Transverse scanning in one or two dimensions is provided on the sample by providing controlled relative movement between the sample and a probe module in such direction and/or by steering optical radiation in the probe module to a selected transverse position. The probe module may be an external module or may be an endoscope or angioscope utilized for scanning internal channels. Multiple optical paths may be provided for parallel scanning and focus may be enhanced by varying the focal point in the sample in synchronism with longitudinal scanning of the sample.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 29, 1992
    Date of Patent: June 14, 1994
    Assignee: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    Inventors: Eric A. Swanson, David Huang, James G. Fujimoto, Carmen A. Puliafito, Charles P. Lin, Joel S. Schuman
  • Patent number: 5093833
    Abstract: A fast rise time optical pulse generator is provided which utilizes a laser cavity having a gain medium with a pair of cavity arms extending therefrom, each cavity arm having a feedback element at its distal end. The gain medium has the property that if optical waves enter the gain medium from the two arms simultaneously, the gain is reduced. This will generally occur as a result of a gain saturation effect such as spatial hole burning. Since the gain reduction does not occur for pulses of a length equal to the length of the laser cavity or for odd submultiples of such pulses, outputs are obtained at one of these pulse lengths. Various means are provided for tuning the system to the desire harmonic.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 15, 1991
    Date of Patent: March 3, 1992
    Assignee: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    Inventors: L. Y. Pang, Emily S. Kintzer, James G. Fujimoto
  • Patent number: 5054027
    Abstract: This invention relates to a tunable solid-state laser which generates ultrashort output pulses with continuous wave pumping. The device includes a lasing medium having a gain cross section of 10.sup.-18 cm.sup.2 or less and mode beating characteristics, which lasing medium is mounted in a laser cavity. A continuous wave pumping beam is applied to the lasing medium causing an output, a portion of which is applied to an intensity dependent nonlinear cavity. The output applied to the nonlinear cavity is retroreflected back through the cavity and is interferometrically combined with the laser output. The relative lengths of the cavities are initially selected such that phase changes caused by the nonlinear medium result in substantially maximum enhancement of intensity peaks of the laser output, causing self starting of pulsed operation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 10, 1989
    Date of Patent: October 1, 1991
    Assignee: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    Inventors: James Goodberlet, James G. Fujimoto, Peter A. Schulz, Jyhpyng Wang