Patents by Inventor L. Martinez

L. Martinez has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20120000246
    Abstract: A process for the recovery of heavier hydrocarbons from a liquefied natural gas (LNG) stream and a hydrocarbon gas stream is disclosed. The LNG feed stream is heated to vaporize at least part of it, then expanded and supplied to a fractionation column at a first mid-column feed position. The gas stream is expanded and cooled, then supplied to the column at a second mid-column feed position. A distillation vapor stream is withdrawn from the fractionation column below the mid-column feed positions and directed in heat exchange relation with the LNG feed stream, cooling the distillation vapor stream as it supplies at least part of the heating of the LNG feed stream. The distillation vapor stream is cooled sufficiently to condense at least a part of it, forming a condensed stream. At least a portion of the condensed stream is directed to the fractionation column as its top feed.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 15, 2009
    Publication date: January 5, 2012
    Applicant: Ortloff Engineers, Ltd.
    Inventors: Tony L. Martinez, John D. Wilkinson, Hank M. Hudson, Kyle T. Cuellar
  • Publication number: 20110315367
    Abstract: A method of making a fluid cooled assembly that incorporates a base that forms a partial enclosure defining an interior void space and having a top wall that has a top surface and that defines at least one opening through the top wall to the void space, the base further defining fluid entrance and exit ports into the void space, the top wall being made of material that can be friction stir welded. A lid having a size and shape substantially conformal to the opening, having a top surface and a bottom surface that defines a set of downwardly extending pins, and that is formed of a material that can be friction stir welded to the base is placed into the opening so that the lid top surface is flush with the top surface of the base top wall and friction welding the lid to the base.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 25, 2010
    Publication date: December 29, 2011
    Inventors: Guillermo L. Romero, Joe L. Martinez, JR.
  • Patent number: 8068320
    Abstract: A network unit includes an enclosure having first and second compartments, plural input terminals, and a primary switch having an input and an output, the input being electrically connected to the input terminals. The output of the primary switch is electrically connected to the input of a network transformer. A network protector includes an input, an output and a circuit breaker electrically connected between the input and the output of the network protector. The network protector input is electrically connected to the network transformer output. Plural circuit protection devices are electrically connected between the network protector output and plural output terminals. The circuit breaker is substantially enclosed by the second compartment. The network transformer, the primary switch and part of the network protector are enclosed by the first compartment.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 4, 2008
    Date of Patent: November 29, 2011
    Assignee: Eaton Corporation
    Inventors: Mark A. Faulkner, Rodney L. Spottsville, Jose L. Martinez
  • Patent number: 8061927
    Abstract: A component mat combines with similar mats to form a vehicle tracking pad assemblage, with juxtaposed ends joined by mechanical interlock. Optional turnout mats are interlocked to sides of the component mat. A top mat surface carries a finish formed of an array of upstanding mud removal elements of effective height. Mud removal element heights may be uniform among spaced apart elements or may vary among juxtaposed elements. The intermat interlock may carry the top finish to establish continuity over the junction. Suitable mud removal elements include cylinders, pyramids, ribs, and simulated rock patterns.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 14, 2010
    Date of Patent: November 22, 2011
    Inventor: Kevin L. Martinez
  • Publication number: 20110280657
    Abstract: A component mat combines with similar mats to form a vehicle tracking pad assemblage, with juxtaposed ends joined by mechanical interlock. Optional turnout mats are interlocked to sides of the component mat. A top mat surface carries a finish formed of an array of upstanding mud removal elements of effective height. Mud removal element heights may be uniform among spaced apart elements or may vary among juxtaposed elements. The intermat interlock may carry the top finish to establish continuity over the junction. Suitable mud removal elements include cylinders, pyramids, ribs, and simulated rock patterns.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 14, 2010
    Publication date: November 17, 2011
    Inventor: Kevin L. Martinez
  • Patent number: 7920384
    Abstract: Fan cage assemblies for computer systems are disclosed. In an exemplary embodiment a method may comprise providing a single-enclosure fan cage to house a plurality of fan assemblies in a chassis of a computer system. The method may also comprise fastening the fan cage to the chassis of the computer system with a quick-connect latch system.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 9, 2005
    Date of Patent: April 5, 2011
    Assignee: Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
    Inventors: Paul E. Westphall, Robert L. Martinez
  • Patent number: 7917743
    Abstract: In an information handling system (IHS), providing an IHS boot includes forcing the IHS to power on or reboot, retrieving a virtual serial peripheral interface (SPI) boot image using a virtual SPI bus, booting the IHS to the virtual SPI boot image, turning off the virtual SPI boot image, and updating a real SPI boot image.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 14, 2007
    Date of Patent: March 29, 2011
    Assignee: Dell Products L.P.
    Inventors: Ricardo L. Martinez, Craig Lawrence Chaiken
  • Publication number: 20110067443
    Abstract: A process and an apparatus are disclosed for the recovery of ethane, ethylene, propane, propylene, and heavier hydrocarbon components from a hydrocarbon gas stream. The stream is cooled and divided into first and second streams. The first stream is further cooled to condense substantially all of it and is thereafter expanded to the fractionation tower pressure and supplied to the fractionation tower at an upper mid-column feed position. The second stream is expanded to the tower pressure and supplied to the column at a mid-column feed position. A distillation vapor stream is withdrawn from the column above the feed point of the first stream, combined with a portion of the tower overhead vapor stream, compressed to higher pressure, and directed into heat exchange relation with the remaining tower overhead vapor stream to cool the compressed combined vapor stream and condense at least a part of it, forming a condensed stream.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 26, 2010
    Publication date: March 24, 2011
    Applicant: Ortloff Engineers, Ltd.
    Inventors: Tony L. Martinez, John D. Wilkinson, Joe T. Lynch, Hank M. Hudson, Kyle T. Cuellar
  • Publication number: 20110067442
    Abstract: A process and an apparatus are disclosed for the recovery of ethane, ethylene, propane, propylene, and heavier hydrocarbon components from a hydrocarbon gas stream. The stream is cooled and divided into first and second streams. The first stream is further cooled to condense substantially all of it and divided into first and second portions. The first and second portions are expanded to the fractionation tower pressure and supplied to the fractionation tower at upper mid-column feed positions, with the expanded second portion being heated before it enters the tower. The second stream is expanded to the tower pressure and supplied to the column at a mid-column feed position.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 26, 2010
    Publication date: March 24, 2011
    Applicant: Ortloff Engineers, Ltd.
    Inventors: Tony L. Martinez, John D. Wilkinson, Joe T. Lynch, Hank M. Hudson, Kyle T. Cuellar
  • Publication number: 20110067441
    Abstract: A process for the recovery of ethane, ethylene, propane, propylene, and heavier hydrocarbon components from a hydrocarbon gas stream is disclosed. The stream is cooled and divided into first and second streams. The first stream is further cooled to condense substantially all of it and is thereafter expanded to the fractionation tower pressure, heated, and supplied to the fractionation tower at an upper mid-column feed position. The second stream is expanded to the tower pressure and is then supplied to the column at a mid-column feed position. A distillation vapor stream is withdrawn from the column above the feed point of the second stream and is then directed into heat exchange relation with the expanded cooled first stream and the tower overhead vapor stream to cool the distillation vapor stream and condense at least a part of it, forming a condensed stream. At least a portion of the condensed stream is directed to the fractionation tower as its top feed.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 26, 2010
    Publication date: March 24, 2011
    Applicant: Ortloff Engineers, Ltd.
    Inventors: Tony L. Martinez, John D. Wilkinson, Joe T. Lynch, Hank M. Hudson, Kyle T. Cuellar
  • Publication number: 20110044206
    Abstract: The disclosure includes a method of and associated system for placing nodes in a wireless local area network (WLAN). The method includes receiving user-specified parameters regarding the network. The parameters can include a layout of a building or other space, and requirements for the WLAN. An algorithm then employs these parameters to automatically create and optimized layout of multiple wireless access points for the WLAN. The method can display the layout and provide various types of information to the user.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 13, 2010
    Publication date: February 24, 2011
    Applicant: STRIX SYSTEMS, INC.
    Inventors: Leonid Kalika, Alexander Berg, Gabi Abraham, Cyrus Irani, Pavel Pechac, Ana L. Martinez
  • Patent number: 7860507
    Abstract: The disclosure includes a method of and associated system for placing nodes in a wireless local area network (WLAN). The method includes receiving user-specified parameters regarding the network. The parameters can include a layout of a building or other space, and requirements for the WLAN. An algorithm then employs these parameters to automatically create and optimized layout of multiple wireless access points for the WLAN. The method can display the layout and provide various types of information to the user.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 12, 2009
    Date of Patent: December 28, 2010
    Assignee: Strix Systems, Inc.
    Inventors: Leonid Kalika, Alexander Berg, Gabi Abraham, Cyrus Irani, Pavel Pechac, Ana L. Martinez
  • Publication number: 20100287985
    Abstract: A process for the recovery of heavier hydrocarbons from a liquefied natural gas (LNG) stream and a hydrocarbon gas stream is disclosed. The LNG feed stream is heated to vaporize at least part of it, then expanded and supplied to a fractionation column at a first mid-column feed position. The gas stream is expanded and cooled, then supplied to the column at a second mid-column feed position. A distillation vapor stream is withdrawn from the fractionation column below the mid-column feed positions and directed in heat exchange relation with the LNG feed stream, cooling the distillation vapor stream as it supplies at least part of the heating of the LNG feed stream. The distillation vapor stream is cooled sufficiently to condense at least a part of it, forming a condensed stream. At least a portion of the condensed stream is directed to the fractionation column as its top feed.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 15, 2009
    Publication date: November 18, 2010
    Applicant: Ortloff Engineers, Ltd.
    Inventors: Tony L. Martinez, John D. Wilkinson, Hank M. Hudson, Kyle T. Cuellar
  • Publication number: 20100287982
    Abstract: A process for the recovery of heavier hydrocarbons from a liquefied natural gas (LNG) stream and a hydrocarbon gas stream is disclosed. The LNG feed stream is heated to vaporize at least part of it, then expanded and supplied to a fractionation column at a first mid-column feed position. The gas stream is expanded and cooled, then supplied to the column at a second mid-column feed position. A distillation vapor stream is withdrawn from the fractionation column below the mid-column feed positions and directed in heat exchange relation with the LNG feed stream, cooling the distillation vapor stream as it supplies at least part of the heating of the LNG feed stream. The distillation vapor stream is cooled sufficiently to condense at least a part of it, forming a first condensed stream. At least a portion of the first condensed stream is directed to the fractionation column at an upper mid-column feed position.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 15, 2009
    Publication date: November 18, 2010
    Applicant: Ortloff Engineers, Ltd.
    Inventors: Tony L. Martinez, John D. Wilkinson, Hank M. Hudson, Kyle T. Cuellar
  • Publication number: 20100249969
    Abstract: A work content variation control system includes an apparatus having a computer-readable medium encoded with a computer program. The computer program, when executed, receives order data for a family grouping of a plurality of ordered products, converts the order data to work content, groups the order data with like order data with respect to the work content, creates parsing rules with respect to the work content and defines setup rules for use to schedule assembly of the ordered products.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 26, 2009
    Publication date: September 30, 2010
    Applicant: Dell Products L.P.
    Inventors: Jason T. Durst, James K. Gruwell, Jose L. Martinez
  • Publication number: 20100236880
    Abstract: A method and device for capturing particulates produced by a brake shoe of a motorized vehicle are provided. A strip of material is attached to an inner planar race of a wheel rim and is positioned to capture particulates (“brake dust”) caused by the friction braking process. Particulates may be driven toward the strip by centrifugal force, chemical attraction, electrostatic force and/or magnetic force. The strip may be shaped with a plurality of faces to provide a greater surface area than a flat planar strip of material provides. The strip may include cilia, a nappy material, and/or a loop material to attract and retain the brake dust. The strip may be magnetic or include a magnetic substance. An adhesive material is placed upon a second strip surface, whereby the strip is removably coupled to the inner race by the adhesive material.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 22, 2010
    Publication date: September 23, 2010
    Inventor: Edward L. Martinez
  • Publication number: 20100197630
    Abstract: Compounds having the structure of Formula I, including pharmaceutically acceptable salts of the compounds, are potent CETP inhibitors, and are useful for raising HDL-cholesterol, reducing LDL-cholesterol, and for treating or preventing atherosclerosis. In formula I, A-B is an arylamide moiety.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 16, 2008
    Publication date: August 5, 2010
    Inventors: Julianne A. Hunt, Rogelio L. Martinez, Peter J. Sinclair, Ramzi F. Sweis
  • Publication number: 20100190133
    Abstract: An irrigation and aspiration device comprises a probe and an aspiration sleeve that ensheathes the probe. The aspiration sleeve prevents the insertion of the probe beyond a desired distance, thereby preventing perforation of the apex of a root canal or wound, and also aspirates any excess irrigation solution and free debris. The device can be used for endodontic and periodontal procedures, penetrating or tract wound irrigation, open or superficial non-penetrating wound irrigation, and irrigation during specialty surgeries in endoscopic, ophthalmology, gynecology, orthopedic surgery, and other specialty surgeries.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 1, 2010
    Publication date: July 29, 2010
    Inventor: Daniel L. Martinez
  • Publication number: 20100142108
    Abstract: A network unit includes an enclosure having first and second compartments, plural input terminals, and a primary switch having an input and an output, the input being electrically connected to the input terminals. The output of the primary switch is electrically connected to the input of a network transformer. A network protector includes an input, an output and a circuit breaker electrically connected between the input and the output of the network protector. The network protector input is electrically connected to the network transformer output. Plural circuit protection devices are electrically connected between the network protector output and plural output terminals. The circuit breaker is substantially enclosed by the second compartment. The network transformer, the primary switch and part of the network protector are enclosed by the first compartment.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 4, 2008
    Publication date: June 10, 2010
    Inventors: MARK A. FAULKNER, Rodney L. Spottsville, Jose L. Martinez
  • Patent number: 7722771
    Abstract: The present invention provides methods and apparatuses for the continuous processing and solids handling in near-critical and supercritical fluids. The present invention also allows for treatment of the starting material with the near-critical or supercritical fluid. The remaining raffinate is then continuously transferred and may be collected in a barrier fluid.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 12, 2005
    Date of Patent: May 25, 2010
    Assignee: Thar Technologies, Inc.
    Inventors: Lalit Chordia, Jose L. Martinez, Bhishmakumar Desai, Andrew Kegler