Patents by Inventor John Albert

John Albert has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 6526678
    Abstract: Improvements to a grapple bucket which combine to convert the grapples into bulldozing, scraping, and hooking implements that can bulldoze, scoop, tear, and demolish more easily than a simple grapple bucket.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 7, 2001
    Date of Patent: March 4, 2003
    Inventor: John Albert Waddington, Jr.
  • Patent number: 6517416
    Abstract: A method of manufacturing a semiconductor device employing a polishing pad conditioner that directs a fluid stream at a polishing pad to remove accumulated material from the pad. The fluid stream may contact a large area of the polishing pad or a smaller area where the fluid stream is moved to condition different areas of the polishing pad. The fluid stream may include abrasive particles to promote the removal of the accumulated materials. The velocity of the fluid stream may be increased or decreased to promote removal of the accumulated materials. In yet another embodiment, the present invention is directed to a process for manufacturing an integrated circuit using a CMP process where the pad has been conditioned using the fluid stream. The present invention is also directed to a chemical mechanical planarization system including a pad conditioner.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 5, 2000
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Agere Systems Inc.
    Inventors: Annette Margaret Crevasse, William Graham Easter, John Albert Maze, III, Frank Miceli
  • Patent number: 6516651
    Abstract: A method for testing a Coriolis transducer having a mass adapted vibrate along a vibratory direction in a resonant structure and undergo a displacement along a sensitive axis, perpendicular to the vibration, in response to an angular rate about a mutually perpendicular rate sensing axis. In the absence of an angular rate about the rate sensing axis, forces, FTEST VIBRATORY and FTEST SENSITIVE are applied on the mass along the direction of vibration and along the sensitive axis, respectively, in a predetermined ratio, N. The output VOUT TEST of the transducer is measured in response to the forces, FTEST VIBRATORY and FTEST SENSITIVE.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 22, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Analog Devices, Inc.
    Inventor: John Albert Geen
  • Patent number: 6517843
    Abstract: Porcine circovirus-2 (PCV-2) is a recently identified agent wherein the potential spectrum of PCV-2-associated disease has been expanded by evidence of vertical and sexual transmission and associated reproductive failure in swine populations. PCV-2 was isolated from a litter of aborted piglets from a farm experiencing late term abortions and stillbirths. Severe, diffuse myocarditis was present in one piglet associated with extensive immunohistochemical staining for PCV-2 antigen. Variable amounts of PCV-2 antigen were also present in liver, lung and kidney of multiple fetuses.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 31, 2000
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignees: Merial, University of Saskatchewan, The Queen's University of Belfast
    Inventors: John Albert Ellis, Gordon Allan Moore, Brian Meehan, Edward Clark, Deborah Haines, Lori Hassard, John Harding, Catherine Elisabeth Charreyre, Gilles Emile Chappuis, George Steve Krakowka, Jean-Christophe Francis Audonnet, Francis McNeilly
  • Patent number: 6518987
    Abstract: A computer system for a motion impaired user includes a housing, a processor in the housing, and a display connected to the processor for displaying at least one menu of selectable commands arranged in a sequence. A mouse is connected to the processor for positioning a pointer on the display responsive to movement of the mouse. The computer further includes a mouse template having at least one elongate body having a plurality of stations therealong corresponding to the sequence of selectable commands and cooperates with the mouse for assisting the motion impaired user so that when the mouse is positioned at a station, the pointer on the display is positioned at the corresponding selectable command of the menu.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 1, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Agere Systems Inc.
    Inventors: Annette Margaret Crevasse, William Graham Easter, John Albert Maze, Frank Miceli
  • Patent number: 6510745
    Abstract: A method for testing a Coriolis transducer having a mass adapted vibrate along a vibratory direction in a resonant structure and undergo a displacement along a sensitive axis, perpendicular to the vibration, in response to an angular rate about a mutually perpendicular rate sensing axis. In the absence of an angular rate about the rate sensing axis, forces, FTEST VIBRATORY and FTEST SENSITIVE, are applied on the mass along the direction of vibration and along the sensitive axis, respectively, in a predetermined ratio, N. The output VOUT TEST of the transducer is measured in response to the forces, FTEST VIBRATORY and FTEST SENSITIVE.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 28, 2001
    Date of Patent: January 28, 2003
    Assignee: Analog Devices, Inc.
    Inventor: John Albert Geen
  • Publication number: 20030014163
    Abstract: Strip material (12) is fed to a reduction rolling mill (16) by a steering device (14) in the form of a pinch roll stand comprising pinch rolls (50) to which strip gripping forces are applied by hydraulic cylinder units (52) located at the ends of the pinch rolls. Reduction mill (16) is similarly provided with a pair of hydraulic cylinder units (62) which are independently operable to vary the pressure applied by the reduction rolls (16A) across the strip. Sensors (51) and (61) sense the position of the strip at a first location in advance of the pinch rolls (50) and a second location in advance of the rolling mill. This output of sensors (51) and (62) is fed to a controller (63) which controls operation of both sets of hydraulic cylinder units (52) and (62) to steer the strip.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 6, 2002
    Publication date: January 16, 2003
    Inventors: John Albert Ziegelaar, Brett Gray, Hiroaki Kuwano
  • Publication number: 20030005873
    Abstract: A convertible marine fender includes a half-cylinder shaped first body having a inner surface, a half-cylinder shaped second body having a inner surface, and a hinge pivotably connecting the first and second bodies. The first body is pivotable lengthwise between a first position wherein the inner surfaces of the bodies are facing each other so that the first and second bodies cooperate to form a cylindrical-shape and a second position wherein the inner surfaces of the bodies are facing in the same direction and generally coplanar so that the first and second bodies form a half-cylinder-shape. A connecting strap preferably extends circumferentially around the first and second bodies and releasably secures the first and second bodies together when the first body is in the first position. The hinge is preferably a planar member formed of a flexible material.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 24, 2002
    Publication date: January 9, 2003
    Inventor: John Albert Vretta
  • Publication number: 20020194882
    Abstract: A method is provided for producing glass. A calcium magnesium silicate is used to replace some or all of magnesium oxide being used as an aid to reduce the use of boron during glass batch operations. Reduced batch-free times and operating temperatures are additional benefits.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 11, 2001
    Publication date: December 26, 2002
    Applicant: Specialty Minerals (Michigan) Inc.
    Inventor: John Albert Hockman
  • Publication number: 20020198092
    Abstract: A method is provided for producing a glass batch. The method involves use of a calcium magnesium silicate as a batch component substitution for a lithium melting aid. The amount used is effective to produce a beneficial viscosity character and reduced batch free time.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 11, 2001
    Publication date: December 26, 2002
    Applicant: Specialty Minerals (Michigan) Inc.
    Inventor: John Albert Hockman
  • Publication number: 20020194873
    Abstract: A method is provided for the production of glass with reduced volatilization of components. Such method allows the reduction of emitted metals and other volatiles in the production of glass. The method encompasses the use of a calcium magnesium silicate in the production glass composition.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 11, 2001
    Publication date: December 26, 2002
    Applicant: Specialty Minerals (Michigan) Inc.
    Inventor: John Albert Hockman
  • Patent number: 6498322
    Abstract: A portable heating tent (10) and method are disclosed for testing telecommunications equipment (16). The portable heating tent (100 includes a tent assembly (12) that provides a housing sized to contain telecommunications equipment (16) for testing. The housing has an inlet to receive return air and has an outlet to provide supply air. The portable heating tent (10) also includes a heater/blower assembly (14) that has an inlet (20) coupled to the outlet of the housing and an outlet coupled to the inlet of the housing. The heater/blower assembly (14) processes the supply air and provides the return air such that a temperature within the housing is established at a desired set point for heat testing the telecommunications equipment (16).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 15, 2000
    Date of Patent: December 24, 2002
    Assignee: Alcatel Network Systems, Inc.
    Inventors: John Albert Richardson, Darrell Ray Grintz, Steve Ray Bishop, Arthur Child Walker
  • Publication number: 20020163940
    Abstract: In a satellite communications system, a flywheel timing value generating method includes generating flywheel timing values based on a satellite drift over a predetermined time. This drift can be a satellite drift in the north/south direction, measured over a sidereal day. By measuring and recording prior drift history in a normal operation, predicted receive and transmit delay times are calculated in order to generate a start of receive control frame and a start of transmit control frame used in a flywheel operation.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 20, 2001
    Publication date: November 7, 2002
    Inventors: Junghoon Lee, Tzeta Tsao, Lan Ngoc Nguyen, John Albert Lunsford
  • Publication number: 20020151260
    Abstract: A chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) device carrier head (54) utilizing a pressure pack (58) for transferring a polishing force (D) to a wafer (15) being polished. The pressure pack may include a silicon gel material (60) encapsulated within a sealed urethane casing (62). The pressure pack provides a desired fluid coupling in the polishing force load path, allowing the carrier head to function as a front side floating reference polishing apparatus. The pressure pack may include a plurality of casings (70, 72) defining a plurality of chambers (66, 68) in order to affect the distribution of pressure across an abutting pressure plate (56, 65).
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 12, 2001
    Publication date: October 17, 2002
    Inventors: Annette Margaret Crevasse, William Graham Easter, John Albert Maze,, Frank Miceli
  • Publication number: 20020146431
    Abstract: The invention relates to antigenic preparations and vaccines directed against the porcine multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS), comprising at least one porcine circovirus antigen, preferably type II, and at least one porcine parvovirus antigen.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 16, 2001
    Publication date: October 10, 2002
    Inventors: Gordon Moore Allan, Brian Martin Meehan, John Albert Ellis, George Steven Krakowka, Jean-Christophe Francis Audonnet
  • Publication number: 20020145384
    Abstract: A lamp including a plurality of semi-conductor light emitting junctions with a common layer of fluorescent material arranged thereover. The invention provides a lamp including a plurality of light emitting junctions mounted to at least one curved conductor so as to adopt a three-dimensional array.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 14, 2002
    Publication date: October 10, 2002
    Inventors: Balu Jeganathan, John Albert Montagnat
  • Publication number: 20020141567
    Abstract: A connector and associated method for interconnecting a plurality of adjacent paired wire terminations on a standard 110 style punch down wiring block for a telephone system. The connector includes two isolated conductors disposed along the length of the connector body and a plurality of pins connected to the respective conductors and extending away from the body. The pins are adapted for insertion into respective 110 style punch down block terminations when the connector is installed in a connected position on the wiring block, thereby connecting in parallel a plurality of telephones hard-wired to the adjacent paired wire terminations. The connector may be formed to have one or more break points disposed between respective pairs of the pins for easy breaking/cutting of the connector to a desired length for interconnecting a predetermined number of telephones.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 29, 2001
    Publication date: October 3, 2002
    Inventors: William Graham Easter, Dale Delano Evans, John Albert Maze, Frank Miceli
  • Publication number: 20020124442
    Abstract: Improvements to a grapple bucket which combine to convert the grapples into bulldozing, scraping, and hooking implements that can bulldoze, scoop, tear, and demolish more easily than a simple grapple bucket.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 7, 2001
    Publication date: September 12, 2002
    Inventor: John Albert Waddington
  • Patent number: 6442765
    Abstract: A folding safety helmet intended primarily for use by a cyclist has a top panel (10) and a pair of similar side panels (11, 12), each panel (10, 11, 12) being made of a plastics material. Each side panel (11, 12) is separately pivoted at its two ends to the end regions (16, 17) of the top panel (10) and a pair of straps (13, 14) is arranged to limit the relative separation of the side panels with respect to the top panel. The side panels (11, 12) may be moved between an opened-out configuration where the helmet is ready for wear, and a folded position where the majority of the side panels lies within the confines of the top panel (10), so greatly reducing the volume of the helmet and facilitating its storage when not in use.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 25, 2001
    Date of Patent: September 3, 2002
    Inventors: Vincent Fallon, Richard John Albert Moore
  • Patent number: 6443803
    Abstract: This game call is named The Tunable Turkey Call. It contains several features new to turkey calls. This game call will give its user: improved sound and amplification; the benefit of multiple tuning options for the game call; the benefit of being able to disassemble the call for repair or replacement of any of its parts; the ability for a one-handed user to use the call; and the ability to adequately use this game call for the purpose intended after a short time of practice. This game call can be used by hunters, photographers, and bird watchers to make simulated wild turkey sounds for the purpose of attracting wild turkeys to the vicinity of the user. This game call is comprised generally of a sound box with a rigid friction element sound pad and an opposing, stretchable membrane, a striker, and a striker weight.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 27, 2000
    Date of Patent: September 3, 2002
    Inventor: John Albert Epple, Jr.