Patents by Inventor Kartik Ramaswamy

Kartik Ramaswamy has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20080075834
    Abstract: The present invention generally provides methods and apparatus for controlling ion dosage in real time during plasma processes. In one embodiment, ion dosages may be controlled using in-situ measurement of the plasma from a mass distribution sensor combined with in-situ measurement from an RF probe.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 2, 2007
    Publication date: March 27, 2008
    Inventors: Kartik Ramaswamy, Seon-Mee Cho, Tsutomu Tanaka, Majeed A. Foad
  • Patent number: 7335611
    Abstract: A method of forming a conductor in a thin film structure on a semiconductor substrate includes forming high aspect ratio openings in a base layer having vertical side walls, depositing a dielectric barrier layer comprising a dielectric compound of a barrier metal on the surfaces of the high aspect ratio openings including the vertical side walls, depositing a metal barrier layer comprising the barrier metal on the first barrier layer, depositing a main conductor species seed layer on the metal barrier layer and depositing a main conductor layer. The method further includes annealing the main conductor layer by (a) directing light from an array of continuous wave lasers into a line of light extending at least partially across the thin film structure, and (b) translating the line of light relative to the thin film structure in a direction transverse to the line of light.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 8, 2005
    Date of Patent: February 26, 2008
    Assignee: Applied Materials, Inc.
    Inventors: Kartik Ramaswamy, Hiroji Hanawa, Biagio Gallo, Kenneth S. Collins, Kai Ma, Vijay Parihar, Dean Jennings, Abhilash J. Mayur, Amir Al-Bayati, Andrew Nguyen
  • Publication number: 20080044960
    Abstract: A process for conformally doping through the vertical and horizontal surfaces of a 3-dimensional vertical transistor in a semiconductor-on-insulator structure employs an RF oscillating torroidal plasma current to perform either conformal ion implantation, or conformal deposition of a dopant-containing film which can then be heated to drive the dopants into the transistor. Some embodiments employ both conformal ion implantation and conformal deposition of dopant containing films, and in those embodiments in which the dopant containing film is a pure dopant, the ion implantation and film deposition can be performed simultaneously.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 18, 2007
    Publication date: February 21, 2008
    Inventors: Amir Al-Bayati, Kenneth Collins, Hiroji Hanawa, Kartik Ramaswamy, Biagio Gallo, Andrew Nguyen
  • Patent number: 7323401
    Abstract: A method of processing a thin film structure on a semiconductor substrate using an optically writable mask includes placing the substrate in a reactor chamber, the substrate having on its surface a target layer to be etched in accordance with a predetermined pattern, and depositing a carbon-containing hard mask layer on the substrate by (a) introducing a carbon-containing process gas into the chamber, (b) generating a reentrant toroidal RF plasma current in a reentrant path that includes a process zone overlying the workpiece by coupling plasma RF source power to an external portion of the reentrant path, and (c) coupling RF plasma bias power or bias voltage to the workpiece. The method further includes photolithographically defining the predetermined pattern in the carbon-containing hard mask layer, and etching the target layer in the presence of the hard mask layer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 8, 2005
    Date of Patent: January 29, 2008
    Assignee: Applied Materials, Inc.
    Inventors: Kartik Ramaswamy, Hiroji Hanawa, Biagio Gallo, Kenneth S. Collins, Kai Ma, Vijay Parihar, Dean Jennings, Abhilash J. Mayur, Amir Al-Bayati, Andrew Nguyen
  • Patent number: 7320734
    Abstract: A system for processing a workpiece includes a plasma immersion ion implantation reactor with an enclosure having a side wall and a ceiling and defining a chamber, and a workpiece support pedestal within the chamber having a workpiece support surface facing the ceiling and defining a process region extending generally across the wafer support pedestal and confined laterally by the side wall and axially between the workpiece support pedestal and the ceiling. The enclosure has at least a first pair of openings at generally opposite sides of the process region, and a first hollow conduit outside the chamber having first and second ends connected to respective ones of the first pair of openings, so as to provide a first reentrant path extending through the conduit and across the process region.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 22, 2003
    Date of Patent: January 22, 2008
    Assignee: Applied Materials, Inc.
    Inventors: Kenneth S. Collins, Hiroji Hanawa, Kartik Ramaswamy, Andrew Nguyen, Amir Al-Bayati, Biagio Gallo, Gonzalo Antonio Monroy
  • Patent number: 7312148
    Abstract: A method of forming a barrier layer for a thin film structure on a semiconductor substrate includes forming high aspect ratio openings in a base layer having vertical side walls, depositing a dielectric barrier layer comprising a dielectric compound of a barrier metal on the surfaces of the high aspect ratio openings including the vertical side walls and depositing a metal barrier layer comprising the barrier metal on the first barrier layer. The method further includes reflowing the metal barrier layer by (a) directing light from an array of continuous wave lasers into a line of light extending at least partially across the thin film structure, and (b) translating the line of light relative to the thin film structure in a direction transverse to the line of light.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 8, 2005
    Date of Patent: December 25, 2007
    Assignee: Applied Materials, Inc.
    Inventors: Kartik Ramaswamy, Hiroji Hanawa, Biagio Gallo, Kenneth S Collins, Kai Ma, Vijay Parihar, Dean Jennings, Abhilash J. Mayur, Amir Al-Bayati, Andrew Nguyen
  • Patent number: 7312162
    Abstract: A method of depositing a carbon layer on a workpiece includes placing the workpiece in a reactor chamber, introducing a carbon-containing process gas into the chamber, generating a reentrant toroidal RF plasma current in a reentrant path that includes a process zone overlying the workpiece by coupling plasma RF source power to an external portion of the reentrant path, and coupling RF plasma bias power or bias voltage to the workpiece.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 17, 2005
    Date of Patent: December 25, 2007
    Assignee: Applied Materials, Inc.
    Inventors: Kartik Ramaswamy, Hiroji Hanawa, Biagio Gallo, Kenneth S. Collins, Kai Ma, Vijay Parihar, Dean Jennings, Abhilash J. Mayur, Amir Al-Bayati, Andrew Nguyen
  • Patent number: 7303982
    Abstract: A method for implanting ions in a surface layer of a workpiece includes placing the workpiece on a workpiece support in a chamber with the surface layer being in facing relationship with a ceiling of the chamber, thereby defining a processing zone between the workpiece and the ceiling, and introducing into the chamber a process gas which includes the species to be implanted in the surface layer of the workpiece. The method further includes generating from the process gas a plasma by inductively coupling RF source power into the processing zone from an RF source power generator through an inductively coupled RF power applicator, and applying an RF bias from an RF bias generator to the workpiece support.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 22, 2003
    Date of Patent: December 4, 2007
    Assignee: Applied Materials, Inc.
    Inventors: Kenneth S. Collins, Hiroji Hanawa, Kartik Ramaswamy, Andrew Nguyen, Amir Al-Bayati, Biagio Gallo, Gonzalo Antonio Monroy
  • Patent number: 7294563
    Abstract: A process for conformally doping through the vertical and horizontal surfaces of a 3-dimensional vertical transistor in a semiconductor-on-insulator structure employs an RF oscillating torroidal plasma current to perform either conformal ion implantation, or conformal deposition of a dopant-containing film which can then be heated to drive the dopants into the transistor. Some embodiments employ both conformal ion implantation and conformal deposition of dopant containing films, and in those embodiments in which the dopant containing film is a pure dopant, the ion implantation and film deposition can be performed simultaneously.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 1, 2004
    Date of Patent: November 13, 2007
    Assignee: Applied Materials, Inc.
    Inventors: Amir Al-Bayati, Kenneth S. Collins, Hiroji Hanawa, Kartik Ramaswamy, Biagio Gallo, Andrew Nguyen
  • Patent number: 7291545
    Abstract: A method of ion implanting a species in a workpiece to a selected ion implantation profile depth includes placing a workpiece having a semiconductor material on an electrostatic chuck in or near a processing region of a plasma reactor chamber and applying a chucking voltage to the electrostatic chuck. The method further includes introducing into the chamber a precursor gas including a species to be ion implanted in the workpiece and applying an RF bias to the electrostatic chuck, the RF bias having a bias level corresponding to the ion implantation profile depth.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 21, 2005
    Date of Patent: November 6, 2007
    Assignee: Applied Materials, Inc.
    Inventors: Kenneth S. Collins, Hiroji Hanawa, Kartik Ramaswamy, Andrew Nguyen, Amir Al-Bayati, Biagio Gallo, Gonzalo Antonio Monroy
  • Patent number: 7291360
    Abstract: A chemical vapor deposition process is carried out in a reactor chamber having a set of plural parallel ion shower grids that divide the chamber into an upper ion generation region and a lower process region, each of the ion shower grids having plural orifices in mutual registration from grid to grid, each orifice being oriented in a non-parallel direction relative to a surface plane of the respective ion shower grid. A workpiece is placed in the process region, so that a workpiece surface of the workpiece is generally facing a surface plane of the nearest one of the ion shower grids, and a gas mixture comprising a deposition precursor species is furnished into the ion generation region. The process region is evacuated at an evacuation rate sufficient to create a pressure drop across the plural ion shower grids between the ion generation and process regions whereby the pressure in the ion generation region is several times the pressure in the process region.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 22, 2004
    Date of Patent: November 6, 2007
    Assignee: Applied Materials, Inc.
    Inventors: Hiroji Hanawa, Tsutomu Tanaka, Kenneth S. Collins, Amir Al-Bayati, Kartik Ramaswamy, Andrew Nguyen
  • Patent number: 7292428
    Abstract: A lift pin assembly for use in a reactor for processing a workpiece includes plural lift pins extending generally parallel with a lift direction, each of the plural lift pins having a top end for supporting a workpiece and a bottom end. A lift table faces the bottom ends of the pins and is translatable in a direction generally parallel with the lift direction. A small force detector senses a force exerted by the lift pins that is sufficiently large to indicate a chucked wafer and sufficiently small to avoid dechucking a wafer. A large force detector senses a force exerted by the lift pins in a range sufficient to de-chuck the wafer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 26, 2005
    Date of Patent: November 6, 2007
    Assignee: Applied Materials, Inc.
    Inventors: Hiroji Hanawa, Andrew Nguyen, Kenneth S. Collins, Kartik Ramaswamy, Biagio Gallo, Amir Al-Bayati
  • Patent number: 7288491
    Abstract: One method of performing plasma immersion ion implantation on a workpiece in a plasma reactor chamber includes initially depositing a seasoning film on the interior surfaces of the plasma reactor chamber before the workpiece is introduced, by introducing a seasoning film precursor gas into the chamber and generating a plasma within the chamber, performing plasma immersion ion implantation on the workpiece by introducing an implant species precursor gas into the chamber and generating a plasma, and then removing the workpiece from the chamber and removing the seasoning film from the chamber interior surfaces.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 28, 2005
    Date of Patent: October 30, 2007
    Assignee: Applied Materials, Inc.
    Inventors: Kenneth S. Collins, Hiroji Hanawa, Kartik Ramaswamy, Andrew Nguyen, Amir Al-Bayati, Biagio Gallo
  • Publication number: 20070212811
    Abstract: Device-enhancing coatings are deposited on CMOS devices by successively masking with photoresist each one of the sets of N-channel and P-channel devices while unmasking or leaving unmasked the other set, and after each step of successively masking one of the sets of devices, carrying out low temperature CVD steps with a toroidal RF plasma current while applying an RF plasma bias voltage. The temperature of the workpiece is held below a threshold photoresist removal temperature. The RF bias voltage is held at a level at which the coating is deposited with a first stress when the unmasked set consists of the P-channel devices and with a second stress when the unmasked set consists of N-channel devices.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 19, 2007
    Publication date: September 13, 2007
    Inventors: Hiroji Hanawa, Kartik Ramaswamy, Kenneth Collins, Amir Al-Bayati, Biagio Gallo, Andrew Nguyen
  • Publication number: 20070165356
    Abstract: A support for a substrate processing chamber comprises a fluid circulating reservoir comprising a channel having serpentine convolutions. A fluid inlet supplies a heat transfer fluid to the fluid circulating reservoir and a fluid outlet discharges the heat transfer fluid. In one version, the channel is doubled over to turn back upon itself.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 8, 2007
    Publication date: July 19, 2007
    Inventors: Andrew Nguyen, Wing Cheng, Hiroji Hanawa, Semyon Kats, Kartik Ramaswamy, Yan Ye, Kwok Wong, Daniel Hoffman, Tetsuya Ishikawa, Brian Lue
  • Patent number: 7244474
    Abstract: A chemical vapor deposition process is carried out in a reactor chamber with an ion shower grid that divides the chamber into an upper ion generation region and a lower process region, the ion shower grid having plural orifices oriented in a non-parallel direction relative to a surface plane of the ion shower grid. A workpiece is placed in the process region facing the ion shower grid, the workpiece having a workpiece surface generally facing the surface plane of the ion shower grid. A gas mixture is furnished comprising deposition precursor species into the ion generation region and the process region is evacuated at an evacuation rate sufficient to create a pressure drop across the ion shower grid from the ion generation region to the process region whereby the pressure in the ion generation region is at least several times the pressure in the process region.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 22, 2004
    Date of Patent: July 17, 2007
    Assignee: Applied Materials, Inc.
    Inventors: Hiroji Hanawa, Tsutomu Tanaka, Kenneth S. Collins, Amir Al-Bayati, Kartik Ramaswamy, Andrew Nguyen
  • Publication number: 20070119546
    Abstract: A plasma immersion ion implantation reactor for implanting a species into a workpiece includes an enclosure which has a side wall and a ceiling defining a chamber, and a workpiece support pedestal within the chamber for supporting a workpiece having a surface layer into which the species are to be ion implanted, the workpiece support pedestal facing an interior surface of the ceiling so as to define therebetween a process region extending generally across the diameter of the wafer support pedestal. The reactor further includes an RF plasma source power generator connected across the ceiling or the sidewall and the workpiece support pedestal for capacitively coupling RF source power into the chamber. A gas distribution apparatus is provided for furnishing process gas into the chamber and a supply of process gas is provided for furnishing to the gas distribution devices a process gas containing the species.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 15, 2006
    Publication date: May 31, 2007
    Inventors: Kenneth Collins, Hiroji Hanawa, Kartik Ramaswamy, Andrew Nguyen, Amir Al-Bayati, Biagio Gallo, Gonzalo Monroy
  • Patent number: 7223676
    Abstract: A low temperature process for depositing a coating containing any of silicon, nitrogen, hydrogen or oxygen on a workpiece includes placing the workpiece in a reactor chamber facing a processing region of the chamber, introducing a process gas containing any of silicon, nitrogen, hydrogen or oxygen into the reactor chamber, generating a torroidal RF plasma current in a reentrant path through the processing region by applying RF plasma source power at an HF frequency on the order of about 10 MHz to a portion of a reentrant conduit external of the chamber and forming a portion of the reentrant path, applying RF plasma bias power at an LF frequency on the order of one or a few MHz to the workpiece, and maintaining the temperature of the workpiece under about 100 degrees C.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 3, 2004
    Date of Patent: May 29, 2007
    Assignee: Applied Materials, Inc.
    Inventors: Hiroji Hanawa, Kartik Ramaswamy, Kenneth S. Collins, Amir Al-Bayati, Biagio Gallo, Andrew Nguyen
  • Patent number: 7221553
    Abstract: A support for a substrate processing chamber has upper and lower walls that are joined by a peripheral sidewall to define a reservoir. A fluid inlet supplies a heat transfer fluid to the reservoir. In one version, a plurality of protrusions extends into the reservoir to perturb the flow of the heat transfer fluid through the reservoir. In another version, the reservoir is an elongated channel having one or more of (i) serpentine convolutions, (ii) integral fins extending into the channel, (iii) a roughened internal surface, or (iv) a changing cross-section. A fluid outlet discharges the heat transfer fluid from the reservoir.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 22, 2003
    Date of Patent: May 22, 2007
    Assignee: Applied Materials, Inc.
    Inventors: Andrew Nguyen, Wing Lau Cheng, Hiroji Hanawa, Semyon L. Kats, Kartik Ramaswamy, Yan Ye, Kwok Manus Wong, Daniel J. Hoffman, Tetsuya Ishikawa, Brian C. Lue
  • Patent number: 7183177
    Abstract: A method of fabricating a semiconductor-on-insulator structure from a pair of semiconductor wafers, includes forming an oxide layer on at least a first surface of a first one of the wafers and performing a bonding enhancement implantation step by ion implantation of a first species in the first surface of at least either of the pair of wafers. The method further includes performing a cleavage ion implantation step on one of the pair of wafers by ion implanting a second species to define a cleavage plane across a diameter of the wafer at the predetermined depth below the top surface of the one wafer. The wafers are then bonded together by placing the first surfaces of the pair of wafers onto one another so as to form an semiconductor-on-insulator structure.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 16, 2004
    Date of Patent: February 27, 2007
    Assignee: Applied Materials, Inc.
    Inventors: Amir Al-Bayati, Kenneth S. Collins, Hiroji Hanawa, Kartik Ramaswamy, Biagio Gallo, Andrew Nguyen